The tennis money was donated by by Mr. Waranch. Real estate developer in California and NT grad many moons ago. RV also you could say - admittedly it is a bit of a stretch - that he brought in an extra 2-3 million in student athletic fees by getting the fees paid by students raised. RV also likes to claim that he saved "millions" by purchasing the liberty christian school site and renovating the shacks and calling them "world class facilities" instead of building new buildings from scratch. If you attended his informational session, he is right up there with enron accountants in taking the LCS deal and making it out to be the deal of the century. Now with that being said - I do think he's done a lot for the university in the form of fund raising. Past ADs either didn't care or wouldn't put in the time to do things like finding donors to build facilities. It is a question of relative success to the past. Could RV do more - of course. But for what he has done here in his relatively short stay has been quite good. Just my opinion.