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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. Making game predictions and hinting at insider information are two completely different things - come on you know that. I mean - if we can't trust FFR with insider information - who is next? The pope? The Bush Administration?
  2. Ok - fair enough. Now can you take DD being here for one year and a 45 million dollar stadium breaking ground in a year? (my answer - it pains me.. but.... yes...). And now could you take having DD for one more year and a new stadium and a fresh honey glazed ham?? Ask yourself that!
  3. I think it was "the Others"...
  4. What's that saying about where there's smoke...there's... can't remember. FFR isn't the only poster saying DD will be back for one year.
  5. WOW!!! FFRick I guess I didn't remember that exact quote from Mr. Mattress Mac. Now some of the cryptic posts I'm seeing make sense. What a bold comment from Mr. Mac. Hmmm. I better see some dirt being moved or some big news. SOON!!!!!!
  6. I sent my green team to work today. I'm at home taking it easy.
  7. NT Daily Can't wait to see what this will look like. For 1.3 million it better look VERY good.
  8. Until a couple days ago - I would say it was the eagle "screech" that the jumbotron ( is it technically large enough to be termed "jumbo"? - I digress) dishes out multiple times a game. But if any of you saw the Tulsa/UTEP game - they have a hurricane warning siren that wails our for what seems like 15 seconds. Hands down that just took the crown for most annoying sound heard at a college football game. Honorable mention: TCU's ridiculous frog horn. Any others out there people can think of? Which team's fans use the cowbells? That would be in the top ten for sure. In totally unrelated news... The new Firefox browser has an AUTOMATIC spell check that works when you type in a post on bulletin boards. That's a hint - some of you - you know who you are... need to get Firefox.
  9. What a coincidence! We don't gain many rushing yards on the ground!
  10. MSNBC Story We can form a human chain around the next BOR meeting and we'll do a sit in. THEY CAN'T TAKE US ALL!!! POWER IN NUMBERS!!
  11. I don't think so. The parking lot will be packed. Fouts, however, is another story.
  12. Good points JD. As if I would really wear a paper bag.
  13. Funny I was just about to post this. What is the average home value in Denton? Is it more than Fort Worth?
  14. I'm starting to think Mr. FFRick has been possessed by the evil spirit of the poster "Moot". What the heck do you know Rick that you aren't spilling the beans on???
  15. Yes, true, I'll be there as well. But what does it say about my character if I wear a paper bag on my head?
  16. NT Scores 50+ pts in a game - with DD at the helm - 2020 We get a New Stadium - 2015 We get a Baseball Team - 2020 MBB/WBB makes it into the Sweet 16 - I will be dead, so it won't matter UTA beats us in a FB game - see sweet 16 comment SOC Wins National Title - South Oak Cliff?
  17. welll.. duh. They're pirates.
  18. Ahoy Ye Scalywags!! I like Leach. He's got brass ones when he calls out the Corps of Cadets. But... Ironically he's relying too much on the pass and has become one dimensional without the ability to run. Kind of like Darrell Dickey in an insane opposites alternate universe. Probably a terrible comparison, but you get the idea.
  19. Yep, me too. That would mean we'd have our new stadium construction well under way.
  20. I don't mind staying tuned - but just like my TIVO - I want to fast forward to find out what happens...
  21. What in the sam hell does that mean??? Do you have some concrete knowledge of large donations contingent on DD being employed as the NT football coach? Or did you just make that up? If so I'd like to hear the details. If not then this is just nonsense.
  22. Since this thread seems to be focused on grading RV - here is my report card. Fund Raising: A- (Only AD to make facility improvements - EVER?? ) Coaching Hires: Incomplete (incomplete - waiting the end of this season for a grade) Promotions: A (tailgating, family pack, all excellent ideas) Keeping fans in the loop on goals: C+ (Started strong - but has fallen off the face of the earth as of late) Marketing the brand: B (good use of the website - updates could be better - otherwise A+) Overall grade since hire at NT - B-
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