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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. Huh??? Talk about dropping a bomb and having an ace up the sleeve all rolled up into one!?!?
  2. This is Mississippi we're talking about here. I'm not shocked.
  3. I don't know about everyone else, but I'm appalled at this news. There should be an investigation.
  4. I came back from the heartbreaking BB game thinking - well at least there's hope on the FB side for the future. Then first thing I read was the DRC article. Thanks so much for clarifying RV. I know you didn't have to - but we sure appreciate it.
  5. 14,000 is impressive! I have no idea how big the town is but we try to get that much in a town of 100K!!!
  6. Just to calm everyone down - I'm also aware of this situation - I checked the ground in hell - it isn't frozen - I also did a spot check of the sky and did not see any pigs. Carry on.
  7. 1.) Scrappy has mono. Seriously, he needs to seek medical treatment. That or he needs a prescription for Prozac. 2.) Somebody mentioned our "1 million dollar jumbotrons" referring to the pit's monitors.. If that cost 1 million - we need a refund - or we need to file a police report for theft - somebody stole about 990,000 from the athletic department.
  8. I was going to reveal my source, but my kneecaps were broken. Thank goodness I can still type!
  9. One quote from shaft that I actually agree with. On the TE coach at USM - unless I hear more information regarding the source for that - I'm calling BS.
  10. I have a feeling that RV is maybe regretting his plan to let DD stay for the last 3 games at this point.
  11. Am I really that bad in calling out people for reading comprehension? My point is simply that in the Big10 - every game is entertaining because of the level of talent involved. I've enjoyed our close wins in the conference because I am a diehard and I understand the Sun Belt and our short history with it. But people outside UNT or even semi-interested alums are not. So... What do we need? We unfortunately need a gimmick. The gimmick that has been working for most teams these days is the spread types of offenses. Bottom line is that most of the on the fence crowd would be enticed back into the stadium with the spread. And that is the most important factor - attendance. All things being equal (wins) please give me the spread team vs. the grind it out teams. Thanks and goodnight.
  12. Maybe you missed that part of my post. Ah yes - comparing the Big 10 to the Sun Belt - BRILLIANT!
  13. No - people will come to see wins - with a caveat. If you are winning squeakers against the Baylors and SMUs of teh world, people probably wouldn't care what is on the field. But guess what - we are in the sun belt and we play 3/4 of our games against sun belt teams. Therefore you need to beat them with style points. Otherwise it is just another no-name team you just squeaked by. But crush them by 34 points with a spread offense - that's something different. Just ask my Mom. She's the typical slightly interested "on the fence fan" who asks me who we are playing this week when I ask her to come to the game. If I tell her - oh just some sun belt team - but we will probably win - the answer is let me see what else we have planned. If I say - it doesn't matter. We're going to hang 50 on em and will throw for 400 yards - she's in no matter who it is. And I'd be willing to guess most "on the fence-ers" are in the same boat.
  14. It's tacky. And you all know it. And the press will have a field day with this.
  15. I don't think he's saying that we are playing 4 or 5 bodybag games CURRENTLY. He said he doesn't think we(anyone) should have to play 4 or 5. So he is just saying that he hopes it stays at the current 2 and not 4. Reading comprehension people, come on!
  16. Father was an aggie - and postgraduate work at Tech. Mother went to SHSU, etc. Masters in counseling at TWU. I sampled many colleges: - 1 year at Blinn JC - 1 year at SHSU - 4 years at NT For a grand total of 6 years. Whatever - things turned out just fine. I was very fickle with major and changed it twice. I couldn't have picked a better university for me - I had a blast and will never forget the times I had there. I feel a great connection and I wish the best for the university in all endeavors. Both my parents are big mean green fans and they attend a couple games a year w/me and my family. My mom is a bigger sports fan than even me. First thing out of her mouth on my last visit to Melissa is "so I heard they finally fired UNT's coach?" She then goes on to say it was about time - she couldn't stand to sit through the boring run all day offense (she grit her teeth and sat through it anyway - otherwise no visitation rights for the grandkids ) and that we needed to hire an offensive minded coach. I laughed and laughed.
  17. Ouch. I have a feeling DD has been brainwashing these players for some time.
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