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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. Seriously considering it. Gotta get it approved by the spousal unit.
  2. You're welcome. If I had any photoshop skillz I'd add the plate also.
  3. If that is correct. W O W. 500K a year???
  4. You know... I might just go to this game now. The game is vs. Allen right? I graduated from AHS in 1993. Not sure who I should root for. Maybe I'll just observe. Nah - who am I kidding, I'm pulling for Allen.
  5. Great job in taking the initiative to get that started up again!
  6. Right and if they are determining which have the most probability for success, how would one even do that? Cold call NT alumni? I guess call certain donors and ask how much they'd be willing to pony up?
  7. That may be the most outrageous move I've ever seen in a football clip.
  8. You can't even make up a story funnier than that.
  9. I guess that all depends on us. In other words if there are more butts in seats, we could afford a 6th home game.
  10. Must have been the overwhelming guilt.
  11. I thought this was simply a discussion of cost of the contract. Why does the actual coach involved make a difference? If it is dodge vs. xyz coach does that factor into the cost of the contract? This is beyond bizarre. Makes it pretty clear at least in my mind that Dodge is the guy.
  12. Wasn't Sally Fields the one pushing the pennies a day commercials several years ago? Or did I mix up my celebrity references? Substitute Angelina Jolie if you please.
  13. embarrassing. RV- did you read that? embarrassing.
  14. A 1-AA team that we could crush by 100 points. I'm not coming into the new stadium to see us lose or loose.
  15. For just pennies a day, you too can help a GMG.com poster learn to use proper grammar and master the English language. So please, for their sake - donate to the Grammar relief fund. - Sally Fields
  16. Well, that's one way I could cut down on my water bill. Welcome to the board '73!
  17. I kind of feel like: are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet?
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