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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. I am still holding RV accountable to his 2009 date of turning dirt. You don't quote a specific date if you don't want to be held accountable to it. His 1.5 million dollar donation he brought in was a nice start. But this is a big meal and 1.5 million is just a snack.
  2. Ok, this is completely overboard. I mean, boiling oil? That was too much. To be flayed alive and then to be dropped in boiling oil, that is just cruel. Can't we just let a skinless flayed guy die in peace? Are we ANIMALS?
  3. HAHAHA!!!! Maybe you missed the OU Bomar payment scandal, like... earlier this year?? Or - maybe you missed the scandal around Reggie Bush's parents getting a free house to live in? Yep, you guessed it - this year also.
  4. You had to know that the Denia residents would have to enter this thread at some point. Don't think they're defeated yet. They're just regrouping for a second charge.
  5. He could also say the following: 1.) Hmm. I start immediately. First year. 2.) I can put up ridiculous numbers. I'll be #1 in the NCAA in all 4 years. 3.) There aren't ridiculous pressures by rabid fans with crazy expectations. I can ease into the university in early years.
  6. So how do we know if he is a witch? /python
  7. If he is actually taking an official visit that is HUGE!!! If we land him it would be monumental... Fingers crossed. Sell the dodge, dodge! Don't forget the rust undercoat treatment.
  8. I forgot to mention this was also a topic that was on last night. Probably a repeat. Anyway very positive predictions from the FSN guys. They talked about it for probably 5 minutes and at the end they said how they would be excited to follow his progress at NT.
  9. This team has a lot in common with the Texas Rangers. :censored:
  10. Ok, who's got the video of RF screaming from the booth "WHAT... THE... F&*# ARE YOU DOING?". Classic video clip. Post it if you still have it.
  11. Also it would be nice if we could have a pigeon exterminator work on Fouts. Pigeon crap is not so nice on the entrance ramps when it is over 1 inch thick. I don't know if there is actually a job for pigeon exterminators - how freaking fun would that job be?
  12. Easy solution, get any garden variety large eagle, maybe a golden eagle - spray paint the head feathers white. BAM!!! problem solved. Nobody will know the difference.
  13. IT developer for a large financial company based out of Boston. Trust me, you've heard of them.
  14. Sweet, I like them both. To me it is painfully obvious that this is BY FAR the best logo we could have on our helmets. And there is tradition there because we have had one similar to in in our past as well.
  15. The only design I've seen so far was for 35K seats if I remember correctly. Expandable to 50K. I think that is reasonable. If you start selling out the 35K then add an additional 5-10K and so on. But let's start selling out the new stadium with 35K fans first. It will be VERY interesting to see the attendance numbers for next season.
  16. So we should confuse everyone yet again into thinking we are the eagles? I don't think RV will let that happen. He himself has stated that he wants to make our nickname the mean green. I think he'll stick to that.
  17. My 2 cents. Only make a change if you are going with the exes interlocking NT. Otherwise stick with the North Texas.
  18. Hilarious. Since it was justin timberlake, the song actually sounded quite good. But everytime he sings **** in a box I about spit water on my screen.
  19. That's why I said "Brett has someone (else)".
  20. Here we go again. Vito has someone proposing we go back to the eagles nickname and put the eagle back on the helmet. I for one agree with RV that we should stick with the unique Mean Green. I tried to post on his blog but my request timed out. Thoughts?
  21. Hmm.. Where did I hear about some D1A team recently hiring a high school coach that runs a spread offense?
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