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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. It's a travesty. I also heard from a source that he tried to "switch positions" in order to fit into Dodge's scheme by going to cosmotology school. Spent like 15K on the thing only to hear Dodge say "I've already got my hair guy". Sad story.
  2. And..... Of course my father in law already heard about this today and emailed me at work: and this one: Actually, could you imagine a flyover at fouts? I think we would all get chills!
  3. There are luxury boxes at fouts field?
  4. My Father in law is a Naval Academy alum. He is going to be beside himself with excitement. This will be the first true sellout at Fouts Field. Mark it down. Plenty of Navy folks around here will come to this game. Combine that with the fact that it will be Todd Dodge's first year = holy crap!!!!! Good thing I already have season tickets!!!!
  5. After seeing some pictures of AJ Pension and hear TD talk about him - I think he'll be a sack master. Add a couple of good DTs into the mix and he could be very good.
  6. I would not be surprised if we never get to hear TD's side of the story.
  7. I have to say that every time I hear Coach Dodge speak and see his hair I think of Jimmy Johnson. Confidence, intensity, smarts... Great Hair.
  8. Ah yes. Actually Padron is 220, bigger that I thought.
  9. Wasn't chris hurd like 2 inches taller and 30lbs heavier? Just asking.
  10. I had a torn labrum back while I was at UNT caused by a broom ball accident where I dislocated my shoulder (don't ask) and then seven years later (too lazy to get the repair done) I had a bankhart repair and labrum repair done - open wound surgery - not othroscopic. That was the hardest and most painful therapy I've ever been through. It is over 8 months later and my arm still doesn't feel the same as it did before and it isn't even my throwing arm. Granted, I'm not throwing passes or doing anything overly strenuous (does typing count?) but you don't feel the same. There is the mental aspect also - always worried that you could re-injure the arm and go through all of that therapy again. And that is very possible when a 250LB defensive end hits you from behind when your arm is in just the wrong position.
  11. Carroll's Padron, Russo: One shade of green to the next Linebacker Justin Padron and defensive end Kyle Russo both sported Mean Green paraphernalia as they signed national letters of intent to play for North Texas during Wednesday's signing day gathering. Russo talked about how he wouldn't have to change his wardrobe. Padron talked about how his parents would love him even more after he saved them money to pay for college. These guys are jokers off the field. On the field, they're going to be valuable assets for coach Todd Dodge and the UNT contingent. "It's a relief for us both," Padron said of he and Russo. "We get a chance to continue playing at the college level, but not too many high school players get to play for the same coach they had in high school." Padron added that he and Russo were planning on being college roommates. (apologies if this was already posted)
  12. Wow that's a good comparison. Thanks for looking that info up!
  13. I don't even know where to begin. Carry on. Untgirl04 - I'll let you handle this one.
  14. What the heck happened in 2004 that spiked the views like that? Did I miss something?
  15. I've read that plan and it is definitely exciting. I think the great part to me is the addition of all of the large trees and closing off of most of the streets to make the campus more pedestrian friendly. I am amazed at how fast everything is already coming along with the new dorms, etc. Does anyone know how the library mall area expansion is coming along? They were going to spend an extra 100-250K on that area for a waterfall, etc.. Has that happened yet?
  16. Why is it short sighted? It can always be expanded upon. SMU did just fine with it's 32K seat stadium, maybe it is 35K, not sure. My point is that we have yet to sell out our 32K seat stadium, we average less than 17K. Until I start seeing consistent numbers averaging around the 30K mark, to me it makes sense to get a 32K seat stadium sooner than later. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that we will have funding for a 32K seat stadium a hell of a lot faster than a 45K seat one. Bottom line: You want to wait until 2015 to get a new 45K stadium, go for it. If you want to wait until 2009, you can get a 32K seat stadium. I ain't waiting around until 2015 dude.
  17. They should probably have waited a year or so until after we beat OU and go undefeated in 2007 before going to this model.
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