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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. Anyone have any idea how much it would cost to add a sound system closer to what is available at the American Airlines Center? I said "like" not - exactly like. Also how much to add a big screen where that awful banner with the old logo hangs over center court? Are we talking 200K? 1 Million? Because I think we are at that point where we need to take that next step to get people involved with rocking music and jumbotron to get the fans more into the game. I know, I know, FB stadium comes first, but still - I'm curious.
  2. Sounds good. Would love to see the helmet with white.
  3. Don't think so. Call me pessimistic if you must. Grad88 you're backing down too easily with questionable-at-best "insider" information. I'm still in the "Nothin is happening till you SHO ME THE MONEY!". That means no 2009. Someone please prove me wrong but there are only two people at this point who can prove me wrong - RV or Dr. B. And yes - IT IS POSSIBLE for coaches to make empty promises based on "hoped for" events to happen. Just because it is THE Todd Dodge doesn't mean he wouldn't let a little white lie go out. So what if it doesn't happen until 2012 - was it really a lie? Just a misunderstanding, right?
  4. This is a great idea! Then you'll have the inevitable next programs for donors over 70 years old: 1.) OSU donor triathilon and red bull drinking contest 2.) OSU donor "cageless" shark diving event 3.) OSU donor sky diving and free base jumping event 4.) ???
  5. You build a wall. You make it 11 feet tall. You see- normally, most NCAA teams would build a wall as tall as they could - 10 feet. But us- here's the great part, we build ours 11 FEET! That's a whole foot larger than the largest allowed!
  6. Great part of it is that the SMU game basically gives us another "home" game. No excuse whatsoever to not have at least 20K screaming mean green fans at SMU's stadium.
  7. Please don't slap me from saying this but I think it might be a good idea to keep most of NT's spring practices closed to the public as well. There is going to be a huge learning curve and loads of media attention. I'd want to keep the kids attention on learning and not the media/fan spectacle.
  8. Ok thanks for the info.
  9. I have the old circle star logo ones. I tried to explain to the folks in the tax office in southlake that they had the old ones and I wanted one of their new ones but they say they were told to keep the old ones until they give them all out first. So I'm kind of stumped as to how to request the new ones.
  10. Absolutely. It would also be a good thing to not let them score more points than us.
  11. Yes, forgot to mention that - it looks fantastic as well, more traditional collegiate apperance as opposed to some of the monolitic buildings (willis library).
  12. What is the building being constructed right behind the Student Recreation center? It is very large, looks like a dorm - anyone know? I saw the two new dorm shells (honors and the other one) are completely up and make the area look completely different now. Just need brick and interior buildout now.
  13. Good news, even if there was a little hype factor added in by RV and co. I will be shocked if we make the 2009 date.
  14. Really.... Who throws a shoe?...Really.
  15. I was kind of expecting to find a something "in a box". Anyone else?
  16. I bought this hat but I stopped wearing it after I got about 25 questions from various strangers asking me about the Philadelphia Eagles. "So - you a big philly fan?" NO!!! It has to say Mean Green or North Texas somehwere on there. EDIT: - Nevermind - this one is different from the one I bought. It does say North Texas on the back. Mine just has the head of the eagle on the back as well.
  17. Recaps TD's signing class - shows high school clips of many of the players. Also a surprise interview with the Athlon Sideline spirit award winner. It is a free video to download and watch.
  18. I think we've already adapted that approach.
  19. Forcing the other team to score less points than our team can only help.
  20. And by that time, we'll have been through our stint in the big XII, and will have moved onto the SEC.
  21. Well, we obviously have a huge issue here to deal with. What about car dealerships in Denton? They could get involved here with the extended test drives they offer. We just have to get creative and take a page from the NCAA recruiting handbook.
  22. uhh.... I don't think it matters. When UNTD gets big and has its own football team? Now THAT is funny.
  23. As a general rule. Scout stars = Rivals stars + 1
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