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Stan R

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Everything posted by Stan R

  1. This PDF shows a stadium layout. Interesting.
  2. refresh my memory - what was OU's penalty for paying Bhomar et all?
  3. I have to say I agree with Lonnie here. I personally don't like the idea of the stadium being across I-35. Fouts is in a perfect place where it is today - which is actually on campus and within very close walking distance. Never mind that it may not be technically possibly to actually move each side of the stadium forward, I still like the idea. And I don't buy the fact that it is not possible to move it without the technical reasoning behind it. And please don't tell me "because of drainage etc..." unless there has been an actual paid for engineering study done - I won't believe it isn't possible to do until I see it.
  4. Lifer is that the marlboro man in your avatar? Surely you wouldn't be advocating smoking?
  5. Awesome! We're in the sodding sod cemetary at FSU!
  6. Ah.. How nice to recall the Matt Simon years!
  7. Probably because they would only want to play us at Texas Stadium or at College station so.. 1.) RV has been quoted as saying "no more games at texas stadium". 2.) More than likely we would get more bodybag money from other large schools to play at their stadium. Just speculation on that one.
  8. Awesome! I was wondering if Michael and Walt would return to the island. We haven't heard from them in a while.
  9. Looks awesome and thanks for taking these pictures.
  10. Reverse the colors on the SOW hat.. Also I was referring to the hat I usually wear which has the SOW in white on a green background.
  11. Best post of the month. Maybe quarter. Spot on.
  12. No, they will be laughing at us for trying to look like Philly. As I mentioned before, it has already happened and will continue to happen. I know, it's not as important as, oh - I don't know - curing cancer but still...
  13. Oh! Right, I forgot NT is very consistent in taking a stand on design and sticking with it.
  14. Riiiiight.. And this is different from mainstream media how?
  15. It will be unique because there is no "NT" interlocking for any other D1A university. It would be similar to those you listed but those are some pretty recognizeable schools you just listed.
  16. Problem is Deep, we all can't even agree on that!! I don't want SOW on the helmets! And I don't think I want SOW anywhere on the uniforms for that matter. The only thing to me that would be recognizable and unique would be the interlocking NT.
  17. Fine with me. Was hoping for the NT Exes "NT" but I knew we wouldn't be getting it. I just hope the "North Texas" stands out more and is more readable than the current helmets with the thin white letters that were almost unreadable from only a short distance away.
  18. That's quite a large hose you've got there, Rick. :lol:
  19. I've been asked "so you're a philly fan, huh? " With the SOW green hat on by a stranger. It can and will happen. Because of this I've mostly stopped wearing the eagle hat and started wearing the "North Texas" wording hat instead.
  20. I think it is a fabulous idea if TD would agree to it.
  21. Actually, anyone who has ever met GGII or seen him in person, this is a dead on match for who he looks like. LOL!!!!!
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