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Everything posted by dml7007

  1. I always said we should do a DFW tournament and we could rotate who host it each year.. North Texas SMU TCU UTA if you want to go bigger you could add others in.
  2. FYI all spring sports cancelled until further noticed.
  3. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Conference USA has just cancelled the conference tournament.</p>&mdash; Matthew Brune (@MatthewBrune_) <a href="https://twitter.com/MatthewBrune_/status/1238132082678906880?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">March 12, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> cusa Tournament has been cancelled.
  4. I think it more than likely that a lot of the NCAA and even NIT will be played with only essential personal. I actually think that will help the smaller schools as they are used to playing with smaller crowds. in these places you be able to hear every squeek of the shoe on the court. It going to make for an very interesting tournament.
  5. Last year the #1 seed played on Thursday at 6:00 PM Court A Semi - 12:30 PM on Court A Finals - 7:30 PM on Court A
  6. Against WKU - 45 possible minutes. Geu - 27 MIN Z.Simmons - 26 min J.Hamlet - 39 Min U Gibson - 41 Min J Reese - 43 Min T Bell - 33 Min R. Smart - 9 min D. Draper - 7 min On the season we averaging the following: Only including those that played in 20+ games. U Gibson - 30.5 J. Hamlet - 30.3 Z Simmons - 23.8 J. Reese - 27.5 T. Bell - 24.7 D. Geu - 21 D. Draper - 18.1 R. Smart - 12 J. Simmons - 6.3 J. Jackson - 5.8
  7. Everybody should play but give the younger guys more time. Remember we have out off day saturday, so we have longer than any other team in our POD till conference tournament. So we need to play everyone but we should use a longer bench then normal.
  8. We need them now to pack the Star and make that place Mean Green country.
  9. Camera angles on TV are mainly court noncrowd shots I seen. Sounds good.
  10. https://247sports.com/Player/Greyson-Thompson-46076999/
  11. He was doing a good job at North Texas. He always played a tough non-conference, which was required, but we always won a few we should not have. I always liked him as a coach.. I think we have a good one again, but I always new he would have success again.
  12. need to go 3-2 atleast would love to see 4-1. Not sure we can take down OU in in all 3.
  13. Let’s take them one at a time.
  14. Charlotte upsets western Kentucky 72-70
  15. Also in same Tournament Carlos Ortiz is in 32 at E par, 1 under on today's third round. had a bad first round, but doing well since.
  16. Was in 8 innings.
  17. Lost 3-2 what a great game to go toe to toe with top 5 Team.
  18. 2-2 after 7. Pass ball scored one.
  19. 2-1 end of 4.
  20. We got one vote in the top 25, if we win this one I would think we might be ranked next week.
  21. Bonus Games Net Rankings WKU - 117 LT - 93 FIU - 174 Charlotte - 173
  22. Updated through 2/17 North Texas 18-9 90 Losses this season: Team Record Net Oklahoma 16-9 47 VCU 17-8 52 Dayton 23-2 5 Arkansas 16-9 49 Eastern MI 13-11 189 Rhode Island 19-6 32 Utah State 20-7 41 Western KY 17-8 117 Rice 13-14 213
  23. http://conferenceusa.com/news/2020/2/16/mens-basketball-c-usa-bonus-play-schedule-announced.aspx?path=mbball
  24. I was not saying they were part of the contract, just naming bigger channels that most people have. Main point is that TV options are decided by the conference.. or if ESPN wants a game they could pay for it as a one off.
  25. North Texas 17-9 88 Losses this season: Team Record Net Oklahoma 16-8 45 VCU 17-7 42 Dayton 22-2 5 Arkansas 16-8 43 Eastern MI 13-11 196 Rhode Island 18-6 34 Utah State 20-7 46 Western KY 17-8 119 Rice 12-14 220
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