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Everything posted by meangreendork

  1. Nice scare tactic, kid. Really though, there's not a huge difference here.
  2. Old School, then Stranger Than Fiction. Old School was his funniest role, Stranger Than Fiction is his best. Sadly, he's just a one-trick pony outside of these two movies and he's about to end up in the same place that Mike Meyers is in - typecast/overdone funny.
  3. I bet it does. So where exactly in this article does it say she was vote-taken by ACORN? But as long as her son doesn't cash the check, it's alright. It'd be a sight to see him carted off for a Federal offense!
  4. I'm in the same shoes as you. From what I'm gathering, the new plan is to trim down the excess of the existing private insurance industry, tossing out the needless bonuses paid to the wrong people, and making the system less cumbersome and top-heavy. It's supposed to (and that's in italics because this involves private industry working with the government) make things more affordable for those who don't want government coverage. It's also supposed to balance out in such a way that private insurance will be able to compete with government insurance, which if they want to stay in business, they will. Both options still require that someone pays into their insurance coverage plan, it's just a matter of what you get and what you pay for it. I'm going to do like what I'm doing now, which is take the better deal with the better office coverage. I'm about to switch to BC/BS pretty soon.
  5. There really should be a restructuring of health care in America. Really, if an insurance company can't compete with a government plan, then it needs to rethink how it runs itself - and that probably means run more efficiently. For private practice doctors, they're losing money from private insurance and malpractice lawsuit coverage...there's a whole laundry list of things that need to be cleaned up in the medical insurance industry that would make it competitive (easily) with a government plan or render it entirely obsolete.
  6. OGS - you're a hero poster around here, hitting on an important point in that teachers end up teaching to the test. Then when the time comes for a student to go to college, they may end up shorthanded and missing information their state didn't decide was worth learning. Or even worse, that student runs into a situation where they're without information asked for in the SAT or ACT exams. We really do need to put more money into the education system. Along with national defense and healthcare, this one of the issues that I favor more money being put into...if it's well spent. That is, if more money is used on teacher salaries. I think we're doing our nation a huge disservice and cutting ourselves at the knees by risking the rest of someone's livelihood by playing fast and loose with their formative education. Better salaries mean better teachers via competition for those high-paying positions.
  7. Actually, there is. It's one thing to say that people should be allowed medical care. Health is pretty much a need and if not, at least being healthy enough to work is a high priority. If you can't work because you're too sick, that's entirely different from "not being able to travel to work". You can find a workaround for not having a car, especially in a city with good public transportation. It's significantly more difficult to find a workaround for a serious medical condition. I don't believe a blanket judgment is the way to handle this since we're not handling it that way anyhow. That said, I'll call in Stebo's medical care system. It would encourage people to seek medical care earlier before it becomes an expensive hospital visit. It'd also have young doctors working their residency and paying their education off in a system very similar to the ROTC/OCS/Academy system in the military. There's really no need for every American to have a car. Transportation - yes, with many finding solutions to their situations. Those without cars get to work via public transport, bikes or find work closer to home. Those with cars are simply afforded a wider choice of locations to work.
  8. Healthcare should be. But auto insurance? Uhm, no. There's a limit.
  9. No. I won't say why, but it makes it very easy to get into for people who've never seen anything Star Trek. And it does so without upsetting oldtimer Star Trek fans.
  10. This should actually be a car loan program that'd top off with a car loan at no more than $6-$8k, with some nice provisions to encourage people to pay the loan down faster.
  11. Saw it this weekend, and I'm not a Trek fan in a huge amount. The tech is cool, but I don't care for much more than that generally. But the movie is a really great roller coaster ride and it's faithful to the original show and movies in terms of how the characters are portrayed. Without the big plot monster in play this would be a good, exact reboot of the old series, but because of the plot, it's a great start to a new series of movies. Go see this movie.
  12. He's smart and a good guy. Won't bail on the company because they helped him out with hours, and he's also being smart by not counting his NFL chicken until the contract hatches into an actual paycheck. That's a good, solid guy you'd want on any team.
  13. You're a GMG hero this week, Stebo. Smart, poignant posting, sir.
  14. It takes a good intention and royally fouls it up. It was supposed to protect kids from being cyberbullied online to prevent what happened to Megan Meier from happening all over again. It probably needs to just stay that way, but it's a wide-open definition of what cyberbullying is with the current bill. This needs to be shot down.
  15. ...or the United States Military, the Centers for Disease Control, local and state law enforcement, public universities, Federal Student Financial Aid, national highways and other associated infrastructure, NASA, the Montgomery GI Bill, West Point, USNA Annapolis, USAFA Colorado Springs...
  16. Nah, I don't tend to agree with what FFR says here, but what he says or does can't be any worse than what many of us have yelled from the stands.
  17. I'd say he's following the old rule: keep your friends close, keep your enemies in your pocket. Better to keep control of what your enemies do, and better to do it in a way that your enemy does what you want them to do because they want to do it because they think they like you. Or uh, "better to sharpen the blade under the table than in battle".
  18. No-go on National Prayer Day. If you're a good Protestant/Catholic/Methodist/Buddhist/Muslim/What Have You, you should probably be praying everyday anyhow. No-go on Islam Day either. I know we have a number of Christianity Days here in the US, but that's also part of a longstanding tradition, federally requested/directed for or not. Plus, the whole blowing up of two buildings by members of the Muslim faith means they've got to prove something to us first before we give them a holiday.
  19. It's supposed to make waterboarding seem less evil/bad by relevance? It's like if I punch you in the neck and tell you, "it's okay, I could've jammed a glass wedge into your abdomen and twisted".
  20. Law school? Yeah, I don't fall for that either. Getting into a law school is based on LSATs and other criteria that don't have much to do with where you went to undergrad. I do actually have more faith in the 3-21 argument, though. Dodge had better show us something this season, and preferably before midseason. I can see people calling for his head in short order if he doesn't post a few wins before October. I'm almost calling for it now.
  21. That's a low blow, there Mr. Specter. No wonder no one on either side of the aisle likes you.
  22. Apparently. You now have Egypt killing pigs en masse despite no cases being reported there. People are also strolling around public with dust masks on. This is rather sad.
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