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Everything posted by meangreendork

  1. ipeagle- do you even know anything about this year's release? it doesn't sound like it. though admittedly, this year is probably the one year that its actually worth the $50 tag. every other year was really just an expansion. -race for the heisman mode -improved models and textures -modified hit stick -better, TV-style game commentary -all-season recruiting and a host of other improvements.
  2. If you have an Xbox- then try Star Wars: KOTOR 2. I'm not a Star Wars fan by any stretch, but it's a great game. If you have a PS2, look at Destroy All Humans. If it's a Cube, then Killer7 or Resident Evil 4. Or---Fantastic Four, as I hear it's gonna be a great game. On topic- How many of us think we can handle both Dynasty play and the Race for the Heisman... And- If you're gonna play Race for the Heisman (RFTH)- what position will you play?
  3. actually, we had 2 stars in the NCAA 2003 if i remember right. this was after the Cinci bowl game. we got dropped to 1 star after the loss to Memphis
  4. ITeagle, are you drunk? I love the team and I really think they're stellar people, but I don't think we have a good shot at LSU. They're rumored to be even better than their most recent national championship team. I do want the team to play with everything they've got, but in all honesty, I have to say that we'll still lose the LSU game. And for the MUTS... They've talked about beating us before, and it hasn't happened yet. We have a soft spot at QB and at the line, but I don't think they can hold off our rushing attack, both in the RB/FB form and in the QB form. They could win the game, but I still NT fans writing a big W in for that game.
  5. Gotta wait until next week, boys and girls. I got that dumb call about the release party...uh, I have to work in the morning like most people who have lives...or those who have to pay their own bills. I'll get my copy after work on Tuesday. Woo for preorders, though I should've done it at the Toys R Us Bryan316 works at, since I wouldn't have to wait in a giant line for my game. I'll also get Killer7 for my cube, since I preordered that too.
  6. Let's stick to guys who wore the NT football jersey and toughed it out on the field.
  7. Who do you think were the most important names and players? FYI- I'm gonna forego the expected NCAA football cover and try something different.
  8. I was gonna mention Baylor, but CU is good enough.
  9. Why? Because NT hasn't got the same kind of social clout that UT/A&M do. It's a matter of reputation, and simply said, those schools have more of it than we do. I blame this on the merchandising- they have so much of it and we have very little. I can't tell you how many kids I came up with in HS who wanted to be at UT/A&M simply because the names were familiar. Once we become a household name in our state, we'll have the same thing happen to us. A better football team, academics that get better each year and the near-impossible admission reqs for those schools will help out.
  10. Xbox is this fall/winter, PS3 is Q1 2006, Nintendo Revolution is...Q2 or 3 2006 I believe. I'd wait until at least 2 months after the PS3 release- this gives Sony and MS time to really get some good releases out and give you a good idea of what each console has to offer. I'd make some comment on the Nintendo Revolution, but as usual, the big N is keeping it's lid tight on any information.
  11. The Xbox is being replaced really soon, so grabbing a 3rd system is a waste right now, and the games I liked on the Xbox I already have on my PC. The Xbox does have other quality games on it, like Fable and Jade Empire, but I won't say much about Halo and Halo2. Having played through both, I found them to be vastly overrated. I'll also not go and grab whatever comes out first with the next 3 systems or just buy whatever system gets the most hype. I know people who wish they'd gotten a PS2/Xbox/Cube when they realized games they wanted wouldn't be on it.
  12. For the impact players? Probably Madden Nation or the NCAA 2006 thread on Utopia Sports. -BUT- The best source I've found for information and guides for any video game is gamefaqs.com.
  13. Just order your own with your own colors on it. I have a few friends who go to BU who were confused when they saw the photo. "What's that guy doing with that flag? Shouldn't there be yellow or gold on it?" How stupid would it be if we ran flags with another school's colors on them? Yeah, it'd be pretty bloody stupid, wouldn't it?
  14. 5W1 isn't over yet. If he failed anything, it's the the 3 week (3W1, I think it's called) session. However, I've been told that he failed classes during the spring and that's what's killing his GPA. Depending on the NCAA rules for summer classes and the GPA, he may be able to play, but I don't know the rules on that.
  15. It's not that big of an issue- while it's not the same as an impact player label, you can always boost JQ's stats prior to starting a dynasty. And by the way- am I the only one dismayed by the fact this game doesn't look like it'll be on the Cube this year? It's odd since Madden isn't going anywhere. I'll also let everyone know I'm not looking forward to the loadtimes on my PS2, either. I guess the purchase of Geist or Killer7 for the Cube will make me somewhat happier.
  16. It looks pretty nice, considering the source material. I'd like to see a winamp skin in the new colors and based on the eagle.
  17. It isn't growing on me. I dunno, it probably never will, but at least the eagle is nice looking and we got a good color out of this.
  18. Not an attack thread, really. It just says to JJ that, "You're really close to putting these games away. It's a matter of policing up some important details that costs the team the 6-point margin."
  19. This shows how sloppy the team plays and is coached...in terms of skill, they can do much better, but they're not being used well on the court.
  20. The two Denver guys that fouled out. I'm sure their foul->free throw points are what helped us win.
  21. That 3-point hurt worse than any other point in any other game this season. The guys did well and opened up good leads, but couldn't keep them when it counted the most. That Winchester kid shot just like one tonight; he was hard to keep on. The worst thing for me to watch was our guys getting double or triple-covered in their faces right by the out-of-bounds line; I wish there was a penalty for that.
  22. Totally agree with you. It's gonna be a rockin' time in the Pit on Saturday. Be loud! Be proud! Be green!
  23. Article So according to this study, dyslexia adversely affects a person's reaction time. Funny, since a star English F1 driver and Jamario Thomas are both dyslexic. But then, how seriously can you take a study when the study covers a total of 17 people of which only 6 are dyslexic? Irresponsible research as well as wasted money.
  24. I was for Philly this year. In fact, I'm usually for the underdog team. Seeing Mcnabb get picked off at last second hurt, but the Pats earned the victory. I'd like to have seen the years of anticipation for the Philly fans turn into a trophy, but not this season.
  25. I'm already there. I just need to take my seat.
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