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meangreendork last won the day on December 9 2016

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  1. A more pedestrian friendly campus *and Denton, as a whole* is a great idea. Broadly speaking, there's a place for cars, but that place isn't everywhere.
  2. The founders intended for rights to be settled at the Federal level, at least for those they considered to be worth giving rights to when our founding documents were originally assembled. They were on the right path by setting certain things there and not openly ascribing the federal government power since, hell, they saw what Britain's gameplan was in addition to wanting to set a level playing field for every American. But as forward-thinking as they were, they couldn't foresee every possibility in the future. Amendments had to be put in place to set forth rights at the federal level because states many wouldn't do so on their own. This (depending on the case) was either because those groups receiving the rights couldn't actually vote or weren't considered to be valuable enough to be given any rights, much less the right to vote, or their votes were minimized in power. There's also a giant leap between granting medical privacy rights and the Soviet Union. In fact, providing privacy rights is something the Soviet Union (and right now, the Russian Federation, as Putin is borrowing heavily from the playbook he probably helped write) would actually frown upon.
  3. McNulty was just...probably one of the worst I've seen at UNT, and I saw Daniel Meager play here.
  4. With the sort of lockdown D that got a Heart of Dallas Bowl win.
  5. Looks like between SWIFT and the Russian Central Bank cutoffs, the Ruble is taking a value dive and upsetting the civilian population. Some are doing bank withdrawals and exchanging for other currencies. It would also seem Hungary won't allow weapons to Ukraine to pass through its borders.
  6. Oh lordy, no. This is like, a flag code abomination and it's just nasty on the eyes. UNSAT.
  7. Agreed. He heavily leaned on Fine and failed to find even a suitable replacement and develop one. We all loved seeing Fine on the field, but I'm certain I wasn't the only one worried that he was still on the field well after a game was decided.
  8. It's been a long road, ya know?
  9. That set of throwbacks was so sharp. It made the win all the more sweet.
  10. That's gonna be a big problem as there aren't jobs for many to return to right now.
  11. Ouch. That's both morally bankrupt and fully ignores the science of disease spread. A virus that pops up in 188 countries isn't worried about politics and borders.
  12. Oh I got it, but I'm not funny enough to back you up with the right follow up.
  13. I can answer fine arts done remotely. In fact, I have a client that's moving most of her business that way. Lessons can be pre-recorded or done via video call. Photos or footage of the projects can be sent to the instructor. Supplies can be sent or picked up by each student, purchased by the school as normal. Individual instruction can be done with branched calls or separate calls.
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