That was an interesting take on the I-A newcomers. Thanks. Just FYI ... FAU does not have an on-campus stadium - one of the reasons why the Owls are not yet averaging 15,000 butts in the seats per game. The Owls do play at Lockhart Stadium, which is a former major league soccer facility that seats 20,000 in Fort Lauderdale. That's a 30-minute (or so) ride south of Boca Raton, which is in Palm Beach County. The FAU administration is currently in the process of reviewing proposals for a 40,000-seat dome for basketball, football and the like, which might include up to 2,500 dorm/suite spaces, retail, a medical school hospital, up to two hotels and more - right along I-95 between West Palm Beach and Fort Lauderdale (Palm Beach County alone has 1.3 million people, and the Fort Lauderdale area has another 2 million or so people). Lockhart Stadium press box side. The stadium is bigger than it appears here. As for Troy's stadium (Movie Gallery Veterans Stadium), the uppper deck on the opress box side was there when the Mean Green came to visit three years ago. But that deck was expanded, and anentire new 8-story building was added attached to that side which includes meeting rooms, weight training center, medical facilities, press box level with broadcastign area, some of the nicest luxuiry suites in football, fantastic, 9-yard-long Stadium Club level and more. Across th way, the entire east side was removed and a double-deck side was built from scratch. The field was lowered and the track was removed, bringing the seats very close to the field (especially close to the visiting team). A one-level end zone was added, which empties onto a plaza where retail space is located. That plaza connects to Tailgate Terrace. Thenother ends zone is open, but cann eventually accomoodate up to two levels of endzone space. The stadoium now seats more than 30,000, but can be expanded to about 60,000. View from end zone plaza Press box side, with club and press suites Student section in new section opposite press box side View from club level seats.