Someone thinking outside the box. How creative and refreshing. I totally think the key to all this though is the students. When they get back from break, the marketing and promotions people should be all over them. Both basketball teams are doing great and have a chance to be really great. However, it would so help them if the pit could be rockin like most college basketball games. The student section, well, is pathetic. And I am not even sure I could tell you where they sit. I think the band idea is great. I think the Athletic Department should attempt to get all of the athletes to attend games more often. I mean, the football team alone would be close to 75 fans. And get them all sitting together and cheering. I don't know if most of you were at the Houston game, but that atmosphere was great. Too bad it was mostly Houston fans but still, if we had something to that affect cheering on our team and getting loud. Man, that would be awesome. So if any of you are students on campus, help get them to games anyway you can. And keep on the athletic department to help sell to them. I mean, alot of kids live on campus. Evacuate their buildings on game nights and make them head over to the Pit. Something. If the students could create a buzz inside that arena, then the general public will be more enticed to come buy tickets and check it out. But the students are the key here. And this will help carry over to football and possibly soccer or volleyball. Go Mean Green.