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Everything posted by GreenTiger_OriginalAcct

  1. Well, if it was in the DRC, that means only about 17 people saw it. So whats the big dea?
  2. Nickles and dimes versus the big donor. Base hits versus home runs. Here is the main problem with the big donor approach. While it only takes one to make a big splash, there are really hard to find. The nickle and dimes donors are abundant and it piles up. Point: Endowments Texas $11.6 billion Texas A&M $4.9 billion Rice $3.6 billion # SMU $1.0 billion # Baylor Col of Med $1.0 billion # TCU $941 million # Baylor $750 million # Trinity University $733 million # Texas Tech $461 million U of Houston $420 million Southwestern U $279 million # Abilene Christian $189 million # St. Mary's $102 million # Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary $100 million # Houston Baptist $79 million # Hardin-Simmons $73 million # UNT $57 million Texas Luthern $52 million # McMurray $49 million # St. Edwards $45 million # St. Thomas $45 million # East Texas Baptist $41 million # U of Dallas $41 million # Texas State $38 million Schriner $38 million # Incarnate Word $33 million # Laredo CC $1 million # private school See all those big state schools that we are so far behind? See the schools that we are down there with? Houston Baptist, Hardin-Simmons, Texas Luthern, McMurray, St. Edwards, St. Thomas, and East Texas Baptist. These are all schools with enrollments for the most part between 1500 to 2000 students. Their approach? Nickle and dime. Get everyone to give. The guys at the top? Same approach. UNT swings for the fences - and misses and misses and misses. UNT is more concerned about one guy that might give a million than they are about the 1,000 that might give $100. And it is killing us.
  3. Trust me - his one time donation is already spent. There hasn't been that much else from him other than his grandstanding around campus about it.
  4. We were pretty much a startup ourselves at that point.
  5. This could be good. Battie has stated that she wants UNT on a national stage. I think she may be looking for impact here.
  6. I believe that the majority of us appreciate the SBC titles, the bowls, and the winning seasons, but this is a "what have you done for me lately business". A 4-16 record and bad recruiting over the last few years is not getting it done. Try failing at your job for two years and then telling your boss that you were good for seven years before that.
  7. The offensive explosion from Brewster's Bunch saved us!
  8. Congrats! I just want to know if he is going to wear his robe to the games?
  9. It is the job of the OC to come up with enough wrinkles and schemes to keep the defense off balance and shocked. It worked because it was out of character. Then we gave up on it.
  10. JUST WIN. It solves everything. Win the SunBelt every year and beat everyone you play out of conference. Everyone - including Texas. That should be our goal and our plan. JUST WIN. Play for it. Strive for it. Plan for it. Scheme for it. Throw out wacky game plans in the 2nd quarter that work and keep using them. Whatever takes to win. JUST WIN. And everything else will take care of itself. The sooner UNT realizes this, the better.
  11. Funny that you should bring up Miami. They have planes pulling banners around their stadium asking to fire Coker. So how to do you propose we voice out displeasure? Or do we not have that right?
  12. I had a family reunion event over the weekend with my wife's family. I was talking with one of my wife's cousins who is currently teaching at the U of Central Arkansas and we were discussing college tidbits. She mentioned that she used to teach at Middle Tennessee (which interestly enough almost as big as U of Tenn - 22,500 students) and I mentioned the MUTS nickname to her. She thought this was hilarious and began to use it any time she referenced her old school. She even said she was going to call a few of her old colleagues there and try it out on them.
  13. Seriously impressed by the fact that it sounds like a lot of your offense is coming from freshman!
  14. Doesn't the NCAA have some control over who announces the games? I would certainly hope that guy has does his last game. If have not heard the audio, just think Keith Jackson, then go to the opposite end of the scale in terms of class, talent, and professionalism and you will get the general idea.
  15. Good points. I know one of the misses was from 52 yards and another was from 49. Taking that into account, think about this: if you start at the 25 and try from there, it is a 42-yard attempt. One miss hit the upright and I have not been able to find the length on the other miss, but I was thinking it was over 40 as well. I think the kicker was doing well enough.
  16. Best reason for shooting off the fireworks (besides my kids liking them): a corporate sponsor is paying for them!
  17. We are going to start executing? Who do we start with?
  18. Great argument, but you are completely wrong. The real problem is that apparently nothing can seal this staff's fate, not even another shotout loss to a school we should beat. I don't think the players are the problem so why bench them. We have seen what they can do with a game plan (SMU) so the discussion must lead to the coaching and what looks to be the lack of plan and needed adjustments. If this coaching staff continues on this route, how many of these players will even bother returning next year?
  19. I heard this comment on ESPN radio the other day and I think it fits our situation perfectly. "If you have two quarterbacks, then you don't have one".
  20. Breaking news - in an effort to cutback on turnovers, the coaching staff has simplified the game plan even further. NT will now punt on first down and just bypass the drama.
  21. loose (ls) Pronunciation Key adj. loos·er, loos·est Not fastened, restrained, or contained: loose bricks. Not taut, fixed, or rigid: a loose anchor line; a loose chair leg. Free from confinement or imprisonment; unfettered: criminals loose in the neighborhood; dogs that are loose on the streets. Not tight-fitting or tightly fitted: loose shoes. Not bound, bundled, stapled, or gathered together: loose papers. Not compact or dense in arrangement or structure: loose gravel. Lacking a sense of restraint or responsibility; idle: loose talk. Not formal; relaxed: a loose atmosphere at the club. Lacking conventional moral restraint in sexual behavior. Not literal or exact: a loose translation. Characterized by a free movement of fluids in the body: a loose cough; loose bowels. adv. In a loose manner. v. loosed, loos·ing, loos·es v. tr. To let loose; release: loosed the dogs. To make loose; undo: loosed his belt. To cast loose; detach: hikers loosing their packs at camp. To let fly; discharge: loosed an arrow. To release pressure or obligation from; absolve: loosed her from the responsibility. To make less strict; relax: a leader's strong authority that was loosed by easy times. lose (lz) Pronunciation Key v. lost, (l? lst) los·ing, los·es v. tr. To be unsuccessful in retaining possession of; mislay: He's always losing his car keys. To be deprived of (something one has had): lost her art collection in the fire; lost her job. To be left alone or desolate because of the death of: lost his wife. To be unable to keep alive: a doctor who has lost very few patients. To be unable to keep control or allegiance of: lost his temper at the meeting; is losing supporters by changing his mind. To fail to win; fail in: lost the game; lost the court case. To fail to use or take advantage of: Don't lose a chance to improve your position. To fail to hear, see, or understand: We lost the plane in the fog. I lost her when she started speaking about thermodynamics. To let (oneself) become unable to find the way. To remove (oneself), as from everyday reality into a fantasy world. To rid oneself of: lost five pounds. To consume aimlessly; waste: lost a week in idle occupations. To wander from or become ignorant of: lose one's way. To elude or outdistance: lost their pursuers. To be outdistanced by: chased the thieves but lost them. To become slow by (a specified amount of time). Used of a timepiece. To cause or result in the loss of: Failure to reply to the advertisement lost her the job. To cause to be destroyed. Usually used in the passive: Both planes were lost in the crash. To cause to be damned. Sorry EE, but 8 times in one post was driving me nuts!
  22. Joe Greene
  23. FAU won, so FIU should be the only Belt team on the list left from last week. This is really dishearting because we have more talent on this team than this.
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