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Everything posted by GreenTiger_OriginalAcct

  1. Keep the scoring updates coming! The radio will not pick up here in my office!
  2. Looks like TAMS is on the hit list. It's a good program for high school kids, but one thing has always bugged me about it. You walk into their areas in Marquis Hall and the walls are covered with recruiting posters from OTHER schools. It is my understanding that very few of these students stay at NT for their degrees.
  3. I believe LT of TCU and now the Chargers was 2 star recruit according to Rivals.
  4. It's not really a font. It would be nice to have one, but it more or less just a set of artistic letters made into words.
  5. It's a trick!!! He is telling these kids his last name is Dodge!!!!
  6. Mmm. Cowboys.... Maybe Jones wants to build a new 45,000 seat stadium in Denton for his training camp. NT will accomodate that!!!
  7. DD's first attempt at the DFW top 100. This post is heavily loaded with sarcasm - it may not process well with some board members.
  8. The city of Dallas had some input on the creation of UNT-Dallas. It was part of the revitalization plan. Dallas wanted a four-year public institution in the southern part of the city. Midwestern is a completely different political animal. There is a lot of resistance to the Florida approach where every public university in the state falls under the same system, despite having different names. Even the major programs there are decided to some extent at the state level.
  9. You know, it is possible to have success on your first attempt at trying something.
  10. Back to the topic: What color green is this?
  11. After reading the list of incentives, I can only say one thing: I hope that we have to pay a lot of money to Dodge for meeting incentives!!!!
  12. Guys, put on your thinking hats here. He has a season to finish. Even if he is not going bring along his assistants from SLC, do you think he would say so now and make a tough sitiuation even tougher by possibly ticking off people. Dodge is saying all the right things to win NOW at SLC. Let him win there, then give him a chance to win here. <puts away soap box>
  13. Fired after going 6-6 in the SEC - considered a down season. I would take a down season of 6-6. **NEWSFLASH** Mack Brown, Bill Parcells, or Bob Stoops will not leave their jobs to come here.
  14. Beau Davidson and Chad Rose. These two have been my daughter's Jr. Mean Green Club buddies in past years. On Saturday, despite the loss, both of them took time to say hello to my daughter and talk to her. Beau looked upset, but began to smile as soon my daughter spoke to him. Both of these guys are quality young men.
  15. See the first part of my quote in regards to the black unis:
  16. I wonder what Tom Landry or Vince Lombardi would have to say about the NFL's dress code for coaches? Oh wait, that was back when the game was respected and the product on the field was more important that what the players wore. Sorry, my bad.
  17. Here's a link: http://www.thesportingstore.com/footballpracticejersey.html
  18. Here is the first thing I thought of when I saw those jerseys:
  19. I looked all over the place for that list recently and could not find it. Why don't we take donations around here and slap the GOMEANGREEN.COM name on a few lockers?
  20. Link to DD's contract: http://images.usatoday.com/sports/graphics...th_texas_fb.pdf
  21. Baylor turned it around pretty quickly.
  22. Those are all valid questions. You have to wonder if MM was telling DD his job was safe...
  23. I hope they don't change the sign just yet. I have the strangest urge to go urinate outside. The only thing that is conflicting about this feeling is the fear that one of our athletes might step in it after I'm done.
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