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Everything posted by GreenTiger_OriginalAcct

  1. I'm confused. Now we're playing SMU at the Alamodome? or at Houston? This board is a definite cure for Monday morning.
  2. Oops. Sorry. I thought I was on the Uniform Overreaction Board.
  3. I can't believe they are doing this!!! What are they thinking? New blue helmets?
  4. Funny. I have never seen a standings chart that looked like this: W L Team B 8 1 Team A 7 2 Team C* 5 4 Team D 2 7 * denotes played 5 games wearing green helmets, 3 games wearing blue helmets and 1 wearing white helmets I don't care what they wear - I care that they win.
  5. There was a quote from the UNT ticket manager (his name escapes me at the moment) in the Dallas Morning News 2 or 3 weeks ago that stated we had already sold more football tickets to that point than we sold all of all last season - including sales from gameday walkups.
  6. Wow! I love it. That helmet covered with green SOWs. Now I can't wait for kickoff just to see if they do it.
  7. And the biggest problem is this area is every single school in the country that has football has to work like crazy to offset football's 85 scholarships. I think the rule is good in its basis, but the NCAA really needs to figure out a way to work this out without most school having to cut most men's sports and then having to add every olympic sport for women to meet the requirement. NCAA women's tetherball anyone?
  8. Why does Dickey insist on writing these articles? *runs away and hides*
  9. I would take that helmet with the new eagle and single stripe.
  10. This fire caused a great deal of damage to electrical and communication infrastructure. Internet service is sketchy in quite a few places in Denton. Based on some conversation I heard this morning, there are more than a few people blaming it on students. Worst comment I heard: "With all of the problems they are having around there, sounds like it may have been a good idea to tear that area down and rebuild it." At this point based on the actions of some, it is hard to disagree.
  11. You know for a bunch of guys that have only beaten us once and never been to a bowl game, MUTS does have a good sense of humor.
  12. What's funny is if you read the thread all the way through, someone admits that OU is in fact watching Carroll film to get an idea of Dodge's offensive philosophy.
  13. Hey look! The OU guys are talking about us! http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=95183 It looks a lot like their thread from last year on Boise State. Eh, what can you expect from a school that buys all of its players.
  14. Based on my observations here, I think that there are a few people on this board that agree with you. Heck, I think there are some people here that are still upset about the Dallas Cowboys adding silver to their uniforms.
  15. Really looking forward to this one. I told my 9 year old daughter I would take her to a road game this year and I figured I might as well make it an experience!
  16. Nice work on the logo that has a football play drawn up to look like their cathedral.
  17. That was right by Evers Park. There was some pretty good rotation in the clouds that occurred after the "scud" or drop formation disappeared. There were several high funnels that formed as the clouds went over 288 and the DISD stadium. That was the same cell that hit Aubrey last night as well.
  18. Seriously underated post. Hey, ever seen the Battleship WITHOUT lights? Or am I showing my age?
  19. The white helmet MUST have a stripe or stripes.
  20. I say we come out in Boise State colors and see how many of the OU players and fan go into the fetal position!
  21. Two fans with the same last name?!?!? YES! We are making progress!
  22. You are absolutely correct. But I was talking about uniforms that they were trying to make look good. I think the Giants are trying to give everyone in the fashion world something else to talk about besides Paris Hilton. The Giants unis look like pajamas.
  23. Probably the number one reason for going with white helmets is the difficulting in matching a kelly green shell to the uniform. Not trying to start the whole shade of green argument over, but matching shades of green was difficult enough without us going to a shade that no one else in the world seems to be using. But if you like the look of the Minnesota Vikings and their eight shades of purple....
  24. 61% on FT after the two made.
  25. We've got to hit free throws.
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