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Everything posted by GreenTiger_OriginalAcct

  1. I'm a bit shocked that no one else posted this, but Mike Singletary's name has come up in connection with the Baylor search. I heard this on the radio last night. Apparently, Singletary has also contact a few people about their availability as well.
  2. I noticed over the weekend that the Walgreens on University had a shelf full of the new white shell North Texas minihelmets - $19.99 each. They had a selection of other schools as well but most were NT helmets.
  3. The more I hear Bill Curry, the less I like him. His reasons for keeping the current system are ridiculous and contradictory. His statement this morning about the #3 undeated Auburn team from a few years ago having nothing to be disappointed about from being left out of the national title picture was just about the dumbest thing I have ever heard. If every other NCAA sport and every division of football besides 1A (btw - I like the FBS name now since I heard someone refer to it as the Football Buyout Series) can manage a true champion via a playoff, it becomes more and more obvious that the BCS is more powerful than the NCAA. I won't bore everyone again with the stats on the other football divisions having more teams and conferences that the D1A and still managing a playoff.
  4. I was down of the field and I did not see any punching going on, just some jawing and pushing. I did see a WKU helmet get slammed down on the ground by its owner and I helped a trainer pickup a couple of NT ponchos that were dropped. It seemed like it started then stopped two or three times.
  5. I wish I could share the enthusiam, but I am not seeing anything to support it.
  6. I had to work yesterday until 4 PM (I work for UNT and we have a computer upgrade going on this weekend) and I arrived home to find my 9 year old daughter fully dressed and ready to go to game. We arrived at half time to find no staff in the parking lot (can't blame them for that) and dozens of people leaving the stadium. The ticket takers did not have their scanner any more and barely took notice of us as we entered the stadium. My daughter said something to effect about all the "sissys" that didn't show up as she took her place with the small number of Jr Mean Green Club members. We sat there soaking wet through the second half as she SMILED the rest of the game. I wonder what kind of football nut I have raised!!! I am so proud. *sniff*
  7. I have been critical of the defensive coaching as well, but it worked last night! *claps*
  8. I believe the umbrella rule is an NCAA rule.
  9. Could JJ be our new defensive co-ordinator? His team held OSU to 73! So far, his team has only given up 53 and 73 points in their first two games. RV may want to tell Dodge to look across the street.
  10. Keep drinking!!! Mendoza is still serving!!!
  11. So the penalty on Dibrell was for showing the claw? Not taunting other players or pointing at himself? But the UNT equivilent of Hook'em or Gig'em? Sorry but give me a 105 UNT players like this and I will be just fine - thank you very much!
  12. I thought 5 wins this year. Now I am really hoping 5 wins for this year and next year combined. It looks like both offense and defense are built around true speed, which we lack because of our history as a run based team That doesn't mean we don't have good athletes, but there are offensive linemen that are great at run blocking that struggle in pass blocking. I think that is one of our biggest problems now. I see it taking at least two recruiting classes before we see a major difference. That aside, I still forsee a ticket price increase in 2008.
  13. I would guess that to be the visitor's section and the North end zone..
  14. *as GreenTiger wipes Diet Coke from his monitor* That made me laugh. Great comic relief.
  15. Maybe it is just me, but I still think the hamstring injury has cost him a half a step. The run Saturday was awesome, but he still seems to lack the breakaway speed that he used to have that would just leave the DBs in his wake.
  16. They will have helmets available after the season. They will be used, but reconditioned and will be nice. I have a couple of the older styles.
  17. That is not the D3 championship game. D3 is still in the middle of their season - they have actual playoffs.
  18. For the above story (sorta): NCAA swears it will put a stop to coaches' cursing The no-cursing rule for college basketball coaches is finally going to be enforced this season. The NCAA swears that's the case. After tolerating foul language for years from overaggressive sideline screamers, a new point of emphasis for college referees will be cleaning up bad language via technical fouls. No longer will coaches get warnings. Use a cuss word once, and it's a technical. Do it again, and the second technical means an ejection. Purdue coach Matt Painter said it shouldn't be hard for coaches to adjust. "I'm not saying I don't swear at all, but it's not like you have to do it," Painter said. "(Coaches) don't swear when they do their radio or TV show, and that's live, so if you have that ability to turn it on and off, you can do it in a game." The crackdown on cursing is part of a broader directive to police sideline behavior in general. When asked if the NCAA had any plans for a playoff in Div 1A football or a plan to fairly distribute BCS funds, the NCAA spokesman replied "@#$% you!" and walked away.
  19. Great! Now I have songs from the soundtrack stuck in my head. Next time I see you in the Jr. Mean Green Club line KACHOW! It's wedgie time!
  20. No UNT, but we helped put ULM back on the list! http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?page=bottom10077
  21. I think the funniest thing I have heard this week are the complaints about South Florida and Wake Forest being so high in the standings. People are actually complaining that these are not traditional powerhouses and asking why are they that highly ranked. Both of these schools are in BCS conferences!!! The NCAA$ hypocrisy never ends.
  22. It is very hard to see. Black thread on black cloth. Sneaky, er, I mean, brillant!
  23. Found it here: https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_...;ATCLID=1280470 Total offensive plays: 69 Run plays: 35 Pass plays: 34 We actually ran the ball more that we passed. It didn't seem that way, but it's right there in the stats.
  24. The last ULM score was awful. Chapman was coming around the backside of that play chasing the qb and just got tackled. Right in front of the line judge too. I would love to hear the official's excuse for that one during film review.
  25. Mmm. Obviously after the game. I wonder if something precipitated that....
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