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Everything posted by untangel4

  1. Maybe he acts differently at UNO, but last night, he was on the court *at least* 80% of the game. Why the refs allowed it, I don't know. But it was very frustrating for the fans because he was not only not supposed to be there, but he partly blocked our line of sight. It came off as being very unprofessional. And in reference to what he was wearing, you have to realize that when he is at home at UNO, or away at other universities, he is representing *your* university, and he should try and make the best impression possible for it, and it's athletic dept. Just my opinion.
  2. I thought it was the first two sections on that side... I understood (for the most part) about the 3rd section. But we were even being told to move from the second. Thank you for posting the link. BTW, nice post, Aaron.
  3. Official Practice: 3 pm Game Starts @ 4 pm Practice Field by Fouts I would assume it's BYOB, and whatever else you want to tailgate with, as well.
  4. He was there for the past few women's games...
  5. The incident was mostly targeted to our group. I talked to RV afterwards, and explained my concerns, and he was very understanding our them, but he did have to support the event staff. The problem was this: We've now started sitting on that side of the Pit, and we keep getting more and more students over there, so they're bleeding into the non-student (visitors) section, which was *empty* last night. I can understand the need to have a set student section, but IMO, they should've treated us students a little better (dare I say it, they should be kissing up to us, so that we'll keep coming back, and bring friends!). If I understand it correctly, the student section on that side of the Pit is only the first section... RV explained that we're not supposed to have any of our students in the section closest to the opposing team's bench. He did hint however, that the second section was ok (b/c there are so many of us). But last night, we kept being told to go back down to the first section. I know that several of us were getting really frustrated... All we wanted to do was cheer on our MEAN GREEN, and watch basketball... Not fight over our seats. We've gotten a lot of credit from coaches/players lately for being loud and rambunctious at the games, and last night almost made me want to sit in the top of the student section, being completely mute, and sitting on my hands... (like most of our fans). My advice to the Event Staff: Please don't berate the fans you have that are actually trying. I'm going to go as far as to say that our rowdy group was instrumental in getting people to stand up and scream during the last part of the game. Do you really want to break our spirit?!? On a happier note, I think Brook, JayDub, and myself got into the yearbook!
  6. ugh... that's horrible! who wants to bet that we'll see improvment by saturday?!? i'm sure JJ will be all over them to shoot better FTs...
  7. Agreed! If we could've just hit our free-throws, we would've won.... Should've, could've, would've....
  8. On a similar thought... Where was SCRAPPY last night???
  9. That UNO coach knew what he was doing... and he knew he was pushing our buttons... Cody said he was really weird, too... Plus, he was my height, and looked like he was wearing a borrowed cheap suit... Funny little man...
  10. I'll be there, Gak
  11. It's an *AWESOME* Denton-Only Ice Cream Parlor! (On the square)
  12. Real Name: Nicole Curry Size: Medium Color: GREEN!!! Number: 4 Name: UNTANGEL
  13. Thanks Erin! Nicole Curry Green Medium "4" "UNTANGEL" I'm so excited about these!
  14. Here's my opinion, and I think Stebo agrees, Black for the white shirts, White for the green ones... They can still be the same size/font, but black won't show up well on the green... and I want the white team to *know* who took their flag!!!
  15. Just in case Rick didn't get my e-mail: Green, medium "UNTANGEL", "4"
  16. Heck, yeah... The best part tho, is that it's right next door to Beth Marie's!
  17. If my information is correct, he did this on purpose since he knew there would be a lot of posts to people's profiles... The only board that has posts disabled is the Non-UNT Sports Board... Cerebus can probably confirm this
  18. I haven't really seen much, other than the Super Pit's marquee...
  19. I *knew* I'd go first, lol!
  20. yeah, hope... if you need help, just let me know
  21. I'm sure we could've all come up with much worse... Maybe if we had changed the wording a bit, it would've stayed... Ah, well... It was still funny
  22. god i love this kid....i want him so bad! *disclaimer: i did not write this one... someone else did*
  23. "Is it true you're all RELATED?!?"
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