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Everything posted by untangel4

  1. I'll try! I'm in town by a stroke of luck for the TAMS preview for my little sister... Super excited that it coincides with Homecoming! Now I just need to convince her to come to the game with me
  2. https://untaapavilionhomecoming.eventbrite.com Looks like its open to all for Homecoming!
  3. of COURSE i voted yes... and i also voted for the last choice for queen/king... they really shouldn't FORCE you to vote for homecoming... i'm hardly on campus or involved in orgs anymore, so i shouldn't be forced to vote for people i know nothing about anyways.. crossing my fingers!
  4. well.. it was a perfectly good convo until HE showed up... goodness gracious... ::frustrated:: Edit: well.. minus tunz's little "game", lol
  5. if he chooses choice "c", pls post a video here... kthxbai and hihi tunz! see you on saturday?
  6. your picture is small.. but i'm guessing... jesse?
  7. JD, if you need me, CJ and I can pick you up, too.. just lemmie know
  8. this thread.. and the father thread... are the most... entertaining... threads ever! ::dies laughing::
  9. yay for making JD's night better, lol... missed ya, hon
  10. yay for being #1,731! and sorry i didn't join earlier, just stumbled upon it Edit: oh, and yay for reading gmg.com forums again! it's been awhile...
  11. ditto... i didn't know someone could feel so old at only 23...
  12. i'll stop by and say hello before stupid finance class...
  13. ah... JayDub as DD... priceless
  14. My grandfather was at Pearl Harbor during that fateful attack. He was a career marine and also went to Korea and Vietnam. He unfortunately passed away of a heart attack when I was 3. He had retired from the Marines, and was a teacher/principal of Longview High School. I have always wished that I had gotten to know him better and to hear some of his stories. He was a good man, who did a lot for this country. I appreciate everything that he and others have done for us... past, present, and future.
  15. Just drive the few extra minutes to the SuperTarget in Lewisville... it's nicer, bigger, and the best part: i work there But seriously, I always avoided the Denton Target whenever I could... it's just too difficult to get to
  16. Was Stephenville on our alumni side? Because that would make sense... the student side was PACKED when I drove by... HP has a good team... my friend Tim shoots the video for their games, and I tagged along a few times. Glad to see they pulled out a win.
  17. Grew up an Aggie (both parents), so I have a natural hate for anything burnt orange... And as a fan of the Mean Green, I dislike SMU... even tho I liked it very much when my mom was going there, and we lived down the street... nice neighborhood
  18. yeah... i started a tradition of sneaking past the yellow-coated ones to sit in front of them... since i won't be a student next year, maybe i'll get season tix in that spot to make it all official-like
  19. baz's dad and karen should be at the NT games next year, too... he hopes to renew his season tix... i'm just happy i'll still be able to sit next to them, even if we can't root for nick. i'm confident nick'll do well, either with the NFL, or with school... whichever he chooses (or chooses him!)
  20. when you find one, let me know.... guys, it has been a bad season, i agree.. but do we HAVE to attack each other? these posts reek of sarcasm. we all need to be supporting each other, and our boys... this past season hasn't been a picnic for them, either. chin up, guys... we still have next season and other games to worry about (SMU, among others) i vote that we all leave this season in the past where it belongs.
  21. heck yes! clarkies rule!
  22. i'll be there as soon as i can get a few hours of sleep... stupid overnight shifts... anyways, can't wait to see everyone!
  23. anybody going to the stars game on wednesday? it'll be my first pro hockey game to attend... i can't wait! i used to have season tickets to the texas tornados (pre-frisco), and miss my hockey
  24. worry enough, and he shall call.... shane is alive and well... just called me from the lake charles newspaper building... part of the roof was torn off during the storm, but everyone is ok. one of the first things he asked was about our game, to which he was disappointed. (hey, at least we know his heart and mind are on the right thing, lol)... anyways, i hope everyone else out there is ok, and safe, and dry!
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