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Everything posted by kingwoodgreen

  1. I was at that game. even though I am anti-aggie it was great to see Dean Smith lose. He was the father of the four corner stall and I always hated that play. The shot clock later took care of that style of game. UNC had a late lead and went into the stall and it cost them. The pit was packed and had all the atmosphere of the tournament as it is today. They later raided the attendance minimums that put the pit out of contention for further venues. Anytime you get a program like the tarheels in town it was good pr for the school.
  2. I don't pretend to know anything abut this recruit but I do see the bigger picture. He is the icebreaker regardless of how he pans out. Hopefully he is the first of many area locals to consider UNT. This had to happen for us to open the gates. Thats what I am talking (excited about).
  3. Please add me to the list if possible. I do not post much but read every day.
  4. that is as good as it gets. especially against ou
  5. Soon I will be starting my first development. It is 14 waterfront homes on Cedar Creek Lake. I also have a mosquito misting systems business out of my home in Houston and I also rep for the manufacturer. Our family sold our electrical supply business (Dallas, Ft. Worth, Houston, Atlanta and New Jersey) a couple of years ago. I have been also trying to build an indoor sports facility with indoor soccer and basketball for several years now.
  6. I just got back from the Rice game. Not crowded but a fun enviroment especially with the mob band. They were loud and funny. My ten year old son thought it great when they would chant "sponge bob square pants". We wore our mean green football jerseys which enabled us to meet a high school coach from Bush H.S. He had a mean green jerseey also. He is not an alum but his daughter is a freshman. Interesting, said he wanted to try and help NT recruit in Houston. Momentum swung both ways during the game. We had some real cold periods. Rice at times looked sharp and they almost came back and won. Our free throw shooting could be our downfall. We played tough and had a good zone and full court press. We beat a good team tonight and Watson was the man who stepped up. I had hoped to see Wooden stand out but Rice was tough on him inside. Overall good win angainst a CUSA team. I will take those anyday.
  7. I plan on being there with my son. If possible I will bring the entire family. I would also like to seat with the other Mean Green fans. I have never been to a basketball game at Rice but something tells me we will have not problems finding a place. If we all walk up at diiferent times we will no know what section to ask for but probably will be able to move as a group if desired.
  8. I agree about having the law collage in Denton. But I am uncertain if the opportunity is there unless it is in Big D. It seems as if this is only possible as a boon to downtown. I am actually not that excited about the school's image being promoted with the Dallas campus also. But that being said my choice would be to have it on campus. Additional building would add to campus. Law school would bring in more traditional students. More apt to be involved with athletics. With engineering and law we could really promote ourselves as a school on the move. The perception is that we would be reinventing UNT. We have a perception problem. These elements would assist us getting in CUSA as much as some success in the smaller sports.
  9. The name escapes me but the famous artist that does all the "blue dog" paintings has a place there. It is great. anyone in town should be able ot get you there.
  10. Not sure if anybody can help on this but am desparate. I signed up dring the smu game and could not log on. Tried again today and same thing. They have sent me my password verification but still cannot log on.
  11. the exact same thing happened to me. Are you able to log on yet?
  12. Rick, do you have any hitch covers left?
  13. I lived in Knoxville for a short time. Game day there is huge. Everyone whether you went to ut or not followd the Vols. With the Vol Navy (huge houseboat tailgating on the Tennessee River next to the stadium) and capcaity of 100.000 it is quite a sight and experiance.
  14. you should check out Sam Houston's new softball field. It is nice. If we cannot better then them then I am very disappointed.
  15. very popular band from the past. Good to see that they are still around
  16. I will try and drive out from Kingwood. I try and watch the games with my 8 year old son (big Jamario fan). Do you think it would be appropriate to bring him to this particular bar?
  17. This is the same guy who would not answer or return phone calls on deliveries during the Christmas holidays. He promised me delivery before Christmas and only came through quite some time in late January. I had ordered two of my kids jerseys for a present. I called him in early December because my 8 year son request Jamo's number and he said it was too late in the process. I probably got the jersey (not with the number requested) about 8-9 weeks later. I cannot believe he could not make the change. He just did not want to provide the service. There was a past thread on this guy's lack of service and professionalism.
  18. Anybody old enough out there remember Captain Nemos?
  19. Why Izzy, do they think they are better than we are!!!
  20. home; Kingwood, TX (NE of Houston) 41/2 to 5 hours stop at Woodys(beef jerky captial of Texas) in Centerville for sausage sandwich stop at S & D's on Mckinny for a real meal grab a #13 at New York Sub before the game
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