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Green P1

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Everything posted by Green P1

  1. Yea... once you realize it.... it sucks.
  2. We are the CUSA equivilant of a bad version of an under-talented Kliff Kingsbury team.
  3. Cal has begged us to make a game out of this since halfway through the 2nd quarter. Nice of them I guess?
  4. You tried to warn people that UNT football would let them down? How clairvoyant.....
  5. I love the Mason for Heisman stuff.... but g&@- &@&/Rico isn’t the best thing since sliced bread. Give me a freaking break.
  6. Three things that are fun: cussin college football
  7. That’s pretty neat.
  8. You posted a picture of a bobble head doll from the waist down?
  9. You would not believe how disappointed I was in that store...
  10. Say what you will... but I feel terrible for LSU. Having Tony Benford named head coach has to be the harshest penalty ever handed down by the NCAA.
  11. Josh White forever.
  12. It’s like freaking Gillette didn’t even put out a commercial. Scumbag
  13. Also, there is no way that kid tied both of his shoes that fast during the halftime contest.
  14. I mean.... come on.
  15. Ah the old Mean Green tailgating bike. I sold her at an alumni event in 2011 I think.
  16. Mosaic glass tile SOW my former boss made for me. Given to me as a table top but I decided to backlight it with LEDs and hang it in the back yard.
  18. The trolling non troll sometimes trolls so hard that that troll Trolls the troll trying to troll into not trolling what’s been trolled because it’s already been trolled to hard
  19. This game perfectly encapsulates my Mean Green fandom since 2002. It doesn’t get any better or worse than this. This is it.
  20. You wanna run the ball against a team that knows you can’t throw? That sounds fun. Let’s do it!!
  21. Does Kansas St still have that fat guy that wears a cardboard mask pumping them up before games? I could see that as a positive for us.
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