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Everything posted by bstnsportsfan3

  1. my mom just moved about 20 min outside of houston...and ill need to visit her...so that means maybe a road trip for me to go see her...in september....so i can see my school destory rice!....a nice weekend trip will be good....go mean green!
  2. i was tired....that is sad though as im acually from new england and not some stuipd bandwagoner.....
  3. took me about 45 secs of staring....but i got it from going counter-clockwise to going clock wise...then i scrolled down and read the fucntions....when i went back up it was counter -clockwise again!
  4. Sorry, but the rangers wont win more then 70-75 games.........LETS GO RED SOX'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. yes, i believe your right....the goal is to getm all parking out of the middle of campus....parking garages would help solve that!
  6. maybe im just blind or didnt look hard enough....but i didn't see riley dodge on the roster...
  7. stupid me was suppost to go to the scrimmage....but i had 2 dentist appointments...one at 7am ( way to early for me) so i took a nap around 2...and didn't wake up till 530...and i figured it was over...i wanted to see some football today
  8. on the practice schedule....it says the dates in bold are at fouts and all other's are at the athletic center....and the one for the 28th (today) is not in bold....so is it still at fouts?
  9. do you remember what time the scrimmage is....morning, afternoon?
  10. does anyone know if the scrimmage tommrow is open to the public and at what time it is...im a student living here on campus and i have no classes or work on fridays....i would love to watch the scrimmage.
  11. this is why im an rtvf major going into sports brodcasting....not an english major!
  12. Well, i can't say anything about those other douche's....but i grew up in New Hampshire...i moved to arkansas when i was 16 but i will always be a die-hard celtics, sox's, pat's, and bruins fan my entire life. thier are alot of bandwagon fans who jump to what ever team is winning ( i have gone to arlingtion to see rangers/soxs last 2 years....i have never seen so many bandwagon sox's fans in my life) or when a team get a new super star or 2 ( garnett and allen jersey sales through the roof). plese dont think all of use fans from boston are cocky massholes, most of the fans that grew up thier and grew up with their family watching these teams are classy, well knowledgable fans, not douches like you encountered....sorry again for those losers making all boston fans seem like major asses....
  13. They should do what my celtics did last year when they lost peirce....Tank Tank Tank....you could get a SA miricale and end up with a duncun type....u never know!
  14. North Texas Football 2008: Check out our Backside.........as we run right by you!
  15. UNT Football 08- we have offense!!!....and maybe defense
  16. what great publicity that would be for the Sun Belt!
  17. well....i don't think it screwed WKU, i can tell you that it did screw my bracket..........
  18. I think my bracket would be ok...i acually have both WKU and USA winning thier first round games as i feel they are the better teams in those match-ups, and SA has almost a home court advantage.
  19. That the reason we didnt get into the CBI over a team like cinncinatti (who was 13-18) was because we refused to pay the $60,000 to host a game with only 2 days to sell tickets and with everyone on spring break? i would have loved another hme game and a chance to see williams and wooden and bell keep playing. just wondering if this an accurate thought!
  20. um.....i think we played TWU not TCU
  21. cool! i guess i win! .....something that Tina Slinker had trouble with.............BURN!
  22. i guess not
  23. You think Nolan Richardson or Bob Knight have any intrest in coaching women's b-ball??????
  24. i co-founded talking.....nobody ever talked before me!
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