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Sorry, I stand corrected. Excellent thoughts and post. Also, have ever noticed head coaches who are offensive gurus tend to forget about defense. It is like that in both football and basketball (Rams, Oilers (run & shoot), mavericks, wizards, etc.). Again, just my thoughts. On your part, excellent insight!
The Question Now Isn't "will We Win A Game This Year?"..
Green Dozer replied to emmitt01's topic in Mean Green Football
Now, now, Emmitt, be positive! Most on here can't handle the truth, otherwise RV would have his quarterly meetings and tell everybody what is really going on. -
I think you are overthinking the KSTATE deal just a little. That said, it is hard for me to believe, like you, that our talent level lags so far behind our opponents. I do agree with your point that this team does not like its coach and I think this is showing on the field. Have no way of knowing, just a gut feeling. Never here quotes from players that the coach works so hard in getting us prepared, then we go out and don't perform. Dodge is more emotional than Dickey was, but not much.
Perhaps you did not see my sign off, I have right to express my opinion. FWIW, many times I have wondered about the need for your needless threads!
Even the Star Telegram gives Dodge a pass. Let beatings after beatings like this happen at the big boys' schools that everyboy aspires to be, and see what happens. It wouldn't be tolerated at the top mid majors. I am not saying that Dodge has to go right this minute, but he is the present head coach and has to take the responsibility.
What Is Going Through Dodge's Mind Tonight?
Green Dozer replied to Smitty's topic in Mean Green Football
What Is Going Through Dodge's Mind Tonight?
Green Dozer replied to Smitty's topic in Mean Green Football
I realize the special teams, and specifically Robert Drake have been a debacle since Dodge has arrived. However, the buck stops with the head coach, and right now he is the one who should be held responsible for the performance of this football team. Dickey has been gone to long to blame him or his recruits. The offense cannot run their routes or get their timing down, don't know their blocking schemes, quarterback does not have time to throw, it goes on and on. The defense, BOTTOM LINE, cannot tackle. And the special teams is certainly not special. The head coach is responsible overall for the team, and now his performance is not acceptable. I am starting to believe that Todd Dodge is way over his head, and it is ashamed. I thought when he was hired, we got the best bang for our buck. I thought we had an up and coming coach to take this program to the next level. Even though he was 24-35 (not even .500) before he went to Carroll, and Carroll was already an established program. So, its not like he built that program from the ground up. That said, I just don't see how he is going to get North Texas back on track. You would think, and I think many did, that with 4 conference championships to go we were knocking on the door. Now, we are sitting out on the curb. When this season is over, he will have only 2 wins his first two years. How is he going to continue to recruit with that record? What can we expect next year? Well, it will have to be one hell of a turn around to make any difference. 5 wins would be a great improvement. So, that is 7 wins in 3 years. Now you are recruiting kids who don't know who Dodge is because when he was coach at Carrol, they were in 6th or 7th grade. The shine will have worn off, and if recruits don't recognize it, you can bet rival coaches will let them know. We can have the new stadium, but it can't play offense, defense, or special teams. I am a member of the Mean Green Club, have season tickets, have a UNT license plate, and you damn right I have a right to my opinion.
Yea, now that you mention it. Seemed like a brilliant idea when i did it! Guess I'm like Col. Blake from MASH, just trying to help.
I e-mailed Rick and asked him to invite the mayor to come on the Todd Dodge Show.
UNT football: Wall Street on Fry Street 01:09 AM CDT on Saturday, September 27, 2008 We feel a little sheepish making the analogy, but the debate over a new football stadium at the University of North Texas reminds us of the meltdown on Wall Street that’s been pigging the headlines in recent days. America’s financial markets are failing, at least partly because of their own failings, but they are “too big to let fail,” and somebody, in this case the American taxpayers, must help prop them up. Fouts Field, the stadium where the UNT football team has played since the mind of man runneth not to the contrary, is crumbling — literally — but football is “too big to let fail,” and somebody, in this case future generations of UNT students, must help prop it up. Our conclusion about the latter situation pretty much mirrors the one we’ve come to about the former: It stinks, but we’re willing to hold our noses and go along — with some strong reservations. If UNT is going to continue to field a football team, it is going to have to have a new football stadium. Yup, if we’re going to have football, the proposal for a new stadium is “too big to let fail.” Fouts Field is a bedraggled disgrace, and it may even become dangerous to patrons if it’s allowed to stand much longer. If we’re going to have football at UNT, we’re going to have to build a new stadium. A new stadium would be a nice recruiting tool for the football program, and it might help land some attractive “home-and-home agreements” with recognized regional opponents. In order to get such a stadium, the university’s athletic department and athletic boosters (see David Anderson’s guest column, which appeared on this page on Sept. 24) propose a student fee of $10 per semester hour to supplement private fundraising efforts. Students will vote on that proposal during the second week of October, but they have no real stake in the matter. The fee, if approved, won’t go into effect until the stadium and most of today’s students are long-gone. This suits the athletic department right down to the ground, because it gives a false veneer of democracy to the process while ensuring an electorate that has no vested interest in voting “No.” We can’t really think of a truly democratic way to gauge the opinion of students who would be affected by the fee short of letting every 10th-grader in Texas have a vote, so this, like the Wall-Street bailout, is the imperfect plan we are left with. We suppose we can live with it, but we wouldn’t be too disappointed if UNT students took an empathetic look down the road and decided that $10 a semester hour was too large a load to place on the backs of students who haven’t even set foot on the campus yet. If the fee were voted down, perhaps a smaller fee could be proposed in its stead, a fee that wouldn’t add some $300 a year to an average student’s financial burden. Rethinking the sizes of the fee would also add credibility to the university’s stated goal of making a UNT education more affordable. True, private fundraisers would have to take up the slack. Athletic department officials now estimate that private funds would amount for about $40 million of the $60 million cost of the stadium, and a lower student fee would increase that amount considerably. But there are thousands of UNT alumni in the area, and they have shown us that they are dedicated to the cause. Hard work and perseverance could carry the day. Winning some football games wouldn’t hurt, either. Green Dozer: Not bad, just wish Denton City Leaders (i.e. Mayor Burroughs would come out for the stadium, and tout the benefits for the City of Denton
I read with disdain that the UNT Daily has taken up itself to do one survey of one group of students, and decide its stance on the stadium. Did you go to the College of Business and do a survey? What about the College of Education? Of course not, but I fear you will think that a survey of your own department reflects the opinion of all students at UNT. I thought that was what the vote was for? It should be of no surprise to anyone that most people associated with liberal arts degrees at a university would be against a stadium. That said, I would ask that the Daily present all sides of the issues in a fair and unbiased manner. I fear, that because of your track record, you will not. It is just another challenge for our country that the media has become a political party in all issues. They believe that they know how we as Americans feel, know what is best for us, and therefore can take upon themselves to even ELECT the next president. I can see from doing this survey that the future of journalism in America will not change.
Pourhouse is real good about letting folks in the "big room" know what is going on with the big screen and when. They handle it with courtesy and respect to all fans.
What should we expect? The news media has decided it knows whats best for the American people, so it has taken upon itself to elect the next President. For the most part, there is no unbiased or middle of the road reporting, where both sides of an argument are reported/presented, and allowing the people to make up their own minds. It is evident from this survey that this attitude is not changing with our future journalists. It seems the NT Daily has decided what is best for the future of UNT football. Watch, they will torpedo this from now until the election!
I sometimes pick this up to. However, most of the time he calls like it is. One thing we don't know for sure is what kind of relationship he has with Dodge and RV. I get the impression, and it is just vibes, that it is not good. If I were RV or Dodge, my main mouthpiece would not be the Star Telegram. I would make sure the writer for the Record Chronicle, which also serves as the beat writer, for the DMN, has the best media relationship with the program as possible. The ties for the Record Chronicle is not only the Dallas Morning News, but Channel 8 as well because Belo owns them all. I have e-mailed Vito, and not received a reply. And, unlike a lot of journalists I have approached, he has never come across as arrogant.
Call Dodge and see if he will let u suit up. I know your a little old, but it couldn't hurt.
Don't know how much prices were raised. But I do not think it makes any difference, the high school athletic directors, coaches, boosters, and parents will go to Cowboy Stadium. The concession prices still have to meet what the market will pay. It also gives the fan the opportunity to see a game at Cowboy Stadium that they might not be able to afford, certainly in the seats they would sit in, or have the opportunity to go anyway. There is also not anyway for them demand that the game be moved, its the playoffs after all. We need to have a Saturday or 2 of high school games during the season, invite some regional rivalries to play or something. Collins here in Denton has not hosted but just a couple of high school games.
You just have all the great ideas! See my post.
Did anybody else see the story on Fitzgerald on News 8 at 6. Great story about what he has accomplished at North Texas. Mentioned what a hard worker he is, the relationship with his mother, and Coach Dodge saying he is an example of the type of player he wants at UNT. Both Coach Dodge and Casey were featured making comments. Speaking of his work ethic, it mentioned that he still works part time at Whataburger at Malone and University. He was doing this because he was a walk on, so had to work to make ends meet. He has not stopped. That is truly amazing. That said, makes me think if we are going to be like the big boys, we need to pay our players better.
***Rice Game Watching Event At Pourhouse This Saturday***
Green Dozer replied to Harry's topic in Mean Green Football
Had an interesting experience for the US Open Playoff. Went to Pourhouse to watch it on the big screen, but some guy and his buddies had reserved it for the World Championships in soccer. Was I aggravated, you bet, but I must say if I was those soccer guys, I would have expected Pourhouse to keep their word. What I am saying is, Pourhouse does its best and I would hate to have to juggle what they do, especially with sports fans. -
I do not think we have much of chance getting high school playoff games at the new stadium. My understanding is that TX Stadium charges little, if any, for high schools to play their games there. TX Stadium keeps most of the gate, concessions, and parking. Since management will stay the same at the new Cowboys stadium, I think the games will move there. Who can blame a kid for wanting to play on the same field as the Cowboys, and I am sure high school coaches use it as motivation. What I am proposing is similar to the Tom Landry Classic at Ford. We could call it the "Joe Greene Mean Green Classic". We could invite Oak Cliff or Dallas Carter to play Houston Madison or Houston Yates. Then maybe a Oklahoma high school to play a Texas high school, say Denton Ryan against Ardmore. Heck, we could even invite a couple of six man teams to play as well. It would be a good way to get some prospects, both recruits and walk ons, along with bands, parents, etc. to connect with North Texas. This would be good for the City of Denton, if we could get them to wake up and smell the opportunities this would bring to them. An afterthought to my post, we could host the Div. III championship or even a junior college championship game. Just thinking!
The fee Texas Stadium charges high schools for the playoffs is very minimal, I have heard rumors as little as $500 for the games, but TX Stadium keeps the concessions, most of the gate receipts, and parking. Since management will be the same at Jerry World, I would imagine this will not change. Houston high schools played their playoff games in the Astrodome, now they are played at Reliant even with U of H and Rice both having stadiums. Most of the new larger high school stadiums in the area do not host high school playoffs, so I don't think that it will happen for us. Ford at SMU has not hosted any high school playoff games, but has hosted the Tom Landry Classic over the past few years, so something like that would be great for us. Collins has hosted a couple of playoff games (Celina played one there), and has also has had band competitions there.