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Green Dozer

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Everything posted by Green Dozer

  1. Well, excuse me, I did not think a person was running for office in this campaign. The right facts just need to be out there. If, you as an alumnae, were voting for something, how would you feel if this university presented in such way with misleading facts? You wouldn't like it. Fact is, in the real world, we no longer have an expectation of integrity with our politicians. But, I expect integrity from my university.
  2. The promises that this campaign group (national recognition, better conference affiliation, and more donors) had better come true. If they don't, the students who vote for this will remember what they promised in a few years. Then, as a alumnae, they will believe the university failed to deliver on its promises and not give to anything. We are walking a fine line with promises of things that cannot be factually backed up at this time. Your right, the fee enhances our program, and that should be what it should say. But no, it has become a "stadium fee", and it will make for a closer vote.
  3. One more thing, the promises that you and your crew make (national recognition, better conference affiliation, and more donors) had better come true. If they don't, the students who vote for this will remember what they promised in a few years. Then, as a alumnae, they will believe the university failed to deliver on its promise and not give to anything. You are walking a fine line with promises of things that cannot be factually backed up at this time.
  4. Thanks for your post. I think first, I think the campaign should have been run for just an '"athletic fee". Now, it has become a fundraiser for the stadium. We do not know that a new stadium will get us to a new conference, get better recruits, and improve donations. The athletic fee could have been used to get better coaches for all sports, better facilities, better support staff, the list goes on. I am just afraid the students are going to now judge what has become a stadium vote on our team record of the past couple of years. Again, a campaign that an athletic fee (and it would) would greatly enhance our athletic program, helping to make us more competetive, leading us to better things including a new stadium. This is not personal to anybody, though some will take it that way.
  5. TO FLYER, ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS: The only facts on this flyer that have any basis is the fact it is a "green" stadium, and that Fouts needs to be replaced. My questions, which you cannot seem to answer are: 1) How do you know this will lead to a better conference affiliation. The team will certainly have to be improved, and that will not be overnight as we well know. When has another conference said build a new stadium, and you can come to our conference. 2) How do you know donors will step up. Nobody has come out in any editorial anywhere saying if UNT builds a stadium,they will step up and give $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Not one, and sorry, I just don't see that many donors in the shadows. Donors did not exactly flock to the program when we were winning conference championships and playing in a bowl game. 3) National recognition? For what? Do more people know about South Florida or SMU because of a new stadium? No, again, it is what takes place on the field. The rest of the program, besides the stadium, will have to be funded. Noticed an article in the DRC that Muschamp at TX makes $475,000 as def. coordinator. Bet that is a competitive salary. Those kind of guys are who we might want to look at as a head coach. Think a new stadium is going to make up for the salary cut a coach at that level would take to be the head coach here. Sorry, RV is right, we have got to throw DOLLARS at this program, not pocket change. The stadium will be just a big, pretty band aid on an ill program.
  6. Flyer, if the "right" info is communicated in a professional manner about this fee, then the "evil empire" would not have a leg to stand on. All this cloak and dagger crap makes us look like a hand to mouth football program. It gives credibility that we are pitching pennies into our program while others are pitching dollars. I mean, a Facebook page is what we base our poll on and we call the Daily's poll bogus. Do the fundraisers at other mid-majors like Marshall, Toledo, Troy, ULL use Facebook to guage the success or failure of their fundraising efforts? The 0-4 record would not have effected this campaign like it will now. Want proof, look at the student section this past Saturday and the attendance of the students at the Tulsa game. We could have gone into a lot more depth about how the facilities would help recruiting, attract better coaches in the future, in other words accentuate the positives. The positives for outweigh the negatives, so I think your belief that we should have waited until now is incorrect. Exactly!
  7. Well Silver, most people don't associate Brian Waters and North Texas like they do with Joe Greene. I know that has mostly to do with the last name and Mean Greene. But Waters will not make any difference to our recruiting until he turns around and embraces us. I think the athletic department has tried to reach out to him from what I have heard. If you want an example of what it means to help your university as for as recruiting, look at how the former Miami Hurricane players do. That is what we need from our former players here, especially the few that have gone on to the pros. In a few years, most recruits and their parents won't have a clue who Joe Greene is/was unless they have studied their football history. Thanks for all you do in the recruiting efforts.
  8. Student government discusses new stadium Taylor Short Issue date: 10/7/08 Section: NEWS Student Government Association members and NT athletics director Rick Villarreal met Thursday to discuss how to inform students about the proposed $7 athletic fee increase that would help fund the new stadium. Does anybody else think that Thursday, per the NT Daily, was a little late to plan how to campaign for the student fee? It said that RV was present at this meeting. Just seems to me that these plans should have been made over the summer, and bam, get the info out at the beginning of the semester. I mean, this just seems last minute on something that is so important to the future of the football program, and will indirectly impact all of athletics. It seems the mode of the athletic department is to get behind in the game, and then try to play catch up like our football team. It is unfair to people who are working so hard to have to work under these circumstances. I am afraid students will judge what needs to be done by the team's record and the poll that the UNT Daily runs. Just think it could have been done with a lot more organizing. There could have been athletic staff, players, coaches, alums on campus going around and beating the drum a lot earlier in this semester. We are trying to build a stadium, not a practice field.
  9. Now, this one makes sense. Glad I was first in something, and I have no rebuttal.
  10. This is forum to vent, good or bad. What is obvious is that you can choose not to read them, or don't come back to the board until the team has improved so much that nothing will be negative. Obviously, the choice is yours.
  11. An alumnae from Argyle wrote a good piece that was published a couple of weeks ago. Also, I think Green Joe was going to do something as well.
  12. First, which I am sure you know, the "university" cannot fund the athletics, and I know that is probably not what you meant.. It has to be through the athletic department's fundraising. Music and arts are not the reason we do not have a good football program. It is the apathy of the donor base. We do not have the big hitters (family owned oil & gas companies, ranching, banking, lawyers, medical professionals, CEO's of large corporations) who have gone here and support the program in the way Tech, A&M, and Texas are supported by their donors. Simply, there are not the deep pockets for athletics that some would lead us to believe. I think that Dr. Pohl and Dr. Bataille have made a great effort, short of pulling a gun on donors, to get the message out about athletics. Also, think about corporate sponsorship. Do you really think that a corporation is going to put even a couple of million dollars to this stadium given our track record to this point on and off the field. The stadium campaign should have started long before Dodge got here (during the championship run would have been perfect). Then, after the alumnae committed to the stadium, then the students should have been asked, Instead, like today, it is going to the students first. Check around about our donor support, and see if you think at the level it is at now ( a new stadium will not greatly improve it unless the product on the field is greatly greatly improved), and figure out how the athletic department is going to pay for a new stadium and fund the program (ie coaching salaries as you say) to where it can remain competitive year in and year out. I hope we do not drop the program, Div II is fun with its playoff system, and since we will not see a BCS bowl game in my lifetime (I am 45), I would not mind it. By the way, I have gotten carried away, and this is in no way meant to argue with you and your post. These are my observations and opinions.
  13. Good post, MG Insurance Pro. I just worry that Dodge is so engrossed with offense, that the defense will get overlooked. And by the way, it seems offense minded coaches have this problem. Don't know if it is an ego thing or not. The only offense genius to really overcome it was Joe Gibbs in his first stint at Washington. Offense coaches seem to be control freaks (i.e. Deloach/Dodge arguing), assistants give him their starting line up and he changes it). I e-mailed SLC Outsider, as he was cruising the board, and ask if he still thought Dodge could turn this around. His reply was that, yes, he could if everybody was patient. But, he did not know how much patience Dodge would have. Thought that was interesting.
  14. King, Are you serious about the "passed out drunk" bit and the "stealing". I mean, I would think there would be enough anti-athletic people within the university to get this out in the open. Also, the officer I talked to did not say there had not been any problems nor did he say there have. Like you said, it is night and day from the last coaching staff.
  15. Come to North Texas! Choose your own color: blue, black, red, pink, some form of green, the choice is yours! We don't care and neither should you.
  16. Please don't insult me....this is true. But, good reply
  17. Isn't that just a piece of the old turf?
  18. One more thing, his record at UT makes no difference in this case. My point is he still has been, win lose or tie, involved with a MAJOR college football program. So, he knew what he was getting into, and should have the experience to handle it. Your question reads that if he had a good win/loss record, then that would make a difference. I don't, so why don't we agree to disagree. Ok?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  19. Don't care, and obviously you don't either. Aren't you late for your bingo game or the sing along there at the nursing home?
  20. Donors will have to put their money where their mouth is as well.
  21. Dodge 2007, please do not take this wrong. I keep hearing that Dodge and company are learning on the fly. Last I heard, and even saw him play, there was a quarterback at the University of Texas named Todd Dodge. He has also stayed around that program since he left. He was also an assistant here at UNT, has held clinics for college staffs (i.e. Missouri) on his offense, and is a frequent speaker at coaching clinics. None of our past coaches came here with his credentials, not even Fry. So the notion that there is this huge learning curve in running a program is unfounded. Now, if had he quarterbacked at West Texas A&M or Texas Lutheran, then I could understand this point that a lot of posters make. But come on, he was the quarterback at the highest profile program in the State of Texas.
  22. We have a bingo, unfortunately.
  23. No, I didn't interrogate him. I was just making conversation, and casually talking. Yes, athletes should hold themselves to higher standard, but they are going to make mistakes. As for MIP, though not an excuse, it is college. As for another current problem or problems you may be referencing, I do not think anybody is turning their head. I do not understand why some fans feel if a player has a problem or makes a mistake, that one of the punishments should be that it be put in the media so they can crucify him. We look at wins and losses, but the guys in the pads and helmets are still human beings with a life off the field. I do not think we as fans, donors, or whatever have a right to know every little detail like that. If Dodge follows the way that Stoops and Brown handle things internally, then I agree with that. I assure you, if your child were to make a mistake, that is how you would want it handled.
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