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Green Dozer

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Everything posted by Green Dozer

  1. Right............but wrong. Yes, all that is needed to start construction is the student vote, along with legislature approval. So, we start, and we buy bonds or whatever? Those payments come due, the fee has not kicked in, so where does the rest of the money comes from? Oh, the corporate sponsor, please? The donors, well I bought 5 raffle tix, so yes I increased my donation. And the legislature may well want to know where the rest of the money, aside from the student fee, is coming from. I am sure, if you answer, you will run me in the ground. We will need a lot more nickels!
  2. Joe Greene. That is what the casual fan at our school knows about the history of our program, and that is an important part. But, think about the flying worm. Though it was ugly, it was ahead of its time when you look at some of the helmet logos today (i.e. Kansas State). No, we have not been to the Rose Bowl. I was at the stadium when Florida St. played here in the snow. I think they brought 55 player or something like that, and only a dozen or so had seen snow. This was in the 70's, and Bowden was just getting the program off the ground. The TN game, being ranked in the top 25, and possible National Championship in Div. II IF we had not gone to Nevada to play them, there was a blizzard. But we chose to do that. There has been a lot of good.
  3. Well one really big one pulled out, I know for a fact.
  4. I see the point about the tight end. I think even Leach at TT uses a tight end. But to your main point, you are right about Dodge.
  5. You mean we have not hit bottom?
  6. Man! And they think I am negative. I do not, however, disagree with you. I will bring an extra bullet proof vest on Saturday for you to wear. But lets sit separate, the assassin may only have one bullet.
  7. Hey rcade, right on! I just don't want promises to made that can't be kept, have heard to many before, and you get leary. Just hope the donors really will step up, but been there/heard that to. Yes, WE NEED THE STADIUM OR WE ARE DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDDDDDD! But my point, which I cannot seem to get across, is there is a lot more to it than where you and I will plant our butts 6 or so Saturdays a year.
  8. Yep, and I think we would be more successful now as well. For the most part, the colleges in Div. 1 who are the most successful year in and year out run more of a pro-style offense.
  9. RETSO, Isn't the offense at OU a spread? But, yes a Vince Young sure helps. One other thing is that the West Coast Offense made it into the college ranks, but the spread never has caught on in the NFL (remember the run n gun days of Houston and Atlanta). So, I think when you come up against a defense with speed, you are in trouble. And the SEC has a lot of fast defenses.
  10. Well, when we fund the stadium, what about the rest of the program? I mean to make it competitive to match the stadium and do the things (i'm sure the stadium is the answer to all our problems) that need to be done for a DIV 1 program to be competitive. I mean, the student fee takes care of 1/2, which is $30 million. Lets forget the corporate donation, no way at this time. So, we as donors have got to come up with $30 million. Look at our record so for. Our total athletic budget is $15 million, i think, not sure. I guess that was my argument/question, what about everything else to improve the football program besides THE STADIUM. If you can answer it, then you would be the first.
  11. rcade: Do you have the address for the Stadium Capital Fund? I have asked a couple of athletic department people, but their faces went so blank they could not tell me.
  12. Yea, your right, it will increase our national profile. Just think, we won't have to drive to Baton Rouge, Austin, or Norman to have 70 hung on us, they come here and do it. Then ESPN can report that despite a new stadium, Texas still beat the you know what out of UNT. At least USF was competetive. There program has been built right, and is properly funded. Corporate sponsors in this economy? Please. ESPN has even talked how corporations are scaling back their marketing with the NFL, NBA, and MLB. Why would a company put down 1, 10, or 20 million dollars as sponsor for us? As it stands now, they would get more mileage from billboards at the 35-35w intersenction. And, we are not losing out on donors for the stadium. There were rumors in the 70's that if a big name coach was brought in, the donors would step up. Well, a fellow by the name of Hayden Fry came in, we upset a few teams over the years, and Fouts had a great atmosphere. Well, he left and went to Iowa where he was in the Rose Bowl within 3 years. He said many times UNT was not serious about building a program or he would not have left Texas. My english teacher at Denton High was Bill Brashear's wife, and that was the person I got this info from. Meanwhile the UNT Football program continued to______________________________________________ . Not to be a smart ass, but you can fill in the blank. I have seen and heard to many stories that if this something is done, then this something will happen. Thanks for your reply.
  13. Thanks for your reply. I am not offended. Thank you for increasing your donations, but there are not enough heavy hitters (especially million dollar ones) to see a substantial increase. Fouts is not the only reason we were not invited to another conference, lack of support for us to be competitive on a yearly basis is another reason. Lets say people like you increase your donation for the stadium, what about the money to adequately support the rest of the program? Where will it come from? Money for better coaches salaries, support staff, strength coaches, keeping the weight room up to date etc. I knew there would be plenty disagree with me because they see this stadium as the magic wand. Has a new stadium greatly enhanced SMU's program? A lot of folks on this board seem to think that is our measuring stick. No, everything is not accurate. If we just got to "average" support as compared to other universities our size, then we would really accomplish something. Seems to me we want to jump from say A to D all of sudden. Not asking anybody to agree, and I do not expect them to agree.
  14. Hey, I bought 5 raffle tix, and I have a license plate. So your right, now all is well in Mean Green Land. With big guns like us, the stadium is a sure thing. I don't know what I was thinking, I'll apologize on ESPN Game Day when they are here in 2011.
  15. Well thanks! I bought 5 car raffle tix, so between you buying raffle tix and a locker, and me buying tix, we are on our way. Look out Big 12, Gameday will be at the stadium in 2011 for a game, and you and I have increased our donation. Think there is enough of us to make up the $30 million or so that the student fee won't cover?
  16. You know, 90, you can dress his points up all you want. And we raised $800 for the campaign, lets see 34000 students and supposedly 70,000 + alumni just in the metroplex. I know that 1k is the limit, but $800, I am sure he turned down thousands. And i to am going to donate to the stadium. I think I read somewhere the student fee can only be used for half. So, the donors have to foot 30 million dollars roughly half our present total athletic budget, I think not sure. Can't i speculate? 90 million endowment, pretty low for a university our size. And you think we can pull this stadium off by 2011? But at least in this case your donation justifies the point in the sign.
  17. We just see it different ways........a draw.
  18. This is not personal, and is not a put down. I am sure he did not come up with this by himself. Again: 1) Better Conference Affiliation - possible, but not guaranteed even with a new stadium 2) National Recognition - For what? Oh, some "green magazine" that we have a green stadium. 3) More Donations - From who? From where? Where is one editorial from a potential donor that says: "After four conference championships, the only thing that would make me give more is if UNT were to build a new stadium." There aren't any. Yes, Flyer has worked his ass off.....but it needs to pass on the right merits. My point of view, and I will bitch if I want. Thanks for your reply, and have a good evening.
  19. Lifer, no ax to grind. Why is a different view than yours not ok? You make valid points, but the information that is on the sign is not correct. Are the donors going to step up? You do not know any more than I about that, and Flyer doesn't either. National recognition is not some blip in ESPN the Magazine or something like that. Conference, that has more to do with our record on the field. Ever seen La Tech's stadium? For the record, I have given Flyer credit, even going as for as PM's, ok. As for it going on the ballot, it was going to be there anyway. And again, the athletic department could be doing a much better job than this, and should have taken the lead on this long before now. Call them, and ask where to send your stadium donation. It should not be on the shoulders of a student to carry, and knowing you through your posts, I cannot believe you would disagree with me on that point. Again, we see things a lot differently. Again, hope everything is getting back to normal in your part of Mean Green land.
  20. Don't forget National Recognition. Simply, put out these facts that are not solid as "potential". And we will see if we need anything more than the student vote. Sorry we do not agree, but you are not the "only stakeholder" in this thing.
  21. AMEN
  22. Yes, its pathetic. And I would be suprised if that is accurate.
  23. There is no veil threat, get real. I can't do anything about any of this anyway except yak just like you do on this board. I already give, and don't plan to stop. And yea, alumni will refuse to donate if this does not happen. There are a lot of tired donors in this program. And yes, we do need more nickels.
  24. Our history bears out that a new stadium would bring in increased donations? There are not several million pledged. Walk up to an athletic department employee and ask where to send your donation for the stadium. If there were these millions, we would know about it. The best time to have raised money for this stadium was when we were in the midst of our conference run. Why didn't these million dollar donors step up then? I think they will wait.
  25. Question from a student: Does the athletic department have funds for the donors' part of the stadium cost to begin construction so we can play at our new stadium in 2011? RV: ah....well.....just hang with me, we're headed in the right direction. Green Mean, can you come in close to answering that? It will take a miracle for 2011 and we should not be misleading people, especially future donors.
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