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Green Dozer

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Everything posted by Green Dozer

  1. Isn't UTSA mainly a research school with a quite a few masters and doctoral programs anyway? They face a tough road, and I do not think we have to worry about them becoming a the South Florida of Texas. I would not trade our challenges for theirs.
  2. 99....I have thought about this as well, and have gone back and forth. I thought that when Dodge was hired, he would move to Denton. However, one of his reasons for taking this job was so his daughter could finish school at Southlake. Even our chancellor, Lee Jackson, lives in Dallas (which i do not like either). Though Dr. B is at a lot of athletic functions, you don't see her around town much. Jeter Nolan is the last UNT president that I remember that you would see a lot outside of UNT events. That was in the before Hurley, and I am sure the demands of the job have changed since then. I remember a time when many of the professors lived here, but a lot of them commute to Denton now. I used to hear Dickey speak every year at a civic club I attended, and his stump speech never changed. Somebody pointed out to me that we need to look at DFW being our community. The conclusion I have come to is that at least Rick V. lives here, and you do see him around town, and he is the front man for the athletic department. As for a Div. 1 head coach, with the season, recruiting, spring training, planning summer workouts, helping kids get summer jobs, other speaking engagements, and the camps they don't have the time anyway. It is a lot more demanding job at this level, even at smaller schools like ours, than it was 10 or 20 years ago When Dodge first came here, he did make the rounds. I attended a luncheon in the spring of 2007 at the Prairie House on 380 that was hosted by the Aubrey Chamber of Commerce that Coach Dodge spoke at and it was packed. I see your point, but with the demands of their jobs, I just do not think a Div. 1 college football coach has the time to be as visible in the local community as we would like.
  3. NO BLUE PARKING PASS, and did not park where they were told. They did not know you had until 5 hours before kick-off to choose a spot, otherwise you have to park where told. Mandy had an extra Green Parking Pass, so they moved to the north side of the stadium. Rules are rules.
  4. Some of you who have been around a long time know who Fred Graham is. He is the former sports information director from the late 60's and 70's at UNT. Anyway, I ran into his son tonight at Sweetwater and learned he is in the late stages of Alzheimer's. His wife, Sid, is the person who coined the phrase "Mean Green" in the press box one Saturday during a game. This is an illness that is hard on both the afflicted and their families. So, if you are so moved, please say a prayer for Fred and his family as they meet the challenges of his care.
  5. No, not going to call. I tick enough people off with my posts, don't need to try radio. Another thought is I wish he would tweak his system, let Todd Ford be the offensive coordinator, and be the head coach. I mean, actually spend time with the defense and special teams. These offensive minds seem to get so wrapped up in the offense, that the other parts of the team suffer.
  6. Maybe I will call in and ask a few questions like does he think Div. 1 coordianators have figured out how to defend the type of spread he runs? Missouri, which is is supposed to be the closest to ours, has been beat the past two weeks. Albeit, one of those was by the No. 1 ranked team in the nation. Tech has struggled early in games, but their talent is making up for it in the 2nd half. Tony Franklin being fired at Auburn. Maybe its not all inexperienced players. Maybe he needs to go to a hybrid flex like TX, OU, Fla. and some of the other have done.
  7. Seriously, great idea! Have seen RV do this at the end of the 4th quarter this year. A word of caution, better let the yellow vested goons know, you might get tackled.
  8. Judge, Are you really old enough to remember it, or was your dad holding you, then told you later?
  9. Denton Outlaws. Wasn't this the design that we were going to use for the Denton Outlaws who were part of a collegiate summer league. Wasn't it a partnership between the City of Denton & UNT? The Outlaws now play in Lake Dallas. I think several businesses committed to supporting it, but it never got off the ground.
  10. Several years if we include baseball, which would be pretty cool. I just want the football program built first. We have used to much 'baling wire" over the years to hold things together in football, and even with that, it still breaks down. Now, its time to get serious, and if something like baseball needs to wait, oh well. We have the opportunity to get football going, which will in turn improve all sports.
  11. A new baseball complex, a competitive DIV 1 program in football, and a new football stadium? Pleasssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! You are really dreaming.
  12. Here is a suggestion? How about bringing in somebody that we actually have a chance to beat? Denton High School might be available (LOL). Seriously, UTEP, SMU, or surely in three years we could be competitive with Tulsa. If not, then it had better be Denton High.
  13. Rodge? Please, can't we just be a little more professional? Can you say "R-I-L-E-Y". Now that wasn't hard. Keep practicing, and you will learn.
  14. What other college stadium besides Tech has a corporat e sponsor, and I am the know on that. Hey, tell Jerry hello the next time you see him. Seriously, not gonna happen here.
  15. Well, Einstein(cannot use the term I would like), ATT nor anybody else is on the radar for our stadium. You might realize tha if you were not trying to keep up with the Jones'and also so stupid!.
  16. First, it is unrealistic to believe there are multiple million dollar sponsors. Again, why us? And don't tell me location, I know where it will be. We had some games on Ch 21, and we are broadcast on 2 radio stations, one in Dento, and one in Dallas. Some Mean Green Broadcasting Network huh? North Texas has the highest bond rating of any college in the state. Many use the bond argument as a means to finance this stadium. I would hope that the Board of Regents would not begin construction of any type until they know how any financing would be paid back. I doubt they can get financing without knowing this anyway. The days of getting money and telling how u r going to pay for it later are over. I refinancwd my home this week, and - had to show how all of it would be paid for. Not bases on my hope that in afew I hoped this and that Just pick up a Wall St.J ournal, don't take my word for it. Just because this fee passes does not mean dirt will move anytime soon. Despite what some people involved in this, it will take more than one nickel. Know of any other universities where it has been as easy as you have been led to believe here. Just use common sense and think about it. Thanks for your reply to my post
  17. I heard that the owner had a son or daughter go to UT and the truck was painted orange with all the Longhorn stuff. Now, his daughter is here at UNT, so he said it was her turn, so he had the truck painted like this for her.
  18. I have not read anything in 99's topic that he thought wearing the right colors would fix the problem. But, the point is success is a lot of times in the small details. Coaches who have won championships make sure their players embrace traditions such as the school song, and that they show this, especially when they are with the fans. TX would have stood before their band for the "Eyes of Texas", helmets off, and their hand extended with the hook'em horns hand sign if they had been beaten by OU today 72-0. And Mack Brown would have right there with them. Why should our school song be any different? I have seen teams in person, and via ESPN entering stadiums for a game and the programs that most fans consider successful have their players in dress suits or they have nice warm up suits but in the school colors. Man, if we ask our fans to wear their favorite UNT shirt to a game, nobody would know our color because there would be green or some form of it, black, blue, pink, etc. Our stands would resemble a crayola box. 99, you make some valid points.
  19. Well, good news and bad news. Good news is its UNT truck. Unless this a rolling office for the coaches, its not for the football team. It has a glass door entrance w/ a desk & chairs. Then a door to somewhere else in the trailer. It also has a huge a/c unit. After I took the pics, Little Guy's pulled up to the locker room. If you thought Tx's rig was nice, you should see Nebraska's.
  20. NT80, the North Texas Tollway Authority is holding an emergency meeting on Monday because they need to raise $220 million through bonds to complete 121. They are concerned because it very difficult to get financing with bonds at this time, and it is not likely to change anytime soon. But, heck, they just need to look north to Denton. No, no recession here and the credit is just flowing. As for the athletic center, it was a sweetheart deal. As first class as it is , we owned most of the land and got a heck of a deal from Liberty on the rest. Most of those facilities were there, we just upgraded them. Now think about it, if would have had to go over and buy the land at today's market price (land around here has not dropped in value much) as well as construct all of the facilities, it would have been a challenge for this program. It certainly would not have been paid off in 4 years, and any donor breathing would have had to be asked for a donation. We were lucky!
  21. No disdain, it just is laughable to think there are corporations lined up to give $20-30 million dollars to sponsor this stadium. Again, they could get as much visibility with several billboards in the area and at a much cheaper price. But, some on this board make us believe, not you, say they know something but cannot say. And, if there were one, I would think that the athletic department would let it out, it would be nothing but positive for the vote. Even students are asking Flyer in the editorials why he alludes to corporate sponsorship, but won't give any proof. Bet that is really helping the undecideds make up their minds. Why even give so much as a hint to something if you do not know for sure that it is not in place.. And why would Rick share it with him and no one else? I have talked to some of our most influential alumni and they know of nothing in the works as for as a corporate sponsor. Have you seen the news lately? And you still believe there is a corporation out there that is going to put that kind of money here? It may or may not come. But, first this financial crisis we are in is going to have to come to an end. Second, the profile of this program is going to have to be raised significantly for a sponsor to consider it. And that profile is going have to higher than having a leed stadium, games on Channel 21 and only two local radio stations as well as a 118th ranking or whatever. Why hasn't a corporation stepped up and sponsored TX Stadium or the new Cowboy stadium. Even Roger Goodell said this week it is going to challenging for the NFL to get stadium financing. Guess he needs to come to Denton, and listen to what we are doing. Fact is, my posts saying it will not happen are as factual as those that say it is lined up. All speculation! I know for fact one was lined up, but has pulled out. No, I won't name it. A second company, who one of our alumni works for and asks them to consider it, considered it but looked at the past and present support of our program, then concluded sponsorship was not worth the investment of their marketing dollars. FYI, they are a Fortune 250 company. So, please keep on believing, and for the sake of the future of the program, I hope you are right and I am wrong!
  22. Facebook, accurate and scientific, unlike the Daily's bogus poll.
  23. And NT80, there is no guarantee there will be a stadium if the fee passes. The regents would be stupid to not know that where the money will be to pay the bonds. I just don't think that the attitude of donors and potential donors is going to change as quick as you believe. Even Rick says the donors will have to put in their half, and there are going to have to be several more than generous donations to make the stadium a reality. That is what I am apprehensive about. I respect your opinion, and I will agree to disagree. GMG, lets take care of business tomorrow, we need a win and we can agree on that.
  24. Saw it again tonight, actually has a/c and is an office on wheels. Bet it is used for college days at high schools and other places. I thought maybe it was the equipment hauler, but it is not.
  25. NASCAR has their haulers, and all the big boys have one, now we do. Saw this today by the locker room. We just need to replace the swan on the hood with an eagle. Yes, the band still has theirs. http://www.esl-usa.com/images/mgt01.jpg http://www.esl-usa.com/images/mgt02.jpg http://www.esl-usa.com/images/mgt04.jpg http://www.esl-usa.com/images/mgt05.jpg http://www.esl-usa.com/images/mgt06.jpg
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