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Green Dozer

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Everything posted by Green Dozer

  1. Oh, please! Is this the best you've got. Please go to follow SMU, they've got the great June Jones. Or better yet, why don't you quit posting? Come up with something besides just bashing the you know what out of everything Dodge. Again, I've ask you, who are you going to replace Dodge with that is significantly better at the price we can afford? Please put your money where your mouth is and get Stoops, or even Briles here. And the price we pay, who is going to deliver us from the college football bottom that we are at. That's why we have to play money games, so we can get our you know whats handed to us, and then go play the Western Kentuckys' and Florida Who? teams. You really think there are coaches like you want that are lining up to cut their teeth in the Sun Belt? I don't think it is Rainbows and Kittens, and I sure do not like to lose. And by the way, I am not wrapping myself up in a Cowboys flag. Just pointing out what some patience, committment, perseverance can do if you seriously commit to a coach. No Dodge is not Landry or Johnson, so do not go there.. I am tired of coaches coming here and having to pull rabbits out of hats or turning toad football players into princes. Oh sure, we have beat a tx tech here and there. How about just getting to the level of Fresno State? We have nobody but ourselves as alumni to blame for where we are today. Ones before us threw pennies at this program, and we still do it. Until we put dollars to it, then this is what we get. I don't care to go to many more New Orleans Bowl, I want better. We want a great program at half the price, but it just does not work that way. There may be a coach out there who could have gotten a couple of more wins out of this bunch, but that is about it. And last I checked, the Urban Myers, or even the Gary Patterson's don't work for what we pay. Under our circumstances, this plan is the best to stick with for now. We have tried your way before. Their names were Moore, Jones, Nelson, Parker, Simon, and Dickey. All college experienced coaches (except Dennis Parker and yes I know what he did here), as you want, that did not make a dent in getting this program to where it needs to be. There is more to it than what takes place in the time frame of 60 minutes on a Saturday afternoon. No, we as fans/donors, need to get on board and support this program as it needs to be. You are right, hope isn't going to do it. Got your checkbook out Shaft?
  2. GreenAlums, in a way it has. There have been several letters to the editor in the Record Chronicle since the vote, all of them negative. But a successful stadium vote is not negative, drug stories are. That why the drug story makes the news, IMHO.
  3. Please find below the link for an article in the New York Times about our drug tests. Not a bad article, and does not put us in a real bad light. Enjoy! http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/02/sports/n...ef=ncaafootball
  4. It's not about blind support. Its not about burying our heads in the sand. Its not about blind support. Its you going on and on and on and on and on. How about giving it a rest, and giving this thing a chance. I listed all the "great" coaches we have brought in since Fry. All of them would be along the same thing you have in mind, the same old boring UNT football program. I am willing to give this a go, because unless you can come up with the money, we are doing something different. No, it may or may not payoff. But, we as donors need to do our part this time, not just leave up to one man. But we can put your no foresight, wanting something for nothing plan into effect anytime. Why don't you get rid of the inferior chip you have on your shoulder? If Clint Murchison or Jerry Jones had you as adviser, you can bet there would not be 5 Lombardi Trophys' in Jerry Jones' office.
  5. I asked Hank at the coaches show one night about getting one. He says that Under Armour only makes so many for the athletic department and that is it. None for anybody else.
  6. There is already a site up to draft Muschamp, def. coordinator at Texas: http://muschampforut.wordpress.com/
  7. Are you an english professor at UNT? Kram is real good about letting folks who don't live here Denton know whats going on, and you have to critique & criticize it. Give it a rest.
  8. Phillip Fulmer is stepping down as head coach at TN. He gets 6 million dollars over the next 4 years.
  9. I'm just glad O'Leary is not the coach here. I did not like him at Georgia Tech, and thought Notre Dame got the trouble they ask for with him. Seems like Central Florida could have gotten a better coach in the character department. I do not think he is being very forthcoming with what happened to Plauncher, and O'Leary strikes me as he is the type of coach who views players as just a piece of meat, IMHO.
  10. Cobbs is a good example of the kind of player that fits Bill Parcells idea of a player. No flash, just a hard working football player. And yes, some talent to.
  11. Yea, self promoter. But you could look all over the United States, and be hard pressed to find anybody that gives to his community and country more than he does. Adler posted about Frenchy's work with the troops at DFW. Whether you agree with the war or not this is a good thing. Frenchy is there despite the long hours his business requires, and believe me, he is out there running his business. Did not think you were knocking him, just pointing out that he does give and gives in a big way.
  12. Hey conservatives, the next two years will be rough, then elections for the house and senate come up. We can make things right then, that is where the decisions are made anyway. The economic train of the 90's was engineered by Gingrich's "Contract With America", not by the Clintons. So, don't be to down about tomorrow, nothing will change it now, even Michelle Obama whitey bombshell tape. I am looking forward to K Baily Hutchinson becoming the next governor of Texas.
  13. You know Shaft, until you can tell me where we are going to find significantly better, given what we pay a coaching staff, then I might listen to you. Who is going to do better than Moore, Jones, Nelson, Parker, Simon, Dickey, and Dodge? Moore, Nelson, and Dickey all had their bright spots. IE dickey had championships, but got blown out in OOC. Everybody griped about that. Yet, he was suppose to recruit blue chippers here. I mean he had his faults, but be realistic. The adm is coming around, but when are alumni like you and the Fake Lonnie gonna take ownership in this program, and realize there needs to be some serious dollars invested in it. It seems like you and Fake Lonnie expect a free ride. Again, there are no 1/2 price coupons to help us get a competitive program. Yea, its a dream to find a Boone Pickens, but it is just as ridiculous to think there is some DIV I capable coach that can come here and build a champion year in and year out given the resources he is expected to work with. Oh, he might have his moments, but it will be the same old UNT, that people refer to as an insignificant program. I am not sure about a Top 20 program, but we could have a top 40 program, that cracks the top 25 every few years or so. That is reachable, and it is not if we stay on the path of the past 40 years. That is what you want. This time, we need to do our part, and that is to deliver that stadium. We need to take it upon ourselves just like people at UT, Marshall, Central Florida, LSU, etc. and that is have enough pride to give and build it. That is what we comitted to Dodge & the fans, promised or implied. So Shaft, get Lonnie and dig deep into those pockets and pay up. Both of you get part time job if you need to. Otherwise, if you both cannot put your money where your mouth is, then keep it shut.
  14. Thought I would let you share that part, I did not want to call you old.
  15. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Dr. B is going to have to print up a lot to catch them!
  16. On Saturday evening, while we were waiting on the team buses, we were talking how we wished Denton would get behind the team more, and all of UNT for that matter. Anyway, SUMG told a story that several years ago, he and few people were taking the big schedule posters to local businesses. Anyway, they went into a pharmacy on the square and asked the owner if he would mind hanging one in his store. He told them that he had quit supporting the football program several years before because North Texas had dropped out of the PAC 10, so no, they could not hang up the poster. We all got a big laugh, and remarked that all those trips to the Rose Bowl and playing USC every must have go pretty boring. Only in Denton!
  17. Know this is basketball related, and many of us don't put on our basketball watching glasses until December or so. But this is a pretty cool deal at the Pourhouse in Denton tonight. There will be social with food and drink tonight at 5:30 . There will be remarks from Rick, Coach Jones, and Coach Stephens. Will be a good time to welcome Coach Stephens to North Texas. Coach Dodge's show will follow at 6:30. I am sure everybody will get the same thing, but thought I would post for those that might not for one reason or another.
  18. It is debates like this that make sports fun. I was at a bar in Denton today watching the Cowboys/Giants, and there was one guy rooting for the Giants. I asked him if he was from the east coast, he says no, that he is from Pampa, Texas. I asked then why are you rooting for the Giants? He then says he always roots for whoever is playing the Cowboys. Now where on the spectrum does he fall? Then another thought to see how trivial this all is, there are a billion people in China who could care less who any of us cheer for or against.
  19. Meangreen Dub, can any body on this team do anything right? I mean can't you enjoy the victory, and give them a little break from the criticism? Regardless of who it was against, transition team or whatever, it was a win. And many here saw some improvement which is better than none. If you are so concerned where some of the coaches were last night, including the great Deloach, then why didn't you show up?
  20. JayDub, at first, I thought the same thing. FWIW, Deloach was one who did not get off the bus either, and many on this board give him a pass for anything/everything (don't recall if you have or not, just saying). But, I chalked it up to maybe their wives met them at the airport on Friday when they left, so they rode home with them after. And then I also thought, what difference does it make, we were there to show our appreciation to the players. And nobody that came to greet the team, including Fire Fight'n Rick said a word a about it either. So, lets not be nit picky, and just enjoy a victory. But then everybody thought I was crazy for criticizing RV for not standing with Dodge and show some unity at the Pourhouse during the interview with Vito over the drug issue.
  21. There was more emotion than I have seen in a long time from this team, fist pumping, etc. I hope it is a spring board and they are sick of losing.
  22. Well, there were probably about 12 of us who showed up last night to welcome the team back to Denton. They arrived aboard three buses about 1 AM. I think the the players were all pretty surprised about it by the look on their faces, and most of them said as much. FFR cued the fight song over the speakers in his truck as they got off the buses. RV was very appreciative and personally thanked everybody who was there for coming. I would list everybody who was there to greet the team, but I do not want to take a chance of leaving somebody out. You know who you are, and thanks for being there. It was a great time in this season for players and fans alike. GO MEAN GREEN!
  23. Should arrive at ath ctr at 12:30.
  24. The team buses should arrive at the athletic center about 12:30
  25. Our team is in the air. They are scheduled to arrive at Dallas Love field at 11:42 PM. That will put them at the athletic center at about 12:30. Hope everybody can be there!
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