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Green Dozer

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Everything posted by Green Dozer

  1. Rodge??? Great high school nickname, and I thought we were Div 1 fans around here.
  2. I think it will be a good crowd. You can be rest assured fans at TX or OU don't have this opportunity with Stoops or Brown. So, there is no use in being negative, its a good thing the coach takes time to do it.
  3. Bob Hayes, the original #22 from the old Cowboys, was elected to Pro Football Hall of Fame today. He may be the last of the old Cowboys elected given the bias to those days, but it is better late than never. He changed the game with his speed, and he is credited for being the main reason we now have "zone defense". I think his personal problems were both sad and showed poor decision making, but there were other players before him elected with a lot more baggage. Wrong is wrong, I know, but as a kid he was one of the Cowboys I watched make for some great moments. It is a good day in Dallas Cowboys history.
  4. It is crazy, but you guys who are holding 2009 over Dodge's head mine as well get your hatchets out, because I think there will be more pain in the 2009 season. I am looking to the 2010 season, w/ Dodge, as for as my expectations to seeing the turnaround. I just think that is more realistic given the program he started with from day one. That said, I respect you hatchet guys, and your opinions, but just disagree in this case. Congrats so for on a great recruiting class!
  5. The new strength coach for the football program was introduced tonight, and man does he have a pedigree. He spent time at TN, and was at USC during the National Championship runs of 2003 and 2004. And of course, most recently Ole Miss. I am sure a lot of you know about him, but after seeing our players out of uniform, it is no wonder we got our butts kicked. I would say 90% of our guys, ESPECIALLY the linemen, need a lot of work in the weight room. There are high school teams bigger than this line! Dodge mentioned that the new strength coach got here this past Monday, and by Wednesday was already working with players in the weight room. I know most everybody will agree we needed a dedicated strenght coach it, and it is unbelievable this move was not made several years ago.
  6. Well, the stadium was mentioned twice. Once during the highlight video that was narrated by Hank, who commented when the student section was shown that a vote had passed to increase the athletic fee for the stadium. The lone highlight was interception run back for a td at Western Kentucky. RV commented how the season had helped build character, and of course thanked the seniors. He also mentioned that this group had the highest GPA of any in 10 years, and the apr should be back up above the minimum required by the NCAA in the spring. Some university staff were recognized Dr. B then spoke, and for the first time said we will build a stadium, that it will be green, mentioned the possibility of an entertainment complex as well. She commented that she thought Dodge was doing a good job, and how important she felt athletics were to a University. Awards were presented, and that list is elsewhere in another post. Basically, before Dodge spoke, Dunham talked about how positive he was about the future of UNT football. Then TD spoke, said how disappointed he was about the season, introduced the seniors and even included Marshall of Diet Coke fame. He then introduced the staff, and his secretary. He then thanked the seniors again, and then addressed the rest of the team, telling them of the support they had from us, and it should motivate them in working to get to a bowl game, which he said was their goal for next season. All in all, it was a good banquet. The only negative on the stadium was Dr. B did not mention the dates that have been on some posts this week. Well, that is it and I am sure I left something out. I am no Vito.
  7. It will be interesting what is said about the stadium Saturday night at the football banquet. I think they ought to show the video, and even have the model set up. I have said they ought to show the stadium video at every basketball game. Make people so sick of hearing about it that they give money just so the presentations stop.
  8. Just saying, Mendoza was given only one year, and we barbecued him. Clearly over his head, but if you cook a guy w/ no experience, why does one w/ experience get a pass? Not being a smart ass 93-98, so don't jump down my throat. I am just asking. Thanks!
  9. You know TI, most of the offense gurus don't give a damn about defense, and Dodge is no exception. I just do not believe he has done anything to hold Deloach back. I think Deloach simply does not have any horses in the stable that are up to racing right now. I mean, Deloach was not tied in a chair w/ tape on his mouth on the sidelines, at least at the games that I attended. And if you have the hides Deloach does, you don't stay at a place where you are held back. And he has not resigned, as for as I know. And it goes without saying that RV had a hand in bringing Deloach back, so I do not think he would sit back and let this happen either. Maybe a lot of other things, yes, but not the Deloach deal.
  10. Sorry, but you are wrong. Not one media member in DFW has said anything negative about Dodge with the exception of Vito. Not Hansen, Trahan, Miller, Galloway, Dunham, etc. As a matter of fact, Trahan has been good since he has been on weekends of giving us coverage on the Sat. evening news. I even e-mailed him this year thanking him for it. All of the local media say what a good coach he is, and that they expect he will eventually turn things around. No, it doesn't look that way now, but we certainly have not been the laughing stock of the media, which shows they at least respect Dodge's ability. Even the write up in the NY Times concerning the drug deal was positive and complimented the way it was handled. I know your view is skewed (and you probably consider my view that way as well), but put out facts you can at least support or back-up.
  11. Being in San Antonio is no excuse, sorry. It is not that far to drive, and Southwest has several flights. He could have flown in and met with Dodge in the conference center at Love Field as his family is certainly not destitute. Given his role on the team up to this point, I think he and his Dad handled all of this in a very irresponsible way. It is his prerogative to leave, but be a leader and a man, own up to your decison.
  12. I feel your enthusiasm. Unfortunately, attrition would have happened if we had been winning the past two seasons. It is just a part of change. The sad thing is most on this board would not care who left if we were winning, chalking it up as part of the process when a coaching change is made.
  13. Bradford will return to OU next year, very smart move. All the other qb's at OU have asked for their unconditional release because they know the starting job is Bradford's.
  14. Good post Lifer! A lot of the problems this program has now is not because of Dodge. Unfortunately, they have come to light on his watch. The same thing might not have happened with another hire, but would probably at least happened to his successor. Not all traditions are good. This includes the drug thing, the criminal activities, and academic problems. I know of one incident that would have put 99% of us behind bars for 20 years, but Dickey covered it up. He kicked the kid off the team, but brought him back the next year with a full scholarship. If there was one, I feel certain there were more. Somebody had to shore things up at some point, even if it cost several w's. To put the failures of this program on Dodge's shoulders is irresponsible. Years and years of not caring by the majority of alumni and the administration has caught up and put this thing very deep in the hole. Most colleges build a stadium to enhance the program, we are building one to cover the other aspects of the program that nobody has cared about. I.E. strength training (finally that is being addressed), tutors and mentors, competitive salaries for coaches, putting other pieces in place, etc. You say these athletes should not have to be baby sat, yet all the other successful programs baby sit 'em, why are we the exception? If you want to win, you have to do the little things. As for the latest incident, there are two sides to every story. I do not believe for a minute that this was unexpected by the coaching staff. Sad they have to spin it, and cannot for a lot of reasons defend themselves. I agree with Lifer and Flyer. I want better, but we did not get to where we are overnight, so it cannot be fixed that quickly either. I expect that Dodge will be here through at least 2010, and I support that.
  15. I think Mr. Vizza is the one and only violator. Gio is good, but not so good that any institutions are going to take such chances. Sorry.
  16. If Mack Brown would have had the balls to bench Chris Simms, and gone with Applewhite as the starter, he would be one up on Stoops in the National Championship stats.
  17. If we were winning, none of this would matter. Look on the bright side, there are still 3 billion Chinese who do not think any less of our program.
  18. It is ashamed that the athletic director and head coach are not beholding to any alumni. I mean, even a group of high powered ones could get together and demand some answers. Other schools have that type of alumni, but not us. RV does not care what we think, so why should Dodge.
  19. Great Plan!
  20. Read Harry's post, and then re-read the article. Says it "could", not "will". As Harry said, leaves lots of wiggle room.
  21. A few years ago, you could get a mortgage and not prove how you are going to pay for it. Thus, the mess we are in now. You now have to prove how it is to paid for, nobody is just going to give UNT 60 million dollars. Huff understands that the fee will pay 30 million. Where is the rest (the other 30 million) coming from is what he wants to know? And nobody can seem to answer or understand that. How does an athletic program that lost 3 million dollars over the past year get a note for 60 million? It is my understanding state funds cannot be used.
  22. Flyer, Yes, 6 months is no big deal. But, what changed in just over a month?
  23. So Flyer, have the final plans been drawn up so the contractors can bid? They will need those so they can bid the job.
  24. I would expect no more than 3 wins. I also think Dodge will see a year 4, unless the majority of losses are blow outs. OOC will make no difference on way or the other as to how Dodge is judged next season. RV is not going to be fired if he does not let Dodge go, especially if we are in the middle of the stadium project. Wishful thinking to believe there are enough powers that be (adm, regents, etc)who really care and would be willing to push the athletic director around over the football program. I think Dr. B supports the athletic program to a point, and better than many President's before her, but I think she is more interested in pushing the "research side" of the University than the athletic side. People were calling for Johnny Jones' scalp after his 3rd year, and RV stood his ground. Yes, I know there was more positive progress, but still he stayed with his coach. I am stating my objective view, not what I want one way or the other.
  25. Care to elaborate? And is the person talking crap you or Nautique?
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