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Green Dozer

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Everything posted by Green Dozer

  1. He has said a couple of times this year at the coach's show that 2010 will be the turning point for him. That said, I don't think we can expect the New Orleans Bowl, which is unreasonable given our present state, but we should see some wins.
  2. Now that sums it up.
  3. But for argument's sake, don't you have to also say, "We have to go out and get what we need, not what we can afford?". All of the coaches since Corky have been hired based on "what we can afford".
  4. My reply was meant to be a backhand slap at the Dodge bashers who think Deloach does "no wrong" because of what happened from 00 to 04. Was meant to be nothing more, I was not on "fishing" expedition.
  5. or that Todd Dodge is telling Deloach to tell the players not to turn around or put a hand up.
  6. Well, it should be easy to find him with that type of jersey at the next game. I believe I would have to say something in person. I am sorry to hear that happened to your wife and the dog. If you need some back up, I bet all you have to do is put up a post and we'll be there with ya.
  7. As I watched Andy Petite in a couple of interviews since winning the World Series, all I could think about was the disgrace that Roger Clemens has become. Petite, A-Rod (begrudginly), and a few other admitted to the use of steroids. Now I am not saying I agree or disagree with them taking them. That is for another time. What my point is that all Clemens had to do was man up, admit he wanted to play at a high level but couldn't, so he took steroids. All he had to do, like Petite, was admit it and apologize. But no, he had to completely let it ruin a great career.
  8. Just wanted to remind you guys west of Denton that NASCAR is in town this weekend, with practices in the morning and the Nationwide (used to be Busch) series race at 11:30. 200 laps can go pretty fast, and if there are not any cautions, traffic could be a little heavy around 2 if you wait that late to be coming that way.
  9. Got mine. But one thing I noticed is that there is a conference game against ULM scheduled for Sunday the 13th of December at 3 PM. It coincides with a Cowboy home game, also at 3 PM. Just does not make sense to put basketball up against the Cowboys. Our guys really need support at all games, most especially conference games.
  10. Dodge said Monday at the coach's show that he hoped to now have a spread similar to West Virginia where the running game is more of a big part of the offense than in other systems. Actually, Dunham asked the question and that was answer.
  11. 99, How do you know Dodge put Deloach upstairs, or at least made him go up there? Have you thought that might have been Deloach's choice? Maybe with the addition of Mike Nelson and his experience at the college level, Coach Deloach feels the sideline is in good hands. By the way, I think the majority of Div 1 head coaches have the final say as to who is own the staff, not the coordinators. Muschamp at Texas is an example. Akina (former co-defensive coordinator) was demoted when he came in, not fired. As for Deloach and recruiting, did he find Kennedy, Cassell, and Spencer. Maybe not, but he did a good job of coaching them. My understanding is that he does not go on the road and recruit which I do not like. By the way, Deloach does not want to be a head coach. Whatever, a team cannot have co-head coaches and that seems to be what some folks want to happen here. It really does not make any difference where Dodge, Deloach, or any others are, the defense has got to take it up on themselves to execute. They should not have to have a coach come down from the press box to motivate them. But then we get into the discussion of preparation during the week, etc. and a whole bunch of arguments. W-I-N-N-I-N-G is the cure all.
  12. There is a new place on Elm, south of the square before Eagle, called "From the Heart" that serve bbq. Never been there, but it recently opened in the old Tom and Jo's Cafe building. Is that the place Quoner?
  13. Can this defense learn basic fundamentals of tackling in one week? We gave up 49 points up to a team that avg. 16 pg coming in. ULM is not WKU, and I believe they are much better coached. I am not a fan of Weatherbie, but he will have this team ready to play. It is time for our defense to show "improvement" for the full 60 minutes of the game. If not, then bring back the green shirts the rest of the season.
  14. Depends on what you want to shake (Check PM)
  15. OUCH! But you are right, I was the most negative toward why the stadium wouldn't happen. But, I will man up, eat my crow, and admit I was wrong. I am sorry, but I will do everything I can to support it and this program.
  16. No, but it was not enough to make me forget what I sat there and witnessed for three quarters. I mean, they whipped our much improved defense's butts most of the game. And the face mask in the fourth quarter was the correct call, sorry to the guy screaming his head off to the officials. It is sad that 49 points is not enough to win a football game. I think WKU finally wore down. Could you not have used the word "ignorantly"? I mean I have as much right to my opinion as you. Don't appreciate it, but I should expect if from somebody in Arkansas I guess.
  17. No I did not. Their offense just finally gave up or gave out.
  18. Yes Shaft, Atkinson is one. But your "college coach" Deloach does not leave the campus to recruit. Guess he is spending time in the lab developing schemes like the one we witnessed yesterday.
  19. I guess it depends on how you define recruiting. My understanding is that Deloach dislikes recruiting , and that he only participates in visiting with the recruits when they visit campus. Now that is the type of recruiter that I want in the head coach of the team I support. Perhaps if he does not like what is in the cupboard, then he should get out and go shopping himself. All you Dodge bashers would be beside yourselves if Dodge, Todd Ford, or the other "high school" guys did this.
  20. No, the defense did not step up. We just finally pulled away.
  21. No, the coach in the blue shirt was the defensive line coach.
  22. This is just the way programs like Texas, Alabama, Penn St., and OU, etc. have been built. People just withheld their money until things went their way. Your attitude, and ones similar, are what has been a problem for the football program as far back as I can remember which is the Fry days. I would say to you to re-think it, because it is a big reason as to why we are where we are. This program needs everybody.
  23. How do you know that he did not have a choice as for as bringing high school assistants? Money was tight because we had to pay Dickey, and may have still been paying Simon.
  24. Shaft, If the "experience QB" you are referring to is Vizza, then maybe you need to do some snooping around. Riley Dodge was the least concern for Vizza as to why he left. Vizza left because of one person, himself.
  25. I agree Kram....I think it is a sign of maturity for the leadership of the team that the captains have the confidence to do this, and that Coach Dodge allowed it.
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