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Green Dozer

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Everything posted by Green Dozer

  1. When you drive north on 35 through Lake Dallas, there are a couple of those digital billboards at the Swisher Rd. exit. Anyway, I noticed today that UNT had an ad up for football. Now these ads change out every twenty seconds or so, so we are not continuously seen. But they are using the artists drawings of the new stadium along with a reference to UNT football. I think it is great that something is up and in a great location. There are many people who live in Oakmont, Corinth, Shady Shores, Lake Dallas, and it is great that we are advertising there. Hopefully they will think that, with the new stadium, they might start attending some games.
  2. Joe, what do you sound like when you are confident and not scared? I think if SMU or TCU won't come, then I think Houston is a good choice. I think you should open with as biggest name as you possibly can. USF hosted Texas in their new stadium. Though Texas won, Mack Brown said after the game that they would be careful not to help another school open their stadium. USF played lights out because of the excitement, and I believe we will to. If Dodge is the coach, then we will be coming off a good season this year, and will want to prove this year was no fluke. IF he is not, then the new coach and the team will want to usher in the start of a brand new winning era in the new stadium at UNT. We have quite a few graduates living in the Houston area, and I am sure Houston has its share in DFW. A couple of years ago, UH dang near filled up the lower bowl at the pit when we played them the day of their bowl game in Fort Worth. There was a lot of red! I think it is a great choice and I believe many would snicker if we scheduled a soft opponent.
  3. I just don't think the trigger will be pulled ,if when you throw Clemson and KState out the mix, and we have 5 or 6 solid wins AND we"re in the game until the end with Troy and Middle TN. Sorry, there might be clamoring for his head here, but the people who ultimately make the decision won't make the change, IMHO.
  4. "I don't understand how anyone can defend DD or how he can defend himself and claim to be a supporter of the program. It's got nothing to do with how much you give. Some are defending DD for his inabilty to shell out all this money for premium seats but DD didn't say he couldn't afford the club seats. As a matter of fact, he will pay for club seats......"when UNT gets in a better conference." He makes a choice to NOT support the program because he doesn't like who UNT plays in conference. That is crazy to hear someone claim to support the program but only if they play better opponents. And then Eppy4life gets on here and says he's not the reason the program is where it is? I'll guarantee you DD is not the only person that feels that way. His attitude is the EXACT definition of not supporting the program. He has the money to give, he's just going to hold it until some other team besides UNT makes it worth his while. Get behind UNT. Regardless of who they're playing." Where in this post is "thousands of dollars" mentioned? You are imagining things that are NOT being written nor are anyway implied. Again, the people on here are encouraging people to give have never said you are not important DD. The point is that you cannot grow this program without donations, no matter how small or how large those donations might be. And we don't have an abundance of these "thousands of dollars" donors here. I do not treat a donor at my tailgate who might be at the $5,000 level any different than the one who is at the $250 or attending his/her first game. All are welcome. How do you propose we get to another level or conference without donations? When we replace this coaching staff next year or in 5 years, it won't be at the bargain salaries it was the last time. Oh I guess it could if we want to stay where we are. Sorry, but it takes MONEY. I know SUMG, and I can guarantee he is not puffing his chest out. He is a man who has long been a fan of this program, a man of humility, and him mentioning his purchase of club seats is in NO WAY a put down to anybody, especially you, on this board.
  5. Way to go Eppy! You tell him! SUMG has been a die hard fan, like am sure you are, for many years. He also puts his money where his mouth is! So, when we reach whatever success we are seeking, you can thank people like him who have stuck this out thick and thin. And then you can let everybody know that you did not contribute one damned dime because you were using your money to buy tortillas and then throwing them.
  6. Flyer, can you reference this because while Baylor might not sell beer "in the stands", I bet it would not stop them in the SEC schools if there were not some kind of rule. Not saying you are right or wrong, I am asking because I don't know for sure.
  7. Then why do you come to the games at all? Seriously! Why don't you head over to Amon Carter or to Ford Stadium on Saturdays' this fall? Because we are simply not good enough for you here. And fwiw, we won't be playing in a BCS conference anytime soon. As for giving, surely you can afford to give $250 to the MGC. Why don't you start with the money from your faculty discount you get with your tix? You know you can pay your Mean Green Club donation out? You can also get more than one ticket with your donation? That doesn't happen at places like UT or these "better conference" schools that you aspire to. In the north end zone, at the top, it is $750 per seat donation to the Longhorn Foundation (which cannot be paid out), then you add your ticket price to that. The point is we cannot get to a better conference without donations. The problem I have with you is that you want to go to a better conference, but you also want to ride somebody's coat tails to get there. It takes the big and little donors for this thing to work. We cannot continue to rely on the student's fee to carry the program, and sorry, it alone is not going to lead us out of the place we are in on the college athletics landscape. So, your monthly payment would be $20.83 for your MGC donation. If you cannot budget that every month, then I would suggest going to Dave Ramsey's website and attending a Financial Peace University event on Saturdays' this fall instead of wasting what seems like your precious time at our games. Here is the link: http://www.daveramsey.com/
  8. I know Coach Slinker did not go to the final four or anything like that here, but she was a class act. I fell on the side of not firing her because it seems to me once you get football and men's basketball going, the other sports follow such as women's bb. It did not happen for Coach Slinker unfortunately. Just take a look at the college world series of late in Omaha with most of the schools having strong football teams most especially in the last few years (i.e. TCU, South Carolina) And the women's bb powerhouses also have strong football tradition, UCONN being the exception. I do not think it is a fluke. I can see change to try and breath some life, yes, but until the football program gets some stability and and consistency, then I think the non and low revenue sports teams will be mediocre at best. That said, I was excited about the enthusiasm Coach Stephens brought, but that is about it so for.
  9. Well, how would you like to pick up a paper, look on the internet, or turn on the tv only to hear your child, wife, or significant other called a "bust", especially at a perennial powerhouse of football like we are here at UNT? The one guy that this football program identifies itself with has not stepped on a football field as a player in 30 years. Guess we have had lots of busts since he played here, because no other player since him attracts the same attention as he does when he shows up an event. Yes, he is an NFL Hall of Famer, but hey we have our standards here, right? Man, calling young men who, for the most part, are working for an education to hopefully better themselves, be able to earn a living, and make a positive contribution to society "bust" is really low.
  10. Silver, I am shocked that you agree with this on any level. I mean you have always called for, at least as I have interpreted, a high standard of excellence for UNT athletics. And, for the most part, I have agreed. I am NOT trying to be negative nor attacking you, but just curious why you seem to be giving a pass here.
  11. My sentiments exactly! It is the timing. Another thing to consider is that there is a state income tax in Oklahoma. Also, don't know for sure, but I bet the wife stays back to sell the house here plus the fact she is a teacher in Denton, so bet she goes ahead and keeps her job here at least for the fall. Now, you are paying for two households no matter if one is a long term stay hotel. Add the fact that when she gets a job in Tulsa, the additional 50K he is making and then having to pay tax on her salary, the additional 50K is not that much. And finally, Graham may have a longer contract, but a lot can happen in a season. Coaching is not secure, and Graham's job is NOT guaranteed either for next year. A couple of bad decisions and a couple of blow outs could change it all. Doubt that will happen, but....? Again, a 75K or 100K increase, then I can see him making the move. Yes, I am really ticked. I just think it unfair to this team at this point, period.
  12. There stuff is good quality, and I have a couple of UNT shirts from UM. However, I wish that we as fans had access to the same UM stuff as the athletic department does. The staff does wear some cool stuff at functions, but we as fans cannot get it. Our merchandise has improved over the past few years, but I would just like to have access to sideline gear ( i.e. cap, shirts, jackets, etc.) that is available at most other Div. 1 schools.
  13. The increase in money would have to be very substantial to justify his quitting on the other coaches and most importantly his players at this stage. I think it would almost have to double. He is saying, without speaking any words, that he does not believe that this team is going to turn around this year, thus securing his job as a coach at UNT for next season. He is getting out while the getting is good for his own neck, imho. To heck with the team concept. I think it is a very self centered and selfish decision.
  14. If this were after the season, I probably wouldn't agree with you since given Brewster's age, he could probably use some more experience elsewhere before coming back home. Plus, I would want him back when we had more certainty and stability in the future of our program. (i.e. coaching staff). But imagine the energy he would bring that would help lift the shroud of disappointment the linemen have with their coach now running out on them. He has some skins from his days here, and he would work extra hard to "rescue" this program because I know he loves it. And as for Leftwich worrying about his own skin, what about the freshmen, sophmores, and juniors who have to play here next year regardless of what happens this upcoming season? It is just not right, Leftwich is young enough in his career to have rolled the dice and not quit. Tulsa is not that big of a jump in the college football landscape right now. Yes, I know they kicked our butts, but it is not the up and coming program like it was a few years ago. The 6 months of extra money, if any, can't be that much. I think this is a very self centered, short sighted decision on Leftwich's part.
  15. Not sure that you mean the Alamo Dome is better than TS's stadium. The Alamo Dome is no big deal, and I still don't know why people think UTSA is going to take off in the middle of Longhorn and Aggie country. Texas State does have some tradition from the Wacker years to fall back on, and those former students from those years are the ones who are getting behind the program with their money now. Lots of our former students could learn a thing or two. On campus facilities will outsell off campus sites most of the time imo. Just ask Univ. of Houston, SMU, UNT, Univ of Minn., etc. The big time programs, in my opinion, that have had off campus stadiums and had success are Miami and USC. I think the original poster meant overall facilities anyway. Again, I think Texas State is way ahead of UTSA in terms of facilities, some tradition, and just the fact it is more of a typical college that UTSA.
  17. It is the offseason, so I wanted to hear from some of you other diehards who often wear your UNT gear. I have 28 UNT caps so I most often wear a UNT cap, and always wear my UNT ring. I also live here in Denton. Now, since this is the home of our university, you would not think it strange to have on UNT gear, but here are questions I get on a regular basis: 1) Do you work at North Texas? 2) Are you a coach at North Texas? 3) Do you teach at the college? 4) My son had on his North Texas shirt in Subway one day, and the "sandwich artist" told him he should be ashamed to wear it. (Yes, here in Denton). *He did walk out, he is a student at UNT. Now, he eats at New York Subway as he was taught, lesson learned (LOL) 5) Wearing a UNT cap, I was asked if my UNT ring was an aggie ring. My UNT ring has a star w/ a green stone. This was by a UNT student at Rudy's, so I explained that while many Aggie rings have the star, our (UNT's) ring is the only one in Texas that is allowed to have a stone in it. At least, that is what I have been told. 6) Your a fan of North Texas? (while rolling their eyes and looking at me like I don't have a life). Now, I have worn another college team's cap, though not often, and never do I get a comment. I don't let it bother me any more, I just tell them I have pride in the place where I went to school, and good things are really happening. These are just a few questions I am asked on a regular basis. No, they do not bother me, but it is just weird living in Denton and getting these questions. When traveling outside of Denton, and I still wear a UNT cap then, comments are positive. Met a barista in downtown Indianapolis who went to UNT. Lots of comments about the music school. What about you, what kind of comments do you get?
  18. The Green Egg is pretty cool and works well. They have a big one and a little one. Tractorland on Dallas Dr. in Denton carries them as does Elliott's Hardware in Grapevine, Plano, and Dallas. There was a show about bbq cook-offs and a couple of the teams used these. I like the traditional smoker myself.
  19. Why isn't he a head coach now with all these skins on the wall? His play calling has been questioned at his past two stops. I hope he succeeds, but it is going to take more than just him to turn this thing around this season.
  20. Been to 6. Loud, yes. But not any difference than when Tech is there. And at Kyle, when A&M is sorry, you can find plenty of Aggies selling their tix. OU/TX or Ohio St/Michigan it's not, but the AGs think so is all I am saying. IMHO.
  21. Well, he is going to lose a game at the new "stagium" in 2014 since their will not be a conference championship game. But I think in 2015, or whenever the TX-OU contract is up at the old Cotton Bowl, then I think it to will be moving to Arlington because you can bet Jones wants to put one on the City of Dallas again just to remind them what could have been had they really pushed for a the new stadium to be built there.
  22. Money maker? It does not make the schools any more money than their other home conference games? A&M takes the rivalry a lot more serious that Texas. Ask a Longhorn who they hate and they will say OU.
  23. My seats are E Row 25 Seats 22,23,24,25
  24. If there is a change, then all the coaches go. As for Deloach, why do you want a coach who does not want to nor go on the road to recruit? He does his part in the recruiting process when the recruits visit the campus. Why Chico? He has not been a head coach on this level. If you want change, then you change everything. Everybody on the coaching staff gets the pink slip, including Deloach and Chico. You step up and pay (sorry, money does make difference)and pay for a proven head coach at this level. And I do not see how letting Dodge go at 0-3, when we have not even got into conference play, makes any sense. Nobody except us green bleeding fans on this board have any expectations of us not being 0-3 at that point. It shouldn't be that way, but it is.
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