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About Brooklyn612

  • Birthday 05/24/1980

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  1. I wish I was going, but if I was...I would be rooting for the Red Raiders....got a sister that is an alum
  2. I'll be there! If anyone cares...cause I don't sit with the pit crew
  3. If you are not a student and want to go, but don't have any money...like me.....then there are these little flyers out there that have a coupon for 2 for 1 deal on them. I have some, but I am sure there are some in the ticket office or somewhere! They have the tournament schedule on them, also! Go Mean Green
  4. I didn't get any candy?!?!? Guess I wasn't that special....but I am to somebody!!!
  5. Yeah...I am so excited!!! I remember one of the first times I saw Pat, it was in Denton at the Groovy Mule uh.....Reign now.......wish it would of stayed the GM...it had Denton tradition!!!
  6. YEAH! I have been hounding the guy I am dating to put on his seatbelt for weeks now...and the other night he got pulled over for not wearing one! Would of saved him like $150 or something if he would of listened to me! That makes a valid point......Women are smarter than Men......hahaha..love yall!! Can't wait for some Mean Green Football
  7. HEY all you GMG.com'ers....our first game is Sunday at 7 pm. So if you still want to play or just come watch that would be cool. If you are playing come at 6 pm and wear a blue shirt!!! I would love to have more people on my team...we are kinda short on Sunday!!!!! Next game is tuesday at 7 pm.....please PM me or e-mail me before the day of game so I can include you on the roster and tell me if there is a particular position you would like to play or good at!! See yall later!!!
  8. Eaglechick...you know you have to be a UNT student....are you trying to rub it in some more that I am still here and you are not!?!?!?
  9. whose going to the women's game?
  10. Yes...you have to be good! HAHAHA....My organization, Alpha Phi Omega, has a spot to play intramural softball on tuesday and sunday nights at 7 pm. If anyone is interested in playing let me know either e-mail or PM or post. Dolan....you can be the water girl!!!! First game is March 7th..come play or just watch us in action! Is anyone still interested in doing the GMG.com 1st annual softball game???? I would sooooooooo love to still do that!
  11. Oh..and I have some extra beer left over from the Movie/beer night at Gak's last Sat....wait..why haven't I finished them before now??
  12. HAAHAHA...Flaunter........ YEA! I am excited about the Pierow Jr. and Two Dollar Pistol Jr. being there...it has beeeeeeeeeeen too long....... Is it bad that these nights are the highlight of my week???
  13. Oh...yeah....post game festivities are always a good time!!! See yall thursday of course!!
  14. My softball team is as competitive as you want to make it..personally I take it seriously..but that is how I am in Softball......but anyway...I will post on the board when the signup begins... But..still I think we should do a GMG.com softball game!! Oh, yeah Dolan...I don't think they will allow alcoholic beverages when we play on the intramural fields...maybe we can pull off gatorade and vodka??? You can still be my personal bitch though.....that sounded nasty.....nevermind!
  15. I look so happy to be there in all of those pics!! I for one am ready for GMG.com Softball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If anyone wants to play on my intramural co-ed team in March let me know!
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