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Everything posted by MeanGreenTeeth

  1. Only thing I can figure is that the PAC-10 is trying to force Texas' hand by including Tech in the calculation. Tech wouldn't be included in Big 10 or SEC expansion so by including Tech in the expansion maybe the PAC-10 can force Texas politically. I'm just not sure this will work. Neither UT nor A&M are going to be left out of the BCS at the end of the day so they aren't going to be in a hurry to bite on this. I just also can't believe Stanford will go for this. They vetoed Texas last time didn't they and UT is one of if not the strongest academic institutions in this expansion.
  2. VideoEagle... Why would anybody desire the type of "balance" you are describing? Small market-low prestige schools are not desirable to the West Coast Elites. I don't know OK politics, but my understanding is that Tech's political power is the state legislature is significantly less that it was 15 years ago. All the PAC-10 would really like to do is take Colorado and Texas. I just don't see those 2 schools going to bat for the other 4.
  3. This is bogus. Texas Tech and Oklahoma State are Tier 3 schools. Stanford would go ballistic. There is also no reason to go to 16 unless the Big 10 starts going that direction. I'd say Texas, Texas A&M, Colorado, and BYU would be the most likely expansion candidates for now.
  4. Heathen. Be prepared for my full 4 part series. 2. The (Big) 10 commandments. 3. The sermon on the Mount(ain West) 4. Onan spills his seed: How conference realignment will affect the NCAA Basketball Tourney.
  5. A simple gong would have sufficed
  6. An Angel of God appeared to me in my cubicle today. With him he had 2 golden plates which shone as bright as the sun. On the left plate was written SEC WEST and on the right plate SEC EAST. He handed me the plates and told me all other speculation was wrong and I was to spread the good word on NCAA conference expansion. On the SEC WEST plate was written: Arkansas Houston LSU Ole Miss Oklahoma Oklahoma State Mississippi State North Texas I said to the Angel. "You must be wrong. Why are Houston and North Texas on this list? Surely they are not worthy?" The Angel stated "For Texas and Texas A&M shall leave to the PAC -10. No school worth having from the ACC will desire to join the SEC so the conference must look westward for large TV markets. There will be much sadness and gnashing of teeth in Waco and Lubbock." "But..but...TCU" I said. The angel admonished me stating "TCU is too strong a football program with too little television appeal. A weaker team with much more upside is desired. Also, purple is abhorrent to the Lord." On the SEC EAST plate was written: Alabama Auburn Florida Georgia Kentucky South Carolina Tennessee Vanderbilt To the Angel I exclaimed, "That conference is insane. That makeup is much too strong." The angel replied "Yes, but the Lord shall permit their male alum to marry their sisters...all of them. There will be no opposition." With that the angel disappeared. This is a true testimony.
  7. Yeah, I think our only chance at the Big 12 would be if Texas and A&M left for greener pastures and the Big 12 was committed to only large public schools (eg add Houston and UNT in hopes of elevating their status and somehow holding the DFW and Houston markets). Of course Oklahoma/Oklahoma State would be looking to jump ship at the first chance.
  8. I'm confused... Didn't we lose a touchdown once when playing against Baylor (the year we blew them out) because our player was taunting before running into the endzone? It sounds like from the article the rule at the time was we were to get the touchdown with penalty on the PAT? Was that a blown call or is my memory bad?
  9. Welcome to the Mean Green, Frank Grimes.
  10. Wow, I play NCAA 2005 and thought I was behind the times. Granted there probably isn't much difference year-to-year.
  11. I looked at your link and at first I thought it was this guy. I was a little worried.
  12. Based on the writing style, length, emotion, and multiple uses of emoticons, my guess is that the writer is female. Based on the football knowledge I'm guessing a current or former offensive coach's wife.
  13. Well... I somewhat wanted UT to win.. most especially after the freshmen qb went in. I just find him (McCoy) douchey, especially after pretending that he didn't make a mistake at the end of the Nebraska game. Gotta hand it to the Texas O-Line. They played lights out in protecting the freshmen QB.
  14. non sequitur
  15. We can both play that game. Ingram got hurt and was out pretty much the entire second half. If he'd been in they would have won by 30.
  16. I'm confused... She was 4th place in her round. How did she make the final round?
  17. The only thing that really bugs me is that time keeping isn't reviewable unless, I believe, it is somehow related to a penalty. There wasn't 1 sec left when the ball hit, there was a fraction of a second left. The clock doesn't stop on an incompletion. It stops on a whistle. There was no time on the clock at the whistle, it wasn't reviewable, and the game was over. Whether that would be fair is irrelevant. The rules are the rules. I'd expect some banter on this in the days ahead. Notice how this game between FSU and Miami ended with an incomplete pass with 1 second left. I believe this is the correct way to handle. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRKFlNGEhK4
  18. Well, I wouldn't announce it was an ultimatum season of course. Though I suppose it would be obvious. I guess it depends how confident you are in Dodge's ability to sell.
  19. Honestly, its very stupid to fire Dodge this year unless there is a real "sexy" choice available. If we fire Dodge then we'll have yet another throw away recruiting season as well as typical attrition on an already thin team. No recruit is going to get excited talking to the Southern Miss guy no matter how good a coach he is. It would have to be a high profile young unproven pick like Major Applewhite at this point. If the team is terrible again next year then you can fire Dodge mid-season and salvage the recruiting season with a new hire.
  20. No. I would give him one more year to show large improvement. No reason to blow everything up this year. What coach worth having would want to coach here the way things have been going? Whoever we'd get would be a crapshoot so we might as well give Dodge another year. Though if Mangino became available..hmmm... who wouldn't want to see the fat man wearing green?
  21. Yeah, that and he wasn't above lying or at least stretching the truth quite a bit. I still remember the little controversy that occured when one of his first recruits (Wes Allen or Deg Erskin I think) let it slip that he'd been assured that UNT would be in C-USA within a few years.
  22. I'll gladly work 2 jobs or scrap together a living in a shack rather than burden my children and their children with more and more government debt to pay off. This has to end somewhere. If it allows a large economic correction, then so be it.
  23. Well this is sounding worse and worse. Are the people just a bunch of feckless bums and criminals or what? Should I live outside of town? I might have to ask for more money than thought....
  24. It's not a get rich type of opportunity, but they do need professionals. Even out there. I would get a 25% increase to go, but it may be because no one desires to live there. Is there anywhere decent to live within a 40 mile radius? I imagine the cost of living (housing) is quite a bit cheaper, so it might be a good opportunity to horde money for a few years. I don't want to be somewhere too terrible though...
  25. There's a fairly lucrative opportunity I have some interest in out there. However, from what I read the town is pretty miserable. Can anyone confirm or deny?
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