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MeanGreenTeeth last won the day on March 24 2020

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  1. Isn't he the guy who acts like a Vegas promotor? Oh no, hate to lose him 😉
  2. I have what is probably a dumb question. I started seeing the "x" symbol a few years back whenever two brands collaborated together. Something to indicate that the brands multiplied together are bringing a better product to market. Now it seems like any time two entities (loosely defined) are in any sort of way doing anything together I see that "x" mark. UNT and FAU aren't collaborating, the exact opposite. Why is the "x" mark being used?
  3. I gotcha. I'm just saying he might have it backwards. I haven't heard what he says, but if all he says is "Welcome to Denton, America", then grammatically that's the same as "Good Morning, America". You're probably right, I was just throwing that out there as a possibility as Denton, America sounds really dumb. If I was going to omit the state for some reason, I would say "Denton, USA".
  4. Are we sure he’s just not emphasizing the sentence incorrectly? Are you sure it shouldn’t be interpreted as welcoming America (the public) to Denton?
  5. I wonder if we are going to get an explanation as to why targeting wasn’t called on ASU’s final regulation drive. They likely win the game if it was called.
  6. I've been griping about this for decades at this point. It is amazingly dumb and does nothing for us. Did he have a better deal on the table? Unlikely.. Would it keep him here if he did well and a big program came calling. No. It doesn't do a dang thing for us. Yet again, and again,and again, and again we do it. It costs us every single time.
  7. I don’t think you’re going to feel in danger or anything. I go out most evenings when I’m there. It just isn’t that lively since so much has been shuttered. If the weather is nice, though, it might be livelier than I’m thinking and I’m told the city has been taking an effort the last few months to clean up the sidewalks. The area around Powell’s books (which you definitely should go to) is usually pretty busy and touristy. There are several really good brewpubs nearby and a dive bar or two. Feel free to DM me if you want any recommendations.
  8. In all seriousness, I know these things get wrapped up in politics, but it truly is pretty bad and sad to see what’s become of Portland. It’s bad… so many stores and restaurants have left, the office building vacancy rate is terrible and the homelessness and open drug use is a real problem. Love Oregon. It’s an extremely beautiful area and no better place to be when the weather is nice. I travel there for work often, but the city itself is in terrible shape.
  9. Ahhh. Bummer dude. I’m going there for a work trip, but won’t get in until the following Monday. Lots of brewpubs around to watch the game, but downtown is pretty grim nowadays especially after dark.
  10. Can we add the Coast Guard Academy? Maybe Space Force will get their own soon. 🤔
  11. They’re a large school in a major east coast city. Also a good travel partner in football for Army and Navy. Not sure we should be throwing stones.
  12. Good question. 2007 Michigan comes to mind after the App State loss. Though I believe they ended up ranked by the end of the year.
  13. UTSA doesn’t have much, but they are a fairly large state school in a large city that doesn’t have any other local competition for football eyeballs either on the FBS or pro level.
  14. PAC, AAC; doesn't matter. I don't understand why there is so much shifting being considered. The Big 10 and SEC are the only 2 conferences that really matter and we all know it. ACC and Big 12 are the B-team conferences that probably won't last but a few more years and every other minor conference is interchangeable at this point.
  15. Meh.. Playing a bunch of little brother West Coast teams doesn't seem very attractive for a very minor increase in pay. It's not like any of our students are going to get excited about playing Fresno State. Maybe the American can add Air Force for the exposure and UNLV so that the athletes and fans have a fun travel location.
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