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Everything posted by Ken14

  1. My question is....why did Florida have their precious starting QB still in against a helpless little C-USA team.....
  2. Had to call the ticket office myself.....sent me a PDF by e-mail....took several tries, said they were busy.....let's hope that means a good crowd......GMG
  3. Dish shows channels 441 and 445......GMG
  4. I think this week against UTSA will be a better barometer of how good he is.......hopefully.
  5. Time to Lock the Gate......we have done it once.........let's move foreword..........
  6. I hope he runs like shot thru a barrel in CUSA..........
  7. Unreal.........
  8. He is first class.....just no senseless penalties.
  9. TEXAS!!!!!!!
  10. Section 136..not too bad...the promotions are a joke....UTSA crowd not bad to us, some snooty bitch said" cant believe they drove 5 hours to lose"...Jeff Wilson was the best part of the game to me...we have something special to look foreword to.
  11. Sec 136 ..X2....What about a kickoff time?
  12. Does Scott Hall have any eligibility left????
  13. Anyone know if there has been a time posted for the UTSA game? Im trying to arrange time off from work to go but would like to know if it will be a morning or afternoon-evening kickoff.
  14. Cant understand why #6 has not scored 5+ times......wth happened....????
  15. MD and Syracuse still on 21....please hurry up.
  16. Amen to that....I went to school with his Father and Uncles....a solid family with solid roots..I believe he's one to make us proud ...
  17. Jeff Wilson...a solid Freshman....let's give him room to grow!!
  18. They are getting a 45 point enema with time left.......GMG!!!
  19. I thought we flushed this guy a long time ago...............
  20. Good to see....but they still suck...
  21. With all our eggs in one basket...and the planets align...we should be 11-1
  22. Do we have a chance to stink up the West division race??
  23. Buyers did an outstanding job...what a walk-on...need more like him.
  24. Runnin chickens look good...need to introduce them to the most Bloodthirsty defense in CUSA.......welcome to Apogee Stadium ...Meet Mr Zach Orr and company...
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