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Everything posted by Ken14

  1. Thank you for a voice of reason...we can do this.
  2. Faith in Mason.... he needs to wake up and give us a shot...……….
  3. Second half is ours...……….
  4. Lord help us......
  5. We are going to have to be on our game for UH....they wont be as forgiving as ACU....
  6. I respect that...but sorry for their bad luck....GMG
  7. Flashback.....The Vols get blindsided..... Go Georgia State!!! GMG!!!!!!!
  8. I got an ESPN+ subscription that im going to try....will be a first for me. Us poor folks from East Tx gotta see the game somehow.
  9. Give me one I can keep for a while.....John Brunner OL #79. Our OL needs some love...
  10. We can win the whole damn thing if we put our minds to it...… we rolled into Apogee 4-0 last year and fell on our swords.... The sky is the limit for this bunch if they have their heads on straight......
  11. Thanks! I appreciate the update.
  12. Tried that....but the cockroaches took a hit from a .45 and kept going. Went to the Hilton Garden instead. Thanks for the advice.
  13. Are the lots on the Bonnie Brae side going to be open for all or do I need to park at Fouts and walk across? I have not been to one of these in about 4 years....please advise.
  14. We have plans to come in Friday night for the Saturday festivities, please let the group advise a decent hotel for out of town guests.... close to good eating and watering holes...….we like the likes of Rooster's and happy hour at Toms Daquiri..... what say the group??
  15. We need to show up in force, punch the in the mouth and come home injury free ........with the W of course...
  16. May have to come up the night before.....
  17. Im gonna be greedy and go against the grain and say all THREE.... we damn sure have the talent.
  18. "An opposing C-USA assistant coach" needs to enjoy those words with a well-done side of crow.....smh.
  19. smu or utsa…. ive heard all the trash talk in San Antonio... and the preppies in Highland Park. We are head and shoulders above those chumps...We are a great University....GMG
  20. Anyone know when the garage sale is?? I know its usually with the spring game but I have looked. Pardon an old man if its already been posted.....GMG
  21. Please Defense...………..
  22. I gave credit to UAB.... we gave the other 2 away.
  23. If the same team that showed up at Smut and Aky showed up.... we would be 11-1.
  24. This is unreal...…..wake me when its over..Liquor store is open for another 20 minutes.
  25. Maybe just maybe....we get some momentum this time.....I believe....GMG
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