1. A COACH from NW ran out onto the field, eyewitness reports from the game and those who saw a replay clip of the video during the nightly news say he was out at the numbers, almost out to the hash marks. There is absolutely NO REASON a COACH should be out that far on the field. 2. Same video (which I have not seen, but others have and are all saying the same thing): COACH apparently threw an elbow in our QB's chin. 3. Same video also shows that our QB did NOT take a swing, but rather gave a push. http://insiders3.ezboard.com/fairforcefrm1...icID=1467.topic Pushing goes on all the time at football games and you don't see those players getting thrown out for fighting. I am in no way condoning Harridge's reaction, and in fact if you go visit our board you'll see that most of us were very quick to crucify him. Yes, Harridge was provoked, but that doesn't make his actions any more justified. We all know he's a hothead. A quote in yesterday's RMN from DeBerry said, if you read between the lines "He will not get another personal foul this season", that if something like this happenes again, DeBErry will sit his butt on the bench for the rest of the season, no ifs ands or buts. http://insiders3.ezboard.com/fairforcefrm1...icID=1447.topic Having said all that, I hope DeBerry sits him out for the game to make a point. Either way, this should be a hard-fought game on both sides, and I wish I was there to see it! Good luck and I pray for an injury-free game! GO FALCONS!