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Everything posted by UNT_92_Fan

  1. What about a sign that says... remember Fouts???? Welcome to the Pit!
  2. I went to high school with kelsie....she is looking a whole lot better now....she is maturing faster than i expected coming straight outta college...way to represent the four time state champion mansfield Tigers!
  3. we gotta keep the three falling too! I love ricky v....he is like Mark cuban but for us....jk
  4. What about.... during the fourth quarter.... Instead of a sign saying Start the Bus..... START THE LEXUS
  6. Bring Signs...paint up....wear green....be loud....all that stuff....We are playing a team that has NO respect for us in football or any other sport.....
  7. I consulted with the roommate and if the Indiana game is the kick off party....we are in! we will both be back from home for Christmas....so lets do this!!!!!
  8. I'm Going!
  9. I think we got a caravan going if i get off work but i will eltcha know!
  10. with a good oppurtunity to win tonite at the pit....we could go into TCU 3-2 and they are 1-4 (haven't heard if they won tonite....) It would be a good thing to see lots of greenbackers there....Holler if you are going..i am tryin my damndest to get off work....
  11. Keep me posted...me and my roommate and our little group of real mean greeners will show...we can work together on bringing food and stuff....sound like a plan?
  12. Yeah I played with the #22 guy on there team in high school and he actually played better than expected and i was rtazzin him most of the game and he kept throwing our signs from high school up at me when he was pullin his threes and stuff...fun game...you shoulda seen wendy's after the game...PACKED OUT! lol Ready for some baylor on tuesday...showing up in full force!
  13. We should really try to get something for these games...if nothing else we can just hang out in the P lot across form the pit....My group would show I know that...we are all about that kind of stuff!!
  14. Dude i was sitting like right by yall....we were yelling for the pickle guy....and talking to Ricky V.
  15. I got a group of prolly 15 to 20 students rollin in with me....SOmeone told me finals were this week....should i be concerned????
  16. Wendy's....I was apart of the rowdy group of students begging the team to hit the three's cause dang i am broke and trying save some cash for N.O.
  17. Even though it was a blow out....it was a fun game for my and my friends who finally got out to our first game....fun times! The team did seem to be working better together and even though it was a very small crowd....we were loud! the free food aspect played into that but still! Holla atcha on Tuesday! GMG
  18. and yeah losing to lamar wasn't that great...but seriously that new coach down there...yeah you know who he is....has done some good down there...they actually have a decent team down there....
  19. You know what...I am all for being a huge football fan and all but if you truely are a member of the nation...then support all your sports...so what is NT isn't the greatest at basketball...but i guarantee if they had a little more support that would give them some sort of boost...I believe that there is One game this season that everyone should go to...Indiana....biggest name to flow through here in awhile....Show up in Green Show Up loud and hell if we get ran up and down....At least our team has some support....after the games i attended regularly last season I am dissappointed....my hgih school had more people show up to watch...granted our girls were 4 times state champions....it was HIGH SCHOOL...come on Nation....dont stop at football...we wanna get in a new conference...start supportin OTHER sports....I am not trying to be a lil jerk about this but seriously the guys wouldnt mind seeing some people there...We Need a GROUP on campus to DO SOMETHING to get the word out of when the games are....anyone got any suggestion who is responsible for that???? sorry i will step down off my soapbox... Go Mean Green basketball
  20. I agree Rick....I am in my third or fourth year here....losing track isn't a good sign...i remember when emmitt was here...it was a really good time...but from what i am hearing the current talons are "dogging" on some of the fans they see every time out there because so little things they may not agree with... Somebody brought up the fact that they do not do cheers or chants that are disrepesctful to the other team....I APPLAUD that....cause hearing some of the things i hear at the games is ridiculous..... I just know from the people i have talked to that the Talons are not making some current students that are truely into the MEAN GREEN feel like they can even sit around them at the games.... people have also said they haven't seen anything other than the games...I am clueless onthis...do the talons do anything other than the athletic games? I haven't been as INTO the athletics as I am now before this year or so.... I think a new spirit group could do nothing but help...like someone said more spirited fans = MORE Spirit...someone tell me where that equation comes up negative.... Go Mean Green!
  21. I know this is alittle off subject from Mean green Football but it does affect the team in a sense.... While on campus i heard about a potential new "spirit" group that wants to start up here at NT and "run the talons outta town" didn't hear much but i heard they want a group more student oriented and not so exclusive....i know from hearing people talk that the Talons rub some people on campus wrong from experiences at games and their attitudes toward your normal NT Fan. Thats bout all that i could pick up in the Union.... Anyone hear anything about this???? And would you support them?
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