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Everything posted by UNT_92_Fan

  1. ANY TIME YOU TIVO SPORTS... Add at least an hour to the record time. 9 times outta 10 a game goes longer than the allotted spot and the system doesnt know the game is over, it just knows the time slot is closed. Many a mavs game have been lost for me this way and the guys at AT&T told me to add an hour to everything sports related
  2. Jaydub's Sister is HOT!
  3. Suck it CBL! I missed your sweet sweet face as well... plus she is married to the dude who left her at the altar so maybe down the line you can get at that!
  4. Why are so many people on this board so Anti-Vito? The guy is a journalist. Where is his job description does it say ONLY report the good stuff that goes on with the University of North Texas? Why do so many people on here blame Vito for this? Look at your job, I am sure there are times you have to do things you don't want to. I am a teacher and I personally hate doing paperwork, but guess what there is more paperwork involved in teaching than there is in accounting I promise and I have to do it! If you are a butcher but Bologna makes you nauseous, do you still have to slice the damn bologna for your customers when they come into your store? Yes you do if you want to get PAID. Brett Vito wants to get paid and is required to cover EVERYTHING that happens at UNT. I wouldn't be surprised if Vito did not really feel great about writing on this story but guess what ITS HIS DAMN JOB. Yeah we don't like bad things being said about our school but WHEN ITS TRUE guess what... He is doing his job... Its just like Jaydub hates when I call his sister hot... but truth is... She is SMOKING HOT... he can't be mad at me...
  5. Under-appreciated Post!
  6. Not making comment....
  7. I will not be watching... This is one of the most boring match-ups I could think of...
  8. Happy VD! Herpes is no laughing matter!
  9. Still Can't vote and I know for sure they have my money for the class I am taking!
  10. I am on online student now in the Teaching cert program... never on campus... I am going to try a PC, cause this ain't working on my Mac.
  11. No box on my page either...
  12. Pecker Slap someone!
  13. I asked Todge about the playcalling after the game and he said that Rodge, Millips, and Nune were all active decoys and the actual playcall was coming in from Rillareal in the Booth. Every once in awhile they would let Mean Green Great Rlannigan call a play too... Jearing OUT
  14. I got half way thru it and realized it was from the Onion... I am a moron
  15. Thats alittle personal
  16. I think the Dearing might make his first season appearance this saturday... finally got a day off from the high school football coverage
  17. Damnit I miss these threads! I need to reconfigure my classroom experience for less talky more GMG.
  18. JAYDUB, You can sleep on my couch if you do two of following three... a. Talk to my class about radio thursday and friday b. Do my dishes (gotta pay rent bitch) c. Satisfy a camel... Your Choice
  19. Gina Carano has been my MMA crush for a year or so now... I want her to kick my ass
  20. Sorry for the delay in response but I had to clean up a mess... I love dirk!
  21. He texted me and told me it felt like someone was stabbing him in the stomach... I told him it sounded like he needed a heavy flow tampon...
  22. Did you get to hit the sauce tonight??? Your spelling tells me that you did in fact get your drink on tonight!
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