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Everything posted by Danish42

  1. Why did he leave? Maybe his dad can tell us being that he does alot of posting on this board.
  2. I would like to hear your comments about this talented and vivacious professor who just recently passed away. I had two classes with her in the late 70's and enjoyed her lectures. However at the time I did not realize that a learning disability that I have was effecting my concentration and this lead to many academic struggles. One day I decided to approach Dr. McWhorter during her office hours to see how I could do better on my tests. When I walk in she was painting her nails next to a larger Greek statue. I asked her how I could I do better in taking her tests, will she blew her top and she told me to get the heck out of there. I had a lot of bitterness toward her after this till I graduated in 1981. Fortunately there were other professors that did take the time to explain how to improve my test scores. May she rest in peace.
  3. Where did John play ball at before us?
  4. With Spring Practice underway, do you think that #51 Jared Jackson will have a chance to start on the line? I use to see him on sideline during last year games?
  5. They had that big tackle from last year that went to some Big 12 school.
  6. I just curious and don't now that much about recruiting but does NT go after guys like the ones on today's sports page that are going to Nebraska and Tech? Do talented player like these fell that they are above playing at NT? Just wondering.
  7. Your right but we can't brew over spilled milk.We have to move on. The good thing know is with all the info out there and the internet, we the fans have more of a say.
  8. Hey Guys while we are talking about what we need next year, let go ahead and give that UT center that was thrown off the team for some racially unsensitive comments on Facebook a second chance and give him a schlorship at NT. What do you think?
  9. Coach DeLoach has told individuals that the biggest problem since the last time he was in Denton is conditioning. Just look at those 2 OL that we got from JC. One guy weighted near 400pds and both these guys were out of shape.
  10. Hey Quoner: I thought that this poster was meant for some of our members of Congress and their bailout plan.
  11. I just hit the meow button.
  12. A few years ago Trinity University had a tackle that was 6-5, 350. One would think that a big guy like that could play Division I.
  13. You must have been reading my mind. I was going to ask FFR where I could get some of this stuff and then your post appeared.
  14. If anyone knows, how is Jacob Kaiser doing at NT? Will he be starter? He is a big man but that doesn't mean anything nowadays.
  15. I got the same call at around 6:15pm while I was having supper. I told the girl I would send my $50 and she told me she was thanking me .
  16. What does it cost to go to Wake Forest? This is just like getting into an Ivy School. Many apply few are accepted. Some of these kids don't know what they are throwing away.
  17. I have never heard about him. The thread doesn't say anything about him.
  18. Not everybody is made to go to college. It to bad there is not somekind of trades degrees for some of these individuals. They could take a combination of classes such as bricklaying, carpentry, welding,etc. What do you guys think?
  19. We will have to just move on. There is nothing that can be done.
  20. Welcome to North Texas. It is a great school that will give you a very good education. I look forward to seeing you on the field.
  21. That is in Killeen,Tx.
  22. What about Texas A&M Kingsville. I would love to see them have a program like in the 80's?
  23. Hey Lonnie, what makes this coach a jerk? Just asking.
  24. How long ago was this Old Timer and did this guy last the duration of his eligability?
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