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About Gakusei

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  • Home
    Denton, TX
  • Interests
    North Texas, home theater, videogames

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  1. *waves goodbye*
  2. You people that say "loosing" all the time sound like yokels.
  3. They might want to think about using something other than MS Paint to resize the logo...
  4. We don't play NMSU this year.
  5. We receive most of our oil from Canada and Venezuela...At least that's what I was told once. Feel free to correct if it's wrong.
  6. One day won't make a difference, especially when people are going to buy anyway on Sept. 2nd. In order for something like this to work, there'd have to be a huge shift in people's daily habits so that there's consistently much more supply than demand.
  7. Yeah, seems like incoming students are getting dumber. I don't know how many times this week I've almost rolled down the window and yelled, "GO, FRESHMEN!!@#$%@#" because they're standing on the sidewalk not walking across the crosswalk while cars wait in 4 directions.
  8. Nah, no fault of yours, it's just the way it goes on this board. Instead of making an official topic, like "Discuss Hurricane Katrina here", people make topics about each and every thing. I wish it were the other way around is all.
  9. GMG should make a seperate forum for all this hurricane stuff, or rename this one to the hurricane forum.
  10. Get ready for more students going to the football game in mid-September. $2.89 a gallon!
  11. Haven't been up to school today, but the past couple of days I've seen a ton of people around with the new logo shirts on. It really does look impressive, and it seems like the stuff is selling a ton more; could just be me. Picked one up for myself last night while hunting for a book unsuccessfully. On a sidenote, does it seem to anyone else like Denton is more populated than it's ever been? I swear I've never seen the campus/town this busy before; maybe gas prices are finally breaking down the segment of people who live outside of town and commute.
  12. I was making fun of a typo in the subject, chill out.
  13. Well, what I was responding to was the notion that there's "only 2 or 3 real basketball powerhouses" or something like that, and football pulls the rest, insinuating that every school that has football defines it as its primary sport. I can guarantee you that's not the case at any of the schools I listed.
  14. Oh man, I love me a good Scrimmagre!
  15. First of all, I don't even know who you are. Second of all, all the schools you listed are BCS schools outside of Gonzaga and Pepperdine who are both very well known schools that actually make money on basketball. BCS schools, since you obviously can't comprehend this, get tons of money from football because it's a corrupt system. Maybe you've been living under a rock. Look at any school that doesn't get BCS funds, and you'll see those numbers you posted earlier in the thread about NT. Even at the pinnacle of our game, we're losing over $1.5 million on football. I don't even know why I'm responding. At least when I get into it with someone like FFR, Lorenzo, or emmitt, I know they're just as passionate about this stuff as I am and have donated time and/or money to the school.
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