Ok, Ive decided to come out of hiding after monitoring this thread for awhile... 1) You have to be very tactful when heckling at a womans game... but it can be done! 2) Nothing will ever top when the police warned me (after a visiting team player complained) that if I continued to heckle the players that he would arrest me for starting a riot... so, i tore into the coaches! 3) Even though we ended up loosing the game... you cant beat the trip to TCU when we covered their commons with NT posters and went into their gym and took their spirit groups banner... sorry, didnt mean to stroll down memory lane there. also, tiki is resting well in his hyperbaric chamber next to ted williams head. yes, he is retired... i would like to see a new tiki and would even meet up with the new pit crew guys and show them some old school style!