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Everything posted by Monkeypox

  1. This game sucks hard.
  2. If Dasher could complete a pass, this would be even worse.
  3. I still think Dallas profiles well above average, though I agree LA has kind of a bum rap, most of which stems from not having an NFL team. Personally, I have a hard time thinking they'll ever get one, though, and I'm unwilling to blame the residents/fans in LA, many of whom are transient. Throughout the state there's budget shortfalls, they're talking about closing parks, etc. Hard to ask for or expect the residents to finance a new stadium for the right to pay hundreds of dollars to attend a game. And granted, I have a fairly bad taste for sports fans because I worked in the film industry, and it's REALLY a place of people who 1) root for teams because it's popular 2) don't follow sports at all or 3) follow teams from somewhere else When I was there, I rooted for the Raiders. San Diego was already pretty good, I can't bring myself to root for San Fran (nor did we ever get their games, anyway), so I was pretty much stuck. I rooted for: My Faraway Favorites: Cowboys, Rangers, Mavs "Local" Raiders (blech), Padres, Clippers The locals were really just accidental bi-product of having them available on TV. And I woulda felt like a tool rooting for a successful Chargers or Dodgers or Lakers franchise.
  4. Well, given that LA has two major college programs that are big players in several sports, and Dallas has zero, I don't think you can make that kind of comparison. The Rangers are every bit as lousy as the Kings. I mean, if lousiness comes into play, then I think it's easy to see why LA supports The Dodgers and Lakers.
  5. In the same situation with the same population, yes. I lived in Hollywood for some time, myself. The Staples Center is hardly ever full for hockey. They only sold out like 28 games last year, and they average less fans than the Dallas Stars do. The Dodgers and Lakers get regular attendance. That's it. The Lakers mainly get it because 1) they're perrennial contenders and 2) it's a celebrity hotspot. 75% of the people there don't know the first thing about basketball. They know Kobe. The Dodgers have always been popular, partly due to the fact that they've always been fairly successful, they have a landmark stadium in a central location, and they're cheaper than a lot of things in Los Angeles. So sure, get the Mavs to win a bunch of titles, have the Rangers win a majority of their games about 80% of the time, and quintuple the population, and yes, you'll see those results here.
  6. Having lived in both LA and DFW, I can safely say there's NO comparison between sports fans in the two places. Dallas is FARRR better. Then again, one of the problems LA has is that they have a massive number of transplants. People who move to LA don't really identify (and in many cases don't like) LA teams, so they aren't going to go and root for them.
  7. It was like 8 yards.
  8. I'm looking for help testing a scoring format for a 14-team head-to-head fantasy football league. If anyone's interested in tinkering, feel free to join. The teams will be using 5 individual defensive players (along with the usual offensive positions), and points will be awarded for return yards, receptions, and carries (again, along with the usual). I'm trying to get it full ASAP. Not really concerned if you stay active after initial team setup (including autodraft and setting players for the first week). This is really to get me back into the game after a while being out of it. League ID: 988303 pw: barracuda listenupstupid is the league name http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/le.../listenupstupid
  9. 34-17 BallsTate.
  10. Sure, scientists aren't crying wolf for the hell of it. There are a variety of reasons, like: 1) Research Money 2) Attention Whoring 3) Lack of touch with reality Being involved in medicine on a daily basis and having an entire family of healthcare workers, I'm not even a little bit worried. You know what happens when you get H1N1? You get the flu.
  11. Just know, Swine Flu, that SARS, Bird Flu, Anthrax, and I are saving a seat for you.
  12. Emmitt's a cop, as is my brother. He knows. People die over much dumber sh*t than a quarter bag. I hear the stories all the time. No, it's not Reefer Madness, but there's not a lot of upstanding citizens hanging out with pot dealers. Doesn't mean you're a crazed criminal for smoking pot or buying pot or selling pot. This is a thing I also have personal perspective on, outside of my brother's experience.
  13. To me, the most important thing for a QB is getting the ball to the receiver quickly, before a defense has time to read and react. There are a few factors that come into it - arm strength, quick release, quick decision-making, etc. If you've got all three of these, you're better than most. Big Ben and Leftwich have monster arms. However, they both have big windups, so they don't get the ball to the receiver as quickly as say, Peyton Manning (who's blessed with all three attributes). A big arm helps them cover for the release, though, so they can still get it there quickly. But you don't have to have incredible arm strength to fire the ball in there. You have to just be efficient. The other thing a big arm does is let you air it out. Vito mentions in there that that's really not a big part of our offense. All things being equal, I'd like to have a guy with a strong arm, but MORE IMPORTANTLY in our offense, and part of what made Riley successful in high school is the release, accuracy, and quick decision-making aided by familiarity with the offense. A strong arm would certainly help, but if we're airing it out, that means either a) our line has magically improved well past anything I saw them do last year or the play has broken. In a situation like this, Riley's arm strength will probably only factor in a once or twice, by which point he'll be knocked out by onrushing DL and LBs. SO, the question remains, as it will, whether or not Riley's a) decision-making and release can make up for c) lack of arm strength (though he's not really a noodle-arm). He has a few things working in his favor in his familiarity with the offense and developmental year, but, as FLF has pointed out, we don't have a Big 12, Big 10, SEC, whatever coaching staff. UT, OU, Florida, etc. would all be able to turn Riley into a solid college QB, IMO, with little trouble. Of course, 9 times out of 10, they won't have to, because they'll go with a guy with more prototypical size and strength.
  14. Okay, here it goes: GOOD Journalist: The Mean Green defense failed once again to control an opponent's ground game, allowing more than 3572 yards to Middle Tennessee. VITO: Predictably, the (Not So) Mean Green defense was pounded on the ground by an unspectacular opponent, giving up 3572 yards to the lowly MUTS. Both of these give you the same information. One of them uses colorful (though not terribly clever) language to insert their own analysis. Vito does this often, except he's not an analyst. He's a beat reporter. If he were an analyst, as he attempts to be, then he really SHOULD have a football background. Or, if he just wants to spout opinions, then stop calling him a journalist unless you believe every freaking yahoo on this board deserves the title. I'm pretty far down on the program, but that will never make me consider what Vito does good journalism. I can agree with someone and think they can't write and they make crappy arguments. I can also disagree with someone and believe that their conclusions are well thought-out and their writing is solid. I can't understand how people really think his writing is worth much, other than wishing some day he might be a poor man's Randy Galloway.
  15. Ugh, see, THIS is the problem. There are many legitimate complaints about Vito's writing and how far it falls from actual, solid journalism. This bizarre rant is NOT one of them. In fact, Vito's been much better as of late. Of course, it's the offseason.
  16. Read the whole thread. If you don't get it, you don't get it.
  17. Seriously, dude. If you were gonna make something up, you could've at LEAST made something credible, in that 145-155 range. You'd still be a genius. No need to claim to be all Powder meets Stephen Hawking (a concept I'm pitching to NBC this April).
  18. Who cares?! Hockey and soccer are both boring as sin to watch on TV and neither are relevant here. If you enjoy them, fine! If you don't, fine! Nobody cares either way. If it makes anyone feel any better, neither is as lame as NASCAR.
  19. It's already not allowed in a lot of other scholastic leagues, as well as the NCAA and NFL. I think they should keep it, because it's fun, but otherwise, this is much ado about nothing. Props to the coach who developed it.
  20. Look, dudes like to argue. Winning an argument proves how big of a man you are, like making them eat a donut off your wang.
  21. I remember I was really hoping we'd go after McCoy and use the verbal of Perriloux against UT at the time. I even said he'd be a better QB than Perriloux. So I'm both a moron and a genius.
  22. You ever been to Venice, FL? It's a retirement/vacation town outside Sarasota. About 20k people, 98% white. Crime rate miniscule, violent crime rate microscopic. Now, that doesn't mean TonyCharles didn't have it rough. I mean, who knows? I just think it's funny the number of assumptions made in your post and how you fail to comprehend their inherent hypocrisy.
  23. Gomeangreen.com is your flower, and you're her butterfly.
  24. I'd like to see us line up for PATs a little more often.
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