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Monkeypox last won the day on September 24 2021

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  1. Maybe UNT grads don't apply BECAUSE they know what the problems are and what can/can't be done.
  2. I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was. Now what I'm with isn't it, and what's it seems weird and scary to me, and it'll happen to you, too
  3. Did they not see the angle of his eyebrows on the sideline?!!!
  4. Dude flunked out at UNT and ran back home to his mom in Houston and flunked out again, and trolls the UNT message board trying to act big time, because he's been run off the Houston board. Imagine how big of a douche you have to be that other UH fans can't even stand you.
  5. Not a lawyer (Though I played one on JAG), but I think it's pretty hard to enforce something that isn't allowed.
  6. Dollar Store Seth Littrell Strikes Again! #shit5
  7. 11-11-11 defense might have a shot.
  8. Blech. I just hate watching bad defense.
  9. We should do our best to allay those fears.
  10. Yeah, I mean Caponi is not THE problem, but he is A problem. A lot of issues for schools like ours is guys come in married to their scheme. You get these guys who succeeded at schools that either ran it forever or have the advantage of being able to get a higher level of recruit to it. And they don't KNOW anything else. We simply aren't at a talent level where you can afford to put anything other than your best 11 on the field. Coaches have to be versatile and scheme for the talent we have. Absolutely recruit for what you want to run, but you can't just get in here and do it right away. Versatility is key.
  11. UNT's record over the last 20 years is 89-149. We are 1-6 in Bowl Games. We have had 4 winning seasons (that's being generous about a 7-7 finish). Our best players are poached every year. Why would that program have fans outside of the handful of diehards on this board, especially in this state and this area where people have options?
  12. Prediction still intact!
  13. Man, Chandler Morris is making some high level throws here.
  14. Yeah. EJ trucked a lineman. It was awesome. Hope the kid is okay, though.
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