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  • Birthday 10/08/1938

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    Plano, Texas

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  1. Without RV, we probably would still be playing in Fouts Field.
  2. Coach Mitchell was not only a great Coach but a great Man. It was an honor playing for his teams for 3 years. We do need to remember what he accomplished in his years at UNT in Football, and thank him for the hundreds of young athlete's he influenced in a positive manner and made them better citizens in their future.
  3. Mr. Frosty's For those around in the late 1950's and early 1960's, Barlow's right off the square was a great place, a place that some of us athlete's could go, because we did not have much money to spend. Great country food and the best peach cobbler anywhere, plus Mr. Barlow was a wonderful man.
  4. Yes Thank you RV. Without you we would not have a Stadium. Some people like to pick things apart and that is ok but we better be thankful for what we have and for our Athletic Department that MADE it happen with the help of our Student Body and a few Alums. Some people have no idea how difficult that was during that time frame.
  5. not a good statement about the greatest football player that ever played at UNT, and one of the best alums you will ever meet. it is not true that no one cares anymore!!!
  6. Thanks for this History. Mitchell was a great Coach for many years!!
  7. Your are correct in your first sentence.
  8. well well, just one more mistake, but if it makes you feel good that is ok.
  9. wrong again but nothing new!!!
  10. Yes Craig would be great, however, Hank and Dave work really good together and Hank has so much knowledge about the history of NT sports I think it would be a mistake for him not to be in the booth. Lets keep a good thing going!!!!!!
  11. You are incorrect. The collective is loooking for ALL donors!! $25 or 1,000 on an annual basis. Need all the help available no matter the amount.
  12. As usual false statements. North Texas did not hire RV. He is working as a volunteer like all the others are. Yes he did raise a lot of money for the Stadium plus the other facilities. Try to get your facts straight if you must try to degrade someone!!!
  13. Good fact check and I agree 100%.
  14. I assume you know this as fact???? I think you are wrong in your statement. Just another false statement that comes out from time to time. Todd Dodge is a wonderful person and has been a role model to thousands of young men not only in football but also in life after football. Yes he made a mistake by bringing his High School Coaches with him, but that was his decision ALONE.
  15. No not new, just concerned when i see a statement like yours, not fact based, and leaves the reader with false impressions of a person. However we all have freedom of speech!! Lets Beat UTSA Saturday.
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