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  1. This may have been posted back in April, but a JC transfer that participated for the University of Tulsa in spring drills died. Some rare flesh eating baceria. Read on SI.com. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2006/foot...ex.html?cnn=yes Sounds like a pretty sad deal. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family, players, and coaches.
  2. All I was saying was that that programs are not zooming by us. Yes, they are above us in a few aspects, and probably as a whole. I was just saying they did not zoom past us. We are close!!!!! We will be there.
  3. Uh... You think those schools have gone zooming past us. Other than Boise St., I would'nt say any are above us and if so, only a little. There is know way would I use the term zooming!!!!! By the way, I am proud to be a f#%^er!!!!! Shut up and get over it. Lets get ready to kick some a#4 this year and quit whining about the past.
  4. I played organized sports since I able to walk, and I remember several speeches getting the point accross that Dickey was trying to get.(Jr high-college, even some in pewee) You all are missing it. It has nothing to do with the fans, it has to do with team unity and not letting outside factors affect the unit. He was just using the fans as an example. You can trust no one or count on no one but your family (your team). This is something the team needs bred into them, and from the DD quote, that sounds like all that was happening. Too bad to many of you take things out of context, and try to make everything a big deal.
  5. Some of you just look for stuff to whine about. From the quotes I have heard in this thread, I see no attack on regular fans. He was not calling us mf, just the fans that are. Those players take a lot from fans, much of it negative. Second, when DD is talking to his players, it should be between him and the players. You do not know if a player was upset or something happened that was causing problems within the team. DD did not say that just to say it, I can assure you that something must have happened. Trust me, I played for Simon and DD and the "fans" caused us a lot of problems.(at 19 you take everything personal) I am not saying the "fans" do not have the right, it is just tough being a player and hearing all the S&*t. The fans also did many great things for us. We were greatful. Just to give a former players insight, I played from 1995-1999 and my over thoughts on the fans were negative. Not sure if that is a correct assesment, but that is the feeling we had as players, we felt like we had very little support. Most seemed to be against us. (I will add, we did not give the fans much to cheer about, but true fans cheer regardless. I am very supportive of the program, win or lose.) Being supportive of the program does not make me content on where it is either, the program still has a lot of things it needs to do to get where I expect it to be. Also, what DD and the players call fans may be different from what you call fans. As a player, I considered anyone that went to the school or had comments to be a fan. A guess someone who does not care about and always has something bad to say is really not a fan. Really, to us, anyone not on the team was a fan if they new or related to UNT football. That is why when DD calls the "fan" a MF, he may be talking about the S*#& heads out there that you do not consider a fan.
  6. So, you think it would be cool for the Cowboys to keep all old players just because they move good for thier age? Not me, I want to watch a pro type performance, same with a concert. It would be like the Cowboys playing with past players (ring of honor type players) but going 0-10 due to age. Would you be content on just because they still move better than most 60 year olds and based on what they use to be? I am a Stones fan just like a Cowboy fan. I think when a players age starts to affect his career, he should retire. Same for a performer.
  7. I like the Stones and appreciate thier past, but that show sucked A@#!!!! I could not believe what I was hearing. That was horrible. I do give them credit for their age and still being able to be out there, but you have to draw the line somewhere. It is like a football player not calling it quits at the right time. Should they continue to play even if they suck just because they were good in the past? There is a point when someone needs to realize the show is over.
  8. I personally like a tatoo on a girls lower back. Although I wish she would, my wife will not get one. You should not call people disgusting just because they like something than you don't.
  9. Chuck was fired because his attitude started to cause players to not want to play for him. There were several players (linebackers) that almost quit because of Chuck and those guys were starters. I think one name was mentioned aboved!!!
  10. I have lost the respect I had for this board. The post and actions by many of the board posters has led me to the conclusion that there is just not much football knowledge on this board. You want to fire a coach after one horrible year that has done things in the past four years that we use to dream of doing. Oh, I forgot, we have an embarrising OOC record. When you play money games that is what happens. For our OOC games, I would say our record could be a little better, but based who we have played it would be impossible to get the wins as high as most on this board think it should be.
  11. I am not taking any sides, but RF was impressive at SMU. I read several articles on him and he owns several all time records for SMU. Not trying to say this makes him a great coach or anything, just that he was a good QB. I am not at practice nor watch enough film to make any decisions on what we should be doing on offense. I will agree that at the games I often think I know it all. After seeing a play that does not work, I also say why did they do that. When a play works, I say that was a great call. Just what I would have done.
  12. I do not believe catman is complaining about yelling or being into the game. Correct me if I am wrong catman, but you were complaing about the stupid looks & gestures up to pressbox. Standing up and yelling and encouraging your team is great. A couple of the individuals looking back at the press box looked immature. I had to explain to my children that is not the way to act or the way to be a mean green fan. The actions of those few were just plain embarrassing. Please Grow Up!!!!
  13. I doubt there is, but does anyone know if there is any chance of watching the game on T.V.? I did not know if is available on pay per view?????? Anyone know??
  14. What does delayed mean? Does this mean later that night or later in the week? If later in the week, does anyone have any idea if it will be on any pay per view that night? GO MEAN GREEN!!!
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