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Ole Green Guts

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  1. Carthel, Briles or triple option. The first two have Texas ties and will do well. I’m not sure it’s well enough. As for the option, there is plenty of undersized talent in Texas to be successful.
  2. Section 204 row 9 seats 4-8 asking 150.00.
      • 5
      • Lovely Take
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      • Skeptical Eagle
  3. How can the game be seen?
  4. It would be like an intentional walk....
  5. Should have taken FFRick up on his option. Trust me, you wouldn't have been disappointed.
  6. Its as simple as supply and demand. I drove my family of five to Denton for 4 home games and held season tickets for the first time this year. The cost of travel and the increase will likely prevent me from being a season ticket holder in the coming year. I do understand the thinking by the athletic department but I believe its a bit premature. IMO it makes a lot of sense to do this next year if the seasons goes as planned.
  7. With Ramon Flanagin there pulling strings, I see this as a strong possibility. Ramon is the Director of Former Player Relations and probably has some pull. I wish the best for Dickey.
  8. The reactions on the board and social media are definitely knee jerk..... the sky is falling. What did you really expect to happen vs a team that totally blew us out earlier in the season. Only chance we could have had was to play FAU at home. Face it, Evernote wants to post a “HOT TAKE” to be the one who said it first. Come me back to reality. This was a great regular season and we should ALL BE PROUD of the team, coaches and athletic department. We are well on our way to being a relevant program.
  9. Everyone needs to really refelct on the position we’re in. We actually have some say in what bowl we’re going to. I LOVE IT!
  10. I think that band does a pretty decent job throughout the night. There needs to be a way for them to print the NORTH-TEXAS chant. It would be great for them to get a couple of other fan involved chants as well.
  11. I Have 5 and a pass
  12. Just win BABY!
  13. I sent you my # in messenger.
  14. The play by play isn’t bad but the commentary is HORRIBLE. This guy reminds me of Chris Spillman.
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