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Everything posted by stebo

  1. By simply looking at the rosters. It is not by much, obviously it is more of a joke than factual.. but I would bet that the White team has a medium age of about 3 or 4 years older than the Green team. Touchy, touchy.
  2. Just checked weather.com, it is going to be 66 in the afternoon dropping down to 38 at night so dress warm!!!!!! Very minute chance of precip. but not enough to hurt the fields. The rain isn't going to be here until Tuesday so we are golden for Saturday. It is going to be VERY windy so I look for the Green and their youth to dominate in the running game as the White attempts (unsuccesfully) to pass through the air.
  3. Name: Steve Boedeker Size: XXL Green Name: Stebo Number: 03
  4. Thank you Erin, The shirts will be ready Thursday and I sent you an e-mail about getting them to you. If anyone wants to get their numbers/names on their shirts before Saturday then go ahead and let Erin know. And please thank her, this is very generous of her.
  5. We were fortunate enough to have Rick in the shirt biz. The Shirts have been ordered. If you submitted your size and the color, you are covered. Small shirts were bumped up to mediums because smalls are special orders and cost more. We had to order 36 and I got 23 responses through the thread and through E-Mail. So there will be extra. If you want a second one, bring money for two. Now to clarify a couple of things. We were originally going to try and make these shirts like uniformas with names and numbers on the back of them. The way you do that is with Vinyl Transfers that you get at a uniform/trophy shop. Now that would have been in addition to the shirt cost as they letters/numbers are generally $1 each. BUt since we are on suck a tight timeline, we went with JayDub's front design and left the back blank. Now, I chose to make a snap decision to put a RUSH on this order and pay more to get these by Thursday night. I can deliver them to Denton on Friday or you can come pick them up from me. This will give you plenty of time to go by a trophy chop and buy your name/number and have it ready to iron on the shirt when you get it and pay for it. You could go today if you wanted, there is a trophy/uniform place in Denton on Ft Worth Drive and there used to be a soccer shop on Sunset back when I lived in Denton. Because we put a RUSH on the shirt, the cost of each shirt went up by $2 bucks. If you want to back out because of the 2 bucks then I understand. Nobody is making any money off of this, this is simply what it costs to get a screen printed shirt in different sizes and colors made within 2 days. So your shirt cost will be $12 bucks. I want to plead to you to not lose your cool about this. I had to make a snap decision of whether or not to have the shirts by the weeekend and give people plenty of time to put their names and numbers on them. I had to make the decision on the spot and decided that there would be more people that would not mind the $2 bucks then that would. So go easy on me, I am just the messenger and really didn't want to take this on in the first place... but I did, so please keep in mind tha I was just doing my best to make the best overall decision for the group (can you tell that I am terrified of the lashings I am about to get about $2 silly dollars?) Ok, so the shirts are being made as we speak, I will post an update on when.where you can pick them up if you want them before Saturday. No checks please, cash, Rick is fronting this whole order, which is well over a $400 bucks so you all need to thank him for putting his trust in us. In the meantime, you can go down to any trophy/uniform store and get your letters. We should all get the same size and same color letters/numbers, so if someone could please get the font size and post it than that would be great. We should all get BLACK in my opinion.
  6. Eaglechick: Green Shirts White Shirts
  7. Just got the info from Rick on the shirts and I need a "for sure" or not. If you want a shirt, please respond to this thread. Give me your name, phone number, and what size/color shirt you want. I am not sure if we can get names and numbers on them for this great deal but put that info in the response as well just in case. The shirts are going to be $10 for all sizes up to XL, $12.00 for XXL. We need the response tonight. Sorry for the late notice.
  8. Well, I was afraid this would happen, the Green team is so powerful and intimidating that White Team players are scared to play us. The first casualty of the Green dynasty has taken place before a snap ever took place! Iron - scratch Caleb "Mean Green Nation" from your roster. Thanks!
  9. What if we print one white and one green of the shirts, and then have them at the game for people to place their order including size and shipping, with their name and number that they want on the back? Do you think that would be the best solution. I just don't want to get stuck with a bunch of shirts. Rick CAN make these shirts by Saturday if we get the order in today, I just don't think it is possible to get the sizes and commitments from everyone by the end of the day. And I think I was wrong about his screenprinting, I believe that he still outsources it, or maybe he just outsources things like names and numbers. But either way, he would have to have something done from another company to make this work so we are really on a stiff timeline.
  10. Rick did in fact buy his own screenprinter last summer and doesn't contract out that anymore. I will let you know what he tells me today and we can answer all these questions.
  11. Ok, quick question... If I were to print some shirts up through Rick, 36 of them, 18 white and 18 green; would we be able to sell them all next Saturday? JayDub made up a design as well and it looks great, he just e-mailed me the links and I like it. I am thinking that these would make good playing shirts as there are likely to be many more Flag Football games after this... we can use them somewhat for uniforms. Then Hope could make her shirts as well for the "event" shirt, in other words GMG Bowl I. Basically that would give us something to dirt up and something to have as a collector shirt celebrating the inaugural game. Green Team Uniforms White Team Uniforms
  12. Also, please check with Rick and Silver at MeanGreenStock. Rick and I had talked about it and he wanted to make the shirts as well. Hope, what I would do is print the graphics and collect at the game. Then you can pay for them in advance and hand them out at the Spring scrimmage. Just a thought... I always get burned when making shirts so I try to collect in advance now. Put me down for one as well, I love the design. Can we do Green shirts with white print? Also, I would personally prefer a long sleeved t-shirt but I might be inthe minority, I will be happy with whatever you choose. Thank you for taking the initiative to get this done.
  13. Roster for the Green Team: Hope Nicole Jaydub Sammy Tony "KingDL1" Wes "greenballer" Pierow Stebo Mean Green Buzz Kit "Mean Green Dork" Travis Scottie Kris Justin "UNT_92_Fan" Scott Keeler Coaching the Green team: Little Matty Roster for the White Team: Emmitt Ray Perry Brooklyn Medpilot Evan (e-bone) Will (rhaprez) Lorenzo (Cerebus) Texas Stranger Sean (UNTfan23) twodollarpistols Brent Caleb (MGN) untcampbell Hunter Green Coaching the White team - Aaron.
  14. Yesterday we conducted the first draft ever for the GMG Flag Football league. About 20 peeps popped in and out of the draft room to see where they would be headed and the captains implemented their strategy quite nicely. Iron Man Switzer won the coin toss and chose first. The draft was done in reverse fashion and each captain chose the players with alternating turns for the OTHER team. We mutually agreed to draft the girls first so their placement is not an indication in their ability, but rather just where they went as a result of our rules. Here is the draft order. Aaron chose first (for Matt's team) and placed Nicole (UNTangel) on the Green team. Matt then chose Two Dollar Pistols for the White. Hope was then placed on the green team and our girl's draft rounded out with Brooke making the White team. Hopefully it will be raining on Saturday Next up we had the guys draft. Iron chose JayDub first in what I would consider a strategic move. Brent was then placed on the White team by Matt. Completing Iron's strategy was to place Sammy "Bud Wesier Man" on the Green team; thus sending shockwaves through the chat room. Sammy would have probably been a very highly drafted player on his own merits but the potential for arguing with te Dubinator is there so we could see major havoc on the field if those two lovebirds are not getting along that day. Sean Hiatt was selected for the White team, followed by Tony "King DL1" Barone to the Green. Steve "Med Pilot" was then placed on the white team which was a very interesting pick that would start a trend and expose Matt's stratagey of going with youth for his team and letting the older players be pushed to the White team. Wes "greenballer" Holcomb was picked for the Green, he is not that fast; but he can't catch either... so that makes up for it. A late addition to the draft, our own LoRo "Cerebus" was selected for the White team and immediately began threatening to ban any Green player that tries to grab his flag. In a surprising twist, Aaron sent Pierow to the Green team splitting up the only married couple in the draft. I would love to hear the trash talking that will go on all week in that household. The next shocking pick was plaing Caleb "Mean Green Nation" onto the White team with his own personal spell checker, Iron Man. Myself, (stebo) was placed onto the Green team with the 15th pick of the draft and that is wwhere we hit the midpoint. Next up, Scott "UntCampbell" was selected for the White team followed by Mean Green Buzz being placed on the Green. Our resident military man, Texas Stranger, was placed on the White team and Scott "Green Nawlins Vet" Keeler was put on the Green team. Scott "Hunter Green" Robertson was selected next for the White team followed by Kit "Mean Green Dork" to the Green team. Evan was next up for the the white team and Travis was selected for the Green team. In a surprising move, Big Will Haliburton was placed onto the White team; many had speculated that Will could go as high as top 5 but Matt was obviously going for youth and speed with his picks. The biggest "sleeper" in the draft turned out to be Scottie "Voy Board" Franklin who was placed on the Green team as a late round pick. Ray Ray was moved to the White team and Emmitt's roomie Kris was selected for the Green team, if he can keep his hair out of his face then Kris will be a force to be reckoned with next Saturday. Perry was a top 3 pick and was moved to the White team by Matt followed by Justin "UNT_92_Fan" being selected for the Green. And our top pick in the draft, Emmitt "I do not look like Hootie or any of the Blowfish" Jackson. Trades can be made between the two captains with my approval up to Wednesday at midnight. If you want to be on the other team, PM your captain and try to work out an arrangement. There has already been a little bit of posturing from Little Matty about some trade talks but I am not sure how receptive Iron Man was to the idea. All and all, the draft went off without a hitch. We have Youth against Veterans on paper. Both sides have the potential for meltdowns as there are a few volatile players on both teams that make no qualms about arguing with one another. It will be an entertaining day to say the least. While Matt seems to be going for the laid back "have fun" approach with his team, Iron Man is more of a Bill Parcells type and I would not be surprised if he had already memorized the rules in order to make sure he can take advantage of any weaknesses in the youthful Green team. The time has been pushed back 1 hour to 3 p.m. for practice and the game to immediately follow. Kevin (Gakusei) is once again rolling at the tailgating red carpet and bringing his grill out to the game. Bring your own drinks, and PM Kevin to ask him if he needs any donations as far as paper plates, catsup, buns, etc... after the game we will be going to watch our streaking basketball team take it to South Alabama to claim first place in the Sun Belt. If you have any questions, just reply to this message thread. I would rather answer the questions publicly so that I am not asked the same things over and over again. Each team can select one player through free agency. Silver Eagle had mentioned that his son would want to play but we set up a rule that you must reply to the player profil or PM me in order to verify trhat you were available and we never got a response from Silver or his son. No need to worry, if Silver, Jr does want to play (or anyone else for that matter) then they need to contact the two captains and plead their case for being picked up as their lone free agent. Free agency picks can be surprises, they do not have to be announced by any certain time. Just bring them to the game on Saturday; but the rule is ONLY ONE will be allowed to play for each team so choose wisely. Thanks to all those that participated from the players, the captains, Rick V, Hope, and especially Mean Green Queen for securing the Field, and Iron/UNTAngel for securing the equipment along with Erin through the North Texas Exes Student Chapter and Rec Sports.
  15. Draft will take place today at 1:00 p.m. http://client1.sigmachat.com/sc.pl?id=50284 Captains can choose to play or to coach from the sidelines. After draft is done, trading will be available until Wednesday, then the teams are locked. We want to be able to get certain friends on the same team; but BOTH captian must agree to the trade and you have to approach the league commissioner (that would be me) after you have approval from both the captains so that I can approve the trade. Captains: Little Matty - NT Eagle 08 Iron Man - Aaron Switzer Players available for draft: Scott Robertson Caleb Simpson ***Silver Eagle, JR - SCRATCHED - NEVER RESPONDED TO THE POST - Sorry Silver, but we had to know if he was going to play or not and we asked everyone to either respond to the post or to respond to me by PM. We are allowing both teams to bring in ONE non-drafted player so if he really wants to play, have him e-mail Matt and/or Iron Man to plead his case and try to get picked up. Hope Emmitt Two Dollar Pistols Pierow Myself - stebo Steve "MedPilot" Thomas Ramond "RayRay" Cobb Miller Genuine Buzz (Rob) Kit "Mean Green Dork" Young Brooke - Brooklyn Curtis "Texas Stranger" UntAngel - Jennifer Nicole Curry Justin "JayDub" Winters Sean Hiatt - UNTFan 23 "Big" Will Haliburton PerryG2480 - Perry Kris Gonzalez - resident hippy, Emmit's long haired roomie E-Bone Switzer, think Aaron, but smaller, Iron's lil bro GreenNawlinsVet - Scott Keeler Brent Scott "unt"Campbell - really does look like an attractive Willem Defoe, has close to 50 kids. Sammy "BUdwesier Man" Morrison Justin "UNT_92_FAN" Dearing - dish of the week Scottie Franklin Travis Lorenzo "Cerebus" Robles Wes "greenballer" Holcomb Jennifer "EagleChick03" Huber Tony "KingDl1" Barone Non-draftable: Your tailgate planner: Kevin "Gakusei" Nielson Your official beer girl: Melissa "Bonfire Nazi" Dolan Equipment/Facilities Manager: Erin "MGQ" Causey The nicest freaking guy in the worls and Your Distinguished Referee: Cody "Mr. Strange" Strange.
  16. Ok, I totally dropped the ball on this player yesterday. He asked me to post a profile and I flat out forgot. Our friendly admin wants in on the game. He will also be taking some pictures for us and doing a write up, kind of like an entrenched reporter. LoRo maybe the second most controversial player to enter the draft. Standing at 6'5" and weiging in at 265 lbs of pure muscle, LoRo would make an excellent TE but it is tough to not have his presence on the line. The team captain will have a multi functional player in LoRo. Biggest drawback, very much out of shape so he will need to sub out quite frequently. Plus he will be snapping pictures in the middle of running a route to peddle off on the Mean Green Report which could cause some major distractions.
  17. Kevin, I will bring hot links for you. I will plan on bringing about a 40 count. If someone else would bring the buns and catsup then that would be swell... but I love those Hot Link that we had for the Cajun game so I will pick up some for this tailgating event. Thanks for sticking with it when skeptics (like myself) were dogging on the basketball team. I am still not convinced that we are very good, but sitting with the fellow Greenbackers is entertainment enough for this old fan...
  18. I am PUMPED that we have so many players for GMG Bowl I. Even if we have some no-shows, each team is going to have a pool of 15 players each to play, give breaks to, and have a blast. Good to see some new people getting involved and a welcome back to some old friends that I have not seen in awhile. Add in all the non-players that have said they are coming and I expect 50-60 people to show up for GMG Bowl I. What a nice development! I hope to see this event grow over time and maybe we can have enough for 4 teams next year with a championship game and all! Everyone please bring a buck to the game. I am going to go by some awards (most athletic, least athletic, and winning team captain) so if everyone can bring one dollar each than that should cover the cheapo trophies that I buy.
  19. Controversial player, could be termed the Dennis Rodman of GMG without the tattoos or piercings. Scottie is as quick on the field as he is with the pen. Stud ex-HS QB should step right into that spot on whatever team gets to have him. Probably one of the few players that will be in shape, both mentally and physically. Glad to have my friend Scottie aboard for GMG Bowl I.
  20. I love self-awareness! Great to have you aboard untcampbell.
  21. Update on the field: Erin Causey HAS secured the practice field, cones to make the correct size flag football field, and the release forms. Big thanks to Erin for talking to Coach V about this at the women's game last night and walking the walk. She is also getting us the flags from Rec Sports, everyone needs to remember to thank Erin (Mean Green Queen) for putting togetehr our field and equipment at no charge. We need a final count on the flags, I am going to cut off sign ups at midnight tonight. If you have a profile on here than you are eligible. If you don't have a profile yet than create one. Juts follow what everyone else has done, type Player Profile and then in the By Line type your name and nickname. Then you can just put "I'm in" or you can type some funny antecdote about yourself. Whatever, we just need the final player counts.
  22. Ok, if your name is not up yet, I have not been able to finish so don't freak out. I will finish tonight. I have to get to Denton for b-ball and a movie. Later guys and gals, you are free to talk accordingly. If you are playing and your name is not up, start a thread, Player Profile, and put your name in the by-line. Then type a little something about yuorself just like I did. That would help me out, if you don't want to do it then be patient.
  23. Well, he can't spell... which almost assures us that he will be able to play football lights out. Caleb is a top 5 player and one of the few guys that will be in playing shape for this game. He can snap photos with the best of them at a football game, let's see if he can translate that to on the field play.
  24. Pistols can do it all.. and is not afraid to. Captains will be able to count on her to go the extra mile in order to score. Anyone that hung out with Pistols on Bourbon Street knows that she will do what it takes to get her beads... errr... catch on the football field.
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