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Everything posted by GreenFlag

  1. I see it the same way Vito does and I don't think it's spin. I think he is managing expectations of a fan base whose program had almost bottomed out as bad as a program could. We did this to ourselves and we are taking the steps to improve which I can live with. Did you attend the spring scrimmage? We have serious issues with depth. As a fan I will be content with 2 wins this year and a caveat that recruiting is going well. That will satisfy me as a fan that the program is going in the right direction. We could very well go 0-12 this year and that wouldn't mean McCarney is doing a poor job unless we saw horrible game planning and game management. We do have some extremely talented players but the lack of depth is an absolute killer. If we win 4 games this year, Dan McCarney should get coach of the year. Who the heck would we be favored against? FAU? Good thing we get them at home and they are in a program death spiral. Louisiana? They beat us last year at our place. WKU? WKU has been recruiting well, it's only a matter of time before they get better. I sure am glad we get them in Denton. I only see three games right now that IF we play well, limit turnovers, etc. that we can reasonably expect to win. If we win all of those contest and catch another team on a bad day, we maybe win 4. If McCarney and staff win 4, he is indeed Football Jesus.
  2. Our lowest rated player in our last recruiting class (Michael Stojkovic) had the best spring practice of the guys who could make it for spring ball. This new staff's ability to spot difference makers in 2 and lower 3 stars will be how we get out of the SBC cellar and build depth. A quick look at the past few recruiting classes and it is amazing just how many of our highly rated recruits never panned out.
  3. Happy Birthday George! George told me shortly after hiring Todd Dodge that UNT made a huge, gigantic mistake. Damn know it all.
  4. I think we need to play twice a year, once at your place and once at ours. I really like the series. Not a hater here but the WAC and the new arena will only slightly improve recruiting for you if at all. You are going to have to solve the attendance puzzle one piece at a time to improve recruiting. Too bad the students and people of Arlington don't appreciate the quality of product on the floor.
  5. When it becomes stable and exclusively southwestern in membership. The core of TSU, UTSA, UTA, NMSU, La Tech is nice but Seattle, Utah State, Idaho, & San Jose State just don't work for geographical reasons alone. There are the numbers for a Sun Belt like conference in the southwest but there would need to be a "gang of 8" like bolt from both the Sun Belt and the WAC. That imaginary conference would be ok but you would still face a stability problem and be precariously close to a numbers problem if 1 or 2 members were to bolt. That would put you in scramble mode again to add teams and you would most likely have to leave your footprint to do so. That would put you right back where you started. The Sun Belt keeps looking better all of the time. Very stable, improving commitmentment, and ability to add if there are defections. I would be very happy to have Texas State and UTSA in the fold as well. So the "Gang of 8" would be: UNT Texas State UTSA New Mexico State La. Tech Ark. State UL(L) And then you would have to add: Lamar (8) or a long shot of SHSU (9) Nice and regional for sure but you are at the minumum of 8. If you had a defection or two who the heck would you add to keep it regional? Would SHSU be ready to move up? Would you want SHSU? I'll answer that, no you wouldn't. Would the Sun Belt members want to bolt? Probably not. I can't believe I just posted this crap, football season can't get here fast enough.
  6. Great? I don't think so. DD did some real nice things. The 4 year run through conference was amazing. We had some nice pub and CUSA was sniffing around when they were looking to expand. That was the great stuff he accomplished. Now for the bad and really ugly. Even during the great dominating defensive years, the offense was capable against Sun Belt/Big West opponents but absolutely horrendous against better competition. Yes, we won a few non conference games against AQ teams that were having bad/mediocre seasons but we just couldn't move the ball on offense against a decent team. I remember a few of us Mean Green fans cheering in Norman when the Mean Green finally amassed 100 yards of total offense in the fourth quarter. In DD's second season, the offense averaged just over 10 points a game - think about that for a minute. The point is the fan base was subjected to really bad, really boring football for many years and attendance reflected that. I think a major reason attendance actually went up during the Dodge fiasco was even if we lost, it was at least entertaining. The recruiting absolutely, positively fell off sharply. I'll give all the credit in the world to DD for what he accomplished with what he had to work with during those 4 great years. But in the end, he turned the Mean Green into a Sun Belt cellar dweller. We never made the strides as a fb program that we were as an athletic department. We never took it to the next level and regressed quite a bit. It was all a flash in the pan. But man, that was one great run.
  7. To prepare maybe we can have two a days in a hot and humid place like Denton, Texas. Just busting your chops man, thanks for the report.
  8. How about the last 5 seconds? 5) go 4) mean 3) green 2) dot 1) com Just kidding Harry. I like your idea.
  9. That is what I based my projection on. Cristobal recruited well for quite some time before it payed off. Stock at MUTS did well his first season after replacing Andy Mac but Andy Mac could recruit, just couldn't coach/manage. We aren't going to get where we want to be any time soon. I think some folks on this board greatly under estimate the better programs in the Sun Belt. It is going to take some time to first be competitive and then be better.
  10. So just how long does he think it will take us to get to where we need to go? I think it will take 4 years to compete again for a Sun Belt Championship and 6-7 years before we can get a top 25 ranking.
  11. Strickly by the numbers posted for height and weight the answer is yes, but that was 16 years ago. Another issue is the BS factor. Are the heights/weights listed in 1995 accurate or over-inflated? Are the heights/weights accurate now? Who really knows? Here is what I know. We were small then and we are small now compared to teams from AQ schools. I just did a quick comparison between our roster and OU's as listed on each university's website. The rosters are very comparible on the web but we know better when we play teams like that. Links for your viewing pleasure. UNTOU
  12. We snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. This game will bother the hell out of these guys (and us) for the rest of their (our) lives. We know it, they know it. It wasn't just another game. To be honest, I'll be over it in the morning but I digress. Not really. Best of luck to the Trojans in the play-in game. Imagine this in my best Will Farrell voice...Bitter, bitter, bitter. Hate you Trojans, till the morning - then good luck....in the freaking play-in game you a-holes. You better freaking win the play in games chumps! You are such a bunch of a-holes! Sincerely, Hater of UALR - ever since a big white UALR player grabbed his junk after a close victory against the Mean Green in Denton screaming "we own you" back in 2005 or so. P.S. We need to kick them out of the conference for this, since they don't have football.
  13. OT - The first game of the year was an exhibition.
  14. I read it as "it was the the first junior day for this staff" in the beginning but later the article suggest that it was our first ever. When I spoke to RV on Friday he said the last staff would get 60 or so kids in for junior day. So yes, you are correct in that we have had them before.
  15. I had a run in with those 2 guys in Arlington a week or so before the murder. They took a car from our dealership and went around joy riding all day and finally brought the car back after 6 or 8 hours. The confrontation afterwards was bizarre. The non mentally challenged one was definately the ring leader and was hyper agressive, angry, and irrational. The guys that worked for me were pretty big, aggressive, former football players and every man there was a little shaken from these guys - we all knew the ring leader was destined for bad, bad things.
  16. Phew! Now I can go back to work!
  17. Better growth than UNT Dallas.
  18. Great kid and competitor. I wish him the best.
  19. Bride Texas Tech grad Wife's school our bitch thanks Josh White Decorum no way
  20. Todd Dodge and his wife are going.
  21. I don't have a problem with the suggestion of flying a pirate flag. I say this and still support my team, my University, and Chico.
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