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ntexeagle last won the day on April 30 2018

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About ntexeagle

  • Birthday 03/30/1950

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    Thornton, Colorado
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  1. Is that 10.9 for 100 yards or 100 meters. To convert the meters to yards you can take off one second. Then he is plenty fast.
  2. This young man looks like he can dominate. We need to stay on him.
  3. University of the Incarnate Word is located in San Antonio.
  4. I have been following North Texas football for 50 years and in that fifty years we have recruited exactly ONE five star recruit. That was Milton Collins, a vaunted running back. Mr. Collins only played a few games as a running back and finished his career with us as a D Lineman. We had very few 4 stars in that time. Not even SMU, Memphis or Boise have more than the occasional 4 stars. Let’s let the coach bring in players he can build into 4-5 star players. I believe he can and will, make u proud.
  5. Wouldn’t we all like to know what the new coach thought about that last series.
  6. UNT does not get the ball to start the half. I would say we left at least three points on the field. We may regret that last drive.
  7. What the heck? We were driving and slowed ourselves down.
  8. That is a great reply to the Boise field goal.
  9. Well, that interception looks familiar.
  10. They pulled a lot of plays out of the cover. Let’s hope they didnt dhow their hand too soon.
  11. Is he going to graduate with a doctoral degree?
  12. Harsin failed miserably at Auburn and had the advantages that big time college football can offer. To “step down” to the AAC could be a huge adjustment to him. I’m not sure he would be well received here.
  13. You can put me down with a vote for TCU’s Riley.
  14. Rice may not have been “pretty” but she was the only one we had to dance with.
  15. Success is perception. I live in Seminole, Florida, across the bridge fromTampa. My neighbor was on the coaching staff at USF when Jim Leavitt was the coach. He asked me, “I saw you guys are bowl qualified.” I replied that we were but our bowl outcome didnt look good. I told him we had been to six in the Littrell era. “Six!”, he replied. “We have only won 4 games total in the past three years.” Success is perception.
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